What do you look for in a friend?
I’m just wondering what everyone looks for in a friend… since everyone is different.
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41 Answers
I’ve never really gone looking for a friend, they just sort of happen. But what I prefer in a friend is not unlike what I want in a partner, humor and intelligence primarily.
I don’t think people should ‘look for’ things in friends. You’d be amazed at the people you can make friends with. No matter how similar or different they are from you and your expectations.
Well all of my friends have been around since high school.. a couple of them even longer.. I think the reason I’ve kept them as friends is because we just click.. we’re into the same music.. the same movies ect.. but more importantly, they’ve been there for me in good times and in bad times and they’ve been loyal friends.. I wouldn’t give any of them up for anything in the world.
Someone with a hot mom or sister.
I don’t really go out looking for friends. It just sort of happens.
I have a group of diverse friends but I usually consider most skateboarders a friend or Im more drawn to them.
@The_Compassionate_Heretic: ditto!
Now, most do share some commonalities such as:
great big hearts happiest when sharing, reaching out
high regard for personal integrity and accountability
resiliency in the face of hardships
fluidity to adapt, change and progress
art lovers
music lovers
Ok, maybe I should’ve worded the question differently?
I don’t mean how or where you go to look for a friend, but what sort of qualities you like in people you make friends with.
loyalty, reliability, maturity, sense of humor.
My friends share common interests and abilities, and we share mutual personality traits.
Well, I am not the picky person, I would love anyone for their own personalities but there are a few traits which I cannot tolerate no matter how close a person is to me, like vain, showing off and a big time liar…
I tend to agree with the others in this topic: I look for maturity in my friends/the people I hang out with. Although immaturity can be fun, in controlled settings, I tend to prefer more adult (mature) people in general.
Also, my friends tend to be artists of one sort or another, perhaps because I am weird and creative, and who else but an artist would also be weird and creative? (We also have similar worldviews.)
I also dislike people who draw attention to themselves in a show-offy manner. It’s obnoxious and annoying and immature. (There’s a specific person I’m thinking of, but it applies in any instance.)
I have never looked for anything. Friendships just happen. Some are similar to me in many ways, some distinctly different. I have never even considered a list of attributes or similar, but then I have never actively looked for a friend.
well my mom says I’m a freak magnet all the weirdos outcasts and freaks come to me. I wouldn’t call my friends freaks . . . they’re just uniqe. So in my friends I look for people with the same quirky odd nature as me, I prefer the quote un quote freaks they’re my kind of people. Now I don’t purposely go and find odd people it’s just the kind of people I gravitate towards. That and people with a healthy dose of sarcasm . . . if people don’t get your humor it’s an awkward friendship.
who can give you mac notebook and PSP.. Joke!
anyway, friend is just like accident, they just came, it just happen then bang! he or she is your friend… cheers!
Someone that is respectful even if we may disagree about something, has a quirky sense of humor, honesty, compassionate and someone who enjoys sports and/or outdoor activities (though the last one isn’t absolutely necessary, it is a big plus).
My friends could be..
I love my friends.They get me.I can be myself around them and confident.:)
Friend – Someone I can talk to.
Friend – Someone who listens
Friend – Someone I can trust
Friend – Someone I enjoy being with
Friend – Confides in me
Friend – Doesn’t try to change me
Friend – Easy to be around.
Friend – Not afraid to tell me I am wrong if I am.
I love this one: what’s the difference between a friend and a best friend?
A friend will help you move. A best friend will help you move
a body.
Loyal, trustworthy, honest, light hearted, intelligent, funny. My closest of friends have the same taste in music, that’s very important to me.
I know that any friend I’ve had long-term is good at communication, both a good listener and able to give their honest opinion. They tend to be very liberal,thoughtful, and open-minded- sometimes that may result in T.oo M.uch I.information in a talk, but we tend to just laugh at it.
Generally I think we look for a lot of the same things in a friend. We obviously want someone who is trustworthy, honest, and loyal.
My closest friend just gets me. I don’t feel stupid around her, and we can joke around and talk about the most unimportant and yet somehow important things for hours. I know that I can trust her with anything, and even though we live in different states we are always there for each other. I love her dearly.
I look for humor and intelligence
Weakness and low self esteem.
fuck you guys. . .I’m the fat one.
Has conversations instead of trying to press their ideas, and some intelligence.
people who make me laugh and don’t put me in deliberately say things or drag me into situations that would grieve me…humour and respect i guess yeh that sounds about right
humous and loyality, also same taste is most important
I look for the same qualities that i have. Honesty, loyalty, sense of humor, respectful. Thats about it.
A friend is a special and rare thing for me. It is someone who never judges me, and always acts interested in what I’m saying, even when he isn’t. He’s someone at whose house I am always welcome, announced or not. He is always ready for a beer or an update, or both. He understands the deepest me, as I understand him. He has the same issues I have and we can easily relate to each other. He’s smarter than I am. I respect him enormously. I trust his judgment.
@daloon – I agree with all those qualities but you used the masculine pronoun he throughout. Does that mean you only can have or want male friends?
Just curious.
Well, women friends are great, but they aren’t really possible. It’s wouldn’t work to bring a new woman into my life, unless it was my wife who brought her in. So a guy it will have to be. Not that it will happen.
@daloon – yeah that’s a whole other subject isn’t it. And it is kind of sad.
really, i just like people who are nice and funny.
also, i don’t do well with people who are discriminatory, whether it be against a race, sexual orientation, etc. it doesn’t matter if it has anything to do with me personally.
a similar taste in music would be awesome, but not a requirement. haha.
Anyone who can deal with my occasional bouts of madness is a winner in my eyes
I dont really look for stuff, friend just sort of happen for me
A wicked sense of humor and a passion for something in life….anything will do but just be passionate about something. I find passions in life immensely interesting about the people I know.
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