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Bugabear's avatar

Did Greenpeace really cause the Pine beetle problem? (see details)

Asked by Bugabear (1717points) September 30th, 2009

Did Greenpeace really cause the Pinebeetle problem? I recently went camping in B.C. and I couldn’t help but notice all of the dead red trees. When I asked around as to why this is, one of my campsite neighbors said that it was the Pinebeetle. He then went on to say that the Canadian goverment had a chance to nip this problem in the bud but Greenpeace stepped in at the last moment to stop it because the plan involved razing a couple square miles of perfectly good forest to stop their advance. And now because of it thousands of miles of square miles is now dying and its been costing the timber industry millions of dollars. And lots of little animals like chipmunks are now homeless. Also it must put pressure on the Logging companies to harvest all these dead trees.

Just wondering if this is true. ( The Greenpeace part)

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6 Answers

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Greenpeace loves trees. They are not going to kill trees when saving trees is their objective.
That’s not how they roll.
Greenpeace has many people who are very highly educated in environmental sciences.
They’re not ignorant to these things.

mammal's avatar

Doubt it, sounds like propaganda.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Hard to say, as environmental groups are like any other business, they are in business to make money and to keep their employees working. Anyone who thinks otherwise is quite obviously gullible.

Look at the whole Spotted Owl fiasco. That particular owl was protected, and now it is being forced out of its habitat by another species of owl. People mucking about with nature for emotional and illogical or irrational reasons annoy the shit out of me. If we have true science to back it up, great. If it done because ‘X’ is cute, then we have a problem.

It could be propaganda, but I’d research both sides of the debate before coming to a distinct conclusion. Nature is rarely an either/or proposition. I used to support Greenpeace for years, but for various reasons, they have fallen off my radar as a group worthy of my support.

Bugabear's avatar

Im trying to. And btw This all happened in the 80’s. Im sure the leader of the organization has changed hands may times since then. Or its entirely possible that it was done by a radical cell. And this is in Canada, not the US.

Kraigmo's avatar

Sounds like propaganda and memetics from some evil focus group hired by some evil company.

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