@Facade – funny how this relates to what I was just saying to you in another thread. In my 20s, I was 100% without a doubt positive that I never, ever wanted to have kids, no way, no how, it would never happen, and there was nothing on earth that could get me to change my mind. I was as certain of this as I was that the sun rose in the east and set in the west. I would have considered undergoing a vasectomy if my girlfriend (now wife) had not been willing to go on the pill. And had I done so, I can’t tell you how deep my regret would be now as a 38 year old father of an 8 year old son.
And were I some unique case in the anals of human psychology, that would be one thing, but I most assuredly am not. There was a girl I was chasing throughout high school and college whom I never managed to get beyond the just friends stage with, but it made me want her even more when she told me she too never wanted kids. She now has 4. I have cousins who when we were younger all agreed that the NEVER wanted kids, who now have 1, 2, sometimes 3 kids. I have friends from high school and college with whom I’ve reconnected who were dead set against ever having kids, who now have kids.
I used to rationalize it and say that I’ve looked at the issue from every possible angle, and I know that who I am will never fundamentally change so much that I’m going to suddenly want something I never wanted before. I used to think that frankly people were stupid and just giving in to these biological derivatives when they could lead much happier and fulfilling lives without having such a massive responsibility and hassle. I used to be the first one in a restaurant to wonder out loud why the parents didn’t bring a muzzle with them. I didn’t “hate” kids, but it was pretty damn close. Kids in fact have always gravitate towards me, and I just thought of them as nuisances…when a kid would approach me I’d want it to go away sooner rather than later.
But, and I KNOW even if someone told me this exact thing when I was 25, I’d have said, whatever, but after you live this non kid lifestyle for a while, you actually DO grow tired of it. You DO start to wonder if there is more to life. You DO start to think about reliving your own childhood vicariously through the eyes of a little version of yourself. You DO start to think about idealistic goals of imparting your values to another human. You start to see the fulfilment in things that when your’e in your 20s just sound excruciatingly dull and difficult.
But as much as you can guarantee anything, I guarantee that you’re more than 99% likely to change your mind at some point in your life. The fun of what you are doing now will start to lose its luster and in your process of self discovery that comes along with greater age and wisdom will come these facets to the concept of parenthood that had never occurred to you, or which you at very least never saw from that angle. Now, not EVERYONE chooses to have kids, some stay kid free forever, but even a good share of those people regret it from time to time.
Bottom line is, you could be right….human nature dictates that you are more likely wrong than right however, and as someone who professed in the other thread to looking at the kids issue using logic and facts, well logic and facts should dictate to you that no matter WHAT you feel today, there are billions of examples of people who thought the way you did, thought they would never change their minds, but then did. Fact is, you don’t know what you don’t know, and as they say, better safe than sorry, and I believe that the simple fact that the experience of other humans leads almost invariable to the conclusion that one has made a life altering mistake when undergoing such a procedure when they were not emotionally ready for children should give you pause.