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seVen's avatar

Regarding Swine Flu H1N1 Vaccines. What actually are they composed of?

Asked by seVen (3492points) September 30th, 2009

I heard they put Mercury in it, if it’s true how the heck can that be good for us?

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15 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

Vaccines need to be preserved. Some vaccines have been preserved with thimerosol, a form of mercury, which was briefly controversial because of the mistaken belief that it was correlated somehow to the rising incidence of autism. In any event, the active ingredient is always attenuated virus, and there must also be a carrier of some sort, and a preservative.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I’m with ya on this one but I suspect you are asking the wrong audience. Other times this has been brought up on here people have been pretty strongly in favor of vaccines of all types.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Where did you hear that? Can you link an article?

Vaccines are generally made this way:

“The influenza vaccine is made by growing influenza virus in hen’s eggs, purifying it, and completely killing it with a chemical (like formaldehyde). The influenza vaccine given as a shot is a “killed” virus like the polio, hepatitis A, or rabies vaccines. (see How Are Vaccines Made?).

The influenza vaccine is unusual in that each year a different vaccine is made. Because strains of influenza virus that circulate in the community can differ from one season to the next, the vaccine must change to best protect against those different strains. Every year in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determines what strains of influenza are circulating, and makes sure that all the influenza vaccines that are made that season contain viruses that would protect against the circulating strains. For this reason, the influenza vaccine is probably the hardest vaccine to make.”
from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

I would add that the H1N1 virus will be available as in both injection form as the “flu mist”, which is made in a slightly different way, with a live but weakened virus, instead of a dead one. It’s described here in more detail in the New York Times.

oratio's avatar

You take the vaccine once, because H1N1 isn’t good for you. I wouldn’t worry about the thimerosol at this instance. It’s not something we consume regularly.

casheroo's avatar

@La_chica_gomela Yes, some of them do contain thimerosal. A state just lifted it’s regulation on how much can go into a vaccines, just so they can put more into a vaccine than they normally would. Scary.
They put a lot of money into this vaccine, they’re expecting quite a bit of revenue because of their scare tactics.
The ingredients are similar to the regular flu vaccine, but I guess a different antigen.

DarkScribe's avatar

Sneezing pigs?

shilolo's avatar

Straight from the CDC is nothing to be scared of. The quantities of thimerasol are exceedingly low (they typically are introduced during an early stage of production) as they are diluted during production. In any event, there is no correlation of thimerasol with autism or diseases of any kind.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@casheroo: Interesting article! I think you might have linked a different page than you meant to perhaps though. It doesn’t say anything about thimersal or lifting any bans…
Edit: I refreshed this page, and I see two articles now. <3

casheroo's avatar

@La_chica_gomela Sorry, that first article was just to show that some do contain it, but some do not. Here’s the article about Washington I know it’s just used as a preservative, but why have limits in place if they’ll just lift them? What were the limits for? Our safety? And then they just disregard it which just doesn’t sit right with me.
oh and I see that it’s just for pregnant woman and children, but we all get the same vaccine. and no, I do not think it causes autism

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Very interesting! I see that the FluMist (the live attenuated verrsion) will not contain any thimerasol. (It is kept frozen).

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@casheroo: It says it’s “This was done as a precautionary step and not because there was evidence confirming that thimerosal-containing vaccines were causing health problems”

@seven: It also says The National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) all reviewed the data and found it to be safe, in addition to the CDC and the FDA.

oratio's avatar

I think that putting amalgam in your teeth is a far more serious subject. Now that is a heavy metal issue.

casheroo's avatar

@oratio I actually read in a natural living magazine from a doctor, that it was safer than we thought. The fact that they can leak freaks me out though. But they last soo long.

oratio's avatar

@casheroo Maybe you are right. The alloy of dental amalgam only contains 3 % quicksilver. But everything in the body breaks down. Combined with what we accumulate due to what we eat and drink and how we use our bodies, I think that the stress the human body experience many times make us sick.

The sugar additives in our food, antibiotics through meat, artificial sweeteners, PCB in our bodies, heavy metals in fish and so forth. The human body is developed for a life we don’t live. Nowadays we have to exercise in order to take care of us, something most people don’t do enough.

Illnesses like cancers, diabetes and autoimmune diseases have been rising and to the question why, I believe it’s directly connected to how we live our lives, and the environment we have created for us.

I just think that why use amalgam when there are good alternatives?

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Mercury is a vaccine preservative. In small doses, such as present in vaccines, it is largely benign.
Some will say vaccines cause autism but it bears mentioning that no credible scientific evidence has been presented that supports such a claim.

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