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ragingloli's avatar

Will you share with us your most pleasant dreams?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) September 30th, 2009

My favourite in recent times was when I had wings. I stood at the edge of a skyscraper and just let myself fall forwards and then I flew ther. It was an awesome feeling and I flew up above the stratosphere. It was amazing.
Then my PC kicked itself out of sleep mode and woke me up. GRRR.

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34 Answers

Les's avatar

Ooh. I wouldn’t want to fly anywhere close to the stratosphere without some pressure chamber around me.

I used to have this recurring dream where I was walking down a road in Chicago, which I can only describe as looking like the Diagon Alley reproduction in the Harry Potter movies. Cobblestones, windy, curvy, little shops and strange people and dark. I think there were even gas lampposts lining the street. It was cool. And every time I had this dream, I’d go into some of the shops, and talk to some of the people, but there was one shop door that I always wanted to go in, but it was never open. The door of this shop was this huge, thick, solid wood door that looked like the door to a dungeon or something. It was like to door to the underground bar, Neo, in Chicago. If you know that place…nevermind. So then one night, I was having this dream and the door was open! So I went in, and it was like a museum of oddities: shrunken heads and mutated animals and stuff like that. That was it. I woke up, and I’ve never had the dream since. I’m kind of bummed, because I really liked that dream. It felt so surreal. And I can’t think of anything in my life at that time that I “overcame”. It was odd.

mrentropy's avatar

I had a dream, a long time ago, that I got on a winged horse. It took me up into the sky and I let myself slip off its back and was “swimming” in a stream of air. Something happened, I’m not sure what, and I realized that I would fall soon. I started scrambling my hands, looking for a handhold, and managed to catch onto a ledge in the clouds. I pulled myself up onto the ledge and there was a cave there.

I woke up at that point so I don’t know if it was a cave or a tunnel or what was inside of it.

Facade's avatar

I’ve never had a pleasant dream…

erichw1504's avatar

For some reason I always remember this one where I was working with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on a mission and when I woke up I was like “NooOooOoo!!” and tried to go back to sleep to continue it because it was awesome!

Axemusica's avatar

Not sure. Like I said in another question when I’ve fallen in love in a dream seems to be the most pleasant, I guess. Well, I guess only during. Waking up from is another story. The dreams I do remember, are, just, well they’re quite odd.

For instance. I recall a dream that placed me back in a place I used to go called job corps. My dreams jump from instant to instant kind of like a movie so keep up. At one point I’m in my dorm room talking to my roommates. About what, I do not remember. I think we were gonna go to the mall or something. Then I remember telling them to hold on while I put my cat away. That’s when the dream turns very strange. I look down and I’m holding a, kind of like stuffed cat. I could actually feel the texture and if you’ve every been to taxidermist then you know the feeling. In my other hand I had one of those huge freezer zip lock bags filled with water and I dunked the cat in there. Then we caught the bus to go where ever we were going and I woke up.

The whole day I was trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. There’s more strange dreams, but I’ve learned to just use them as good stories, lol.

mrentropy's avatar

I once dreamed the entire of Star Wars. Almost the whole thing; my dad woke me up for school right after the Death Star exploded.

ragingloli's avatar

an example what an incredible memory capacity the brain has. And you can not access most of it when you are conscious. Quite a shame, really.

Val123's avatar

Flying through the ceiling and then through the attic, and then on to outer space.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Unfortunately I can’t. I signed a confidentiality agreement when I joined Fluther. The part about not revealing my dreams was very specific. Sorry.

Val123's avatar

@Bluefreedom Oh no! I’m gonna get moderated!!

thanatos's avatar

My father is ashamed of me and encourages me to kill myself. I obey him. But after I die, I find myself awake on a grassy field in the mountains of Tibet. The air is cold and thin from the altitude but the sun is strong and I am never hungry and I don’t need much at all. The only responsibility I have is to take care of my soul, tend the monastery’s flock of sheep on the mountainside and carry out the duties that have been assigned to me by the Head Monk.

kibaxcheza's avatar

had one that i slit my old bosses throat

and another where i was kinda like Hitler and i lead a mass genocide operation. But it was more for anyone that didnt conform to what i wanted, not so much a specific race or religion.

kibaxcheza's avatar

my dreams are other peoples nightmares….. i dont have any others…. its weird, but i find them to be comforting.

my most normal dreams were of me eating a massive burrito for 3 hours and me and (someone) having a gun fight with harrison ford, clint eastwood, and my brother.

i had a dream once that i woke up as normal ( this one felt really real at the time) and went to take a shower. I pulled the shower curtain back and found my mother, hung and skinned. I stepped back out into the hall way and tripped over my brother who was mutilated/ partially dismembered. I ran outside and took 3 shots to the back, then had my shins broken with a sledge hammer.

the end of the dream was me saying “F&$% this.” standing up and walking down the street.

I kid you not, all of those are 100% true dreams that ive had.

Axemusica's avatar

While I was in the shower I thought of one that I thought was pleasant.

I was on a bus going somewhere (why are buses always in my dreams? lol, odd) when it was flipped on it’s side after a massive explosion and I was knocked out. When I came to I crawled out of the wreckage on the broken glass and stood up and took a look around.

People were running around screaming and there were bodies everywhere. Some from the wreckage some that looked like other reasons. The whole area was in ruins. Flames from builds that were once erect that were now fallen. That’s when I realized that only some of the people running around screaming were screaming in fear. The others? Well, they were screaming in hunger. That’s right zombies. I then smirked and found the nearest weapon and started my zombie rampage. I eventually found better weapons then the tire iron I initially found next to the wrecked bus.

I found this to be a pleasant adventure, lol. Others might find it “nightmare-ish.” I woke up like, “Holy crap that dream was awesome!” I had a good day that day, lol.

kibaxcheza's avatar

@Axemusica Very nice. I would love a zombie dream. That would be so kick ass.

ragingloli's avatar

i once had 3 consecutive dreams detailing a nuclear apocalypse and the subsequent enslavement of humanity by an extraterrestrial invader.
1st dream i was on a parking lot of a supermarket when a nuclear missile impacted right next to me. i banged my head on a wall waiting for it to detonate until i woke up
2nd dream i was at school sitting with my back to the window. nuclear explosion outside and i felt the heat building up behind me.
3rd dream had me standing on a tall building watching as several nuclear missiles impacted the city. i stormed down into the basement, got covered by rubble (had a nice little HUD showing the ambient temperature). climbed out of the rubble, and watched as crowds of humans being collected by huge tripods.

CaseyWVU10's avatar

Cristiano Ronaldo and I were married and blissfully happy **swoon** Needless to say, it was a cold hard fall back to reality when I woke up :(

ragingloli's avatar

ronaldo the brazilian football player?

CaseyWVU10's avatar

@ragingloli: Oh yes..that would be him. What can I say, I am obsessed.

DominicX's avatar

Most pleasant? I’ve had dreams that instilled a very pleasant feeling in me, but the reason for that isn’t always clear. The majority of my dreams are just strange.

But I can remember dreams that just felt very sentimental for some reason. All dreams where my dead cat appears are pleasant. I love seeing him again. Also the dreams where my grandmother who died this year is still alive and not affected by Alzheimer’s. Those are pretty cool dreams.

About a year ago before Rory became my boyfriend and before I knew he was gay, I had a dream where he appeared and he and I were sitting next to each other in my backyard on the ground against a wall and all of a sudden he leaned against me and that was very pleasant. I like to call that a prophetic dream…

Another time I had a dream about this magnificent garden by a beachfront. I don’t know how my mind came up with such fantastic images as they didn’t really resemble anything I had seen before.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

Jennifer Anniston, Angelina Jolie, Hot tub, I win.

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

I wake to find there’s no liberals.

kibaxcheza's avatar

@Noel_S_Leitmotiv that would be very very nice….

DominicX's avatar

I’d be happier in a world where we weren’t so divided along the lines of “conservative” and “liberal”, but hey, that’s why we call it a dream.

CaseyWVU10's avatar

@ragingloli: Not to get technical or anything BUT Cristiano is Portuguese :)

Saturated_Brain's avatar

I can never remember the exact details of my pleasant dreams, but all of them always involve some sort of grand adventure. I’m on a quest, I meet people along the way, I do stuff which leads me towards my goal. And to reach that goal I have to travel a lot. It’s almost like an epic journey.

Needless to say, I always wake up thinking, “Man, I wish that dream lasted longer.”

kibaxcheza's avatar

@Saturated_Brain EDIT (ending quotation): “Man, i need to stop playing playstation….” lol

Saturated_Brain's avatar

I just had an amazing dream.. As always it was of the Quest genre. I don’t really remember how it went (there was most probably fighting and vanquishing evil-doers [or that was probably in the other dream I had last night]), but I do remember the ending. I was talking with another guy/girl, we had completed our mission, and we were off to Samoa. There was an instrumental version of Aloha ‘Oe playing in the background, you know, the type of music which always plays in those Looney Tunes shorts. And the scene ended with a postcard drawing that said something along the lines of, “Come to Samoa. Pacific Paradise” before the screen blanked out and the music got louder and the trumpet chorus replaced the Hawaiian guitar.

Then I woke up thinking, “I like that dream.”

On an interesting side-note, I realise that I do actually have a degree of control over my dreams. If something happens, I can go, “Wait a minute… I didn’t like that. Let’s do it again” and it happens again, happening the way I want it to. Of course, sometimes it doesn’t work, and sometimes it just ends up with me waking up

@kibaxcheza I stopped playing playstation ages ago. That was so nineties. In fact.. I haven’t touched any gamin console in.. whoa.. too long…

DominicX's avatar


I find it interesting that I’ve never had a dream about grand adventures and evil doers and magic and fantasy and what not. My dreams are always so mundane. They take place in strange interesting places, but always very realistic and earthly, like big houses that take me a long time to navigate through, or a revamped version of my grandmother’s house, or an elaborate garden, or big office building.

Does this mean I’m a boring person? :\

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@DominicX Not at all. I think it just means that our minds work in different ways. In fact, I’d like to have one of your dreams. I can’t remember any dream where I was just walking by myself somewhere. Sounds calm and peaceful, the exact opposite of what my dreams always are. =P

But when you’re wandering around in your dreams, is there ever a specific goal in mind?

And I just remembered that in my dream, when it was clear that we were going to Samoa, I was thinking to myself, “But didn’t they just have a tsunami?” I think it’s weird how news events weaved themselves into my dream

DominicX's avatar


There’s pretty much always a goal, even if it’s just “get to the other side of the place”, but almost all of these dreams involve other people in them (people I know, usually my friends, but sometimes people I don’t even spend time with and have just met them briefly).

They’re not always peaceful, though. Sometimes they’re stressful in that there’s a goal, but I keep getting distracted from it and I feel like I’ll never be able to get it done and it’ll be too late.

But sometimes the dreams are pure exploration without a clear goal. Those are my favorites. Exploring a mysterious forest that is a bastardization of the forest at Lake Tahoe, or exploring a hotel with strange events going on and people like boyfriend with me. Always interesting in some way.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@DominicX Dayang.. Okay, I’d like that last type of dream of yours. Now if only there were a way to transfer dreams from one person to another…

I sometimes wonder what my dreams indicate of my personality… I’m no dream interpreter but it seems as if your dreams show that you’re always seeking something, or that you’re just thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking… Something like me, except in a healthier way. =P

On a side-note, I wish that I could experience dreams with people. It would be so cool for people to dream the same thing, and really interact with each other, then wake up and discuss their dream and what they could’ve done to make it better. But then I’m fantasising…

Saturated_Brain's avatar

Update on another dream I just had two days ago (I think I’m going to turn this into my personal dream thread soon….).

I was somehow at a shopping mall with this guy. I saw that he had some marriage problems and decided to offer to talk to him. We then spent a long time walking around the near-deserted and dark shopping mall (it wasn’t one of those modern shopping malls. It was more like one of those really old centres you get from the 80s) just discussing his problems which he seemed very relieved to be doing. I was convinced by him that his wife was in the wrong and was giving him lots of support.

After that we joined back with the rest of the group where I found out that the wife had been talking to the rest of the group and they were apparently convinced that the husband was the one in the wrong. Well, I didn’t manage to get to the bottom of it before everything changed..

I was now a king and the shopping mall had somehow turned into a castle. I saw students dressed in Hogwarts apparel wandering around as if on a tour and there was another king who was visiting me. The man whom I had discussed his marriage problems with was still there. Then I was out in a walled courtyard under a grey sky.

Suddenly there was a tsunami. The waves started pounding on the beach right next to the castle and eventually when they got high enough the crashed through the stained-glass windows of the courtyard (I have no idea why a courtyard would have windows made of stained glass), causing chaos as people started fleeing. I hurriedly grabbed the man with the marriage problems and the visiting king and tried to pull them into a passageway only I could open. The visiting king pulled free from me for a moment, took his horse then followed me into the doorway.

We walked up some stairs into a dark room where the atmosphere changed. It suddenly became much cooler and there was dust everywhere. A few beams of light pierced through the darkness and gave just enough light to show that it was a room with a very high ceiling. Whatever wooden furniture there was was covered with a layer of dust. It was obvious that nobody had entered the room for a very long time. It was somewhere around this point where medieval choral chants began, lending an even more lonely and forgotten dimension to the place.

For some reason, I then knew that this was the old room where I used to have counsel with my knights. I explained to the visiting king and the other man that I was King Arthur and this was where the round table used to be. Funnily enough a vision of a table appeared. It was rectangular.

The visiting king and his horse were then up on a big rope ladder somewhere against the wall (don’t ask me how the horse got up there) and he came down. The man with marriage problems now had a name: Collaghen (pronounced as “Kol-la-gayn” [stress on the first syllable]). I was overcome with a great sadness as I carried on relating how we had become more decadent and strayed from who we used to be.

I called them over for a group hug in an effort to console myself, but it didn’t work out very well. They didn’t seem to be familiar with the concept of group hugs and besides, the visiting king didn’t have very good breath. I then realised that the doors into the room were unlocked and thus anyone could enter. For reasons unknown to me I just didn’t want anyone else to intrude so I went to lock the doors. Apparently I was just in time for I heard voices and people trying to open the door. One voice said, “Shh… Don’t. This is the room which must not be entered.”

It was around this point where I started to wake up. The last memories I have of the dream are the three of us in the room, each standing separate from the others deep in their own thoughts.

While the dream wasn’t exactly pleasant, it was quite emotional. Poignant, if I had to use one word. Memories of a great past contrasted with a less-than-fulfilling present. Also, I’m of the opinion that I’ve had this dream before. In fact, I’m starting to believe that I’ve had many of my dreams before. The core “plot” stays the same while certain details change…. I need to update my software…

Ah wells, sorry for that. Just felt like I needed to unload this somewhere..

And in case anyone’s wondering, Collaghen is a Celtic name. I checked it out myself on Google. I for one find it interesting how my mind could have come up with such a name when I can’t remember ever coming across it in my life

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