General Question

KatawaGrey's avatar

How common is anal sex? (NSFW)

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) October 2nd, 2009

Television, movies, even other people make it seem as if everyone participates in anal sex and that those who don’t are in the minority. Which is the case? I recently found out that my boyfriend has only particiapted in anal sex with one girl and I had been thinking that I was the first who was unwilling to try it. Naturally, I turn to the collective. How common is anal sex?

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47 Answers

eponymoushipster's avatar

if you’re watching porn, very.

in the real world, not so much.

Facade's avatar

According to my question on it, not that common except for me of course :)

oratio's avatar

I’ve had anal sex with most of my girlfriends now and then. They all enjoyed it. One was crazy about it. If you are careful and take it slow, it’s good for both. But, if you don’t want to, you shouldn’t do it. It’s supposed to be enjoyable.

sjmc1989's avatar

Ok I don’t mean to take the “spotlight” off of your answer but I have been wondering this for awhile now and felt to stupid to ask but it is driving me crazy. What the hell does NSFW mean??

Oh yeah and to add tried anal once drunk off of whiskey and after prom. He stuck it in barely, I cried, not something I’m looking forward to trying again.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@sjmc1989: It means not safe for work. It took me forever to figure that out, don’t feel bad. :)

sjmc1989's avatar

@KatawaGrey Thank you so much! I would never have guessed that one. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one Lurve for you :)

eponymoushipster's avatar

@oratio maybe you want to jot down some of their phone numbers, mm?~

marinelife's avatar

”# Kinsey data collected between 1938–1963 found that 9 percent of non-married males and 28 percent of non-married females had engaged in anal sex at least once. Among married subjects, the numbers were much lower—around 11 percent for both men and women.

# In 1974, Playboy magazine published a huge survey of over 2000 people. Depending on the age of the respondent, between 14 and 25 percent of people said they had tried anal sex at least once.

# A more recent study, conducted in 1990 at the Kinsey Institute, found that 27 percent of male and 24 percent of female college students had anal sex at least once.

# One researcher, who surveyed one group of people in the 1970s then another in the late 1980s, offers a good point of comparison. In the first survey, 25 percent of women had anal sex and 8 percent reported engaging in it regularly. In the second, 72 percent had anal sex, and 23 percent reported engaging in it regularly.”


trailsillustrated's avatar

—way more than you think—my bum hurts

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

I’ve had a number of Gf’s that enjoyed anal sex, and one for whom it was rather important (giving and recieving).

As the pegg er I can take it or leave it but I care to please my lover.

As far as recieveing anal play from a female it’s a powerful psyochological and emotional trip when her phallus is strapped on.

Axemusica's avatar

“1938–1963 found that 9 percent of non-married males and 28 percent of non-married females had engaged in anal sex at least once.” lol sounds like that 9% is getting around on that 28% or most of the men were lying.

I myself have tried it with a few different girlfriends, but never got any further than the tip once before they said, ”ouch, ok that’s enough.” lol. I’m not sure what the big deal is, but of course I haven’t gotten very far, but am willing to try. I’ve always thought, don’t knock it till you try it & I’m willing to try everything at least once, twice if I like it. Although, only the tip once is hardly an attempt in my book. I’m not eager to get dirty pun intended ;P, but I’m not saying I’m against trying.

casheroo's avatar

Hmm, I figured most people have at least tried it once…you can’t hate something until you try it. I don’t know the percentage of people who make it a habit..that’d be interesting to know.

oratio's avatar

@eponymoushipster Lol, biblically I’m sure. I knew you were a good christian.

noodle_poodle's avatar

far as i know its quite common but i sure as hell wouldnt want to…apparently it can be quite damaging to the person taking it…its personal opinion but i reckon a lot of people put up with trying to do things they dont want to because they feel obligated…so unless you really want to i;d say no as otherwise it might be painful and degrading

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

I’m seeing scenarios here that are destined to result in failure:

The female agrees to give anal sex a try for the first time. The male attempts to penetrate the female with his penis. The female is hurt and as a result and swears off anal sex forever.

Stop this! I’ts way too much too soon. Your girl might be quite interested in anal play but your clumsy approach isn’t doing her any good.

Caress the area first while stimultating her elsewhere. give her brain time to connect the different sexual sensations.

You want this for her? prove it by licking her there.

Great sex doesn’t happen overnight.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

Q: Can you get pregnant from anal sex?
A: Yes. Where do you think politicians come from.

Must be pretty common.

oratio's avatar

Well, anyway. If you want to try it, it’s important to be very horny, relax, be very careful and gentle and apply lots of lubricant. Done right you’ll have fun and it is very enjoyable for most people. People have had anal sex for thousands of years. But, it’s not important for good sex.

Supacase's avatar

I don’t know what TV shows and movies you are watching, but I have never gotten that impression. I have a feeling we would not be compatible television viewers. LOL

I would say about half of the girls I know who have talked about their sex lives with me have tried it or are open to it. The other half are fiercely opposed to it. There doesn’t seem to be much middle ground on the subject.

eponymoushipster's avatar

who woulda known he was an asslicker…

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

yes, there’s more to life than exchanging jabs online FYI

noodle_poodle's avatar

@Noel_S_Leitmotiv…the “you want this for her” comment says enough on the subject right there…but thats a lengthy debate i cant be bothered with on a subject which doesn’t much concern me

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

it’s common in my relationship
and it’s common in relationships of my friends
so that’s all i can vouch for

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

@noodle_poodle: Please choose:

A. I don’t understand what you’re meaning by your reply, please help me understand.

B. Then why say anything at all.

Axemusica's avatar

@Noel_S_Leitmotiv I’m assuming you mean the “clumsy” comment for me? It wasn’t clumsiness. In fact many of the girls I tried it with knew it was going to hurt at first and we even did a lot of homework as to this position that position even with lube to try and do it right. Lol, I wasn’t even the one moving sometimes. They would try their own maneuvers to get it in there and they just weren’t having it. Name it. We probably tried it.

Although, if I had a SO right now and we were reading this, just by the many people saying it’s not uncommon, I’d bet we’d succeed. Given a kind of sensible feeling about the idea.

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

@Axemusica: No, I wasn’t directing the comment at anyone specifically. Anal sex is like any other kind, that is it’s not going to work for everyone even if their willing.

I like the spirit of planning, communication, and experimentation you describe.

My only real gripe here is toward those that comment like a man’s interest in anal sex is insensitive, selfish and cruel.

And those who describe their lack of interest in the subject with a faint air of righteousness.

Axemusica's avatar

@Noel_S_Leitmotiv Agreed. I guess my comment disproves those statements, lol.

Although in order for the idea to come up, I’d probably not be the one suggesting it, in fact I never was and it usually never even crosses my mind.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Of the few relationships I’ve had, only a few were interested in it enough to bring the subject up and the others were interested only if it was something I was wanting for my pleasure. It seems really common though.

laureth's avatar

It’s not as common in my marriage as I would like. This is probably TMI.

Axemusica's avatar

@laureth not in this thread. just look at @Facade displaying her favoritism of it. I say that respectfully @Facade ;)

Facade's avatar

Of course :)

gottamakeart's avatar

I used to beleive it was an option for Gay sex and something straights did as a stunt or only in porn. I have a friend who told me his girlfriend has the most intense orgasms from anal. Which I guess is rare for women since they don’t have a prostate to stimulate. The ONLY thing gross about it is that they bare-back. Which is both un-safe and un-sanitary.

DrBill's avatar

The more “elegant” way especially the first time is:

FIRST douche, we must keep it clean, use lots of lube, Gentle finger action to get used to the feel and to help relax the muscles, then move on to a small sex toy and work your way up to something similar in size to the penis in question. Lastly, get into position, pull the toy out and insert the well lubed penis.

Because the anus is going to be a tighter fit than the vagina, most people (male and female) will climax faster.

Because the anus was gently stretched open rather than forced, it is more comfortable and more pleasurable for her, and if you make it enjoyable for her, she will be more likely to want to do it again.

Warning to the receiver, because the anus is opened air will get in and afterwards you may have gas effects (it’s only air). Also, if your partner cums inside, you may experience “wet farts”

The rectum is made to absorb moisture from waste , this makes it easer to become infected from an infected partner.

Of course both partners need to clean up afterwards.

According to a survey in 1999 out of 20,482 people polled (10878 men, 10604 women), 11,889 said they enjoyed anal as a regular part of their sex life. (UC-S)

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

Anal Douche Lurve @DrBill, thank you.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Apologies for the late response everyone. I had a wedding to go to out of state and had no computer for a few days.

Originally, I did want to know specifically about numbers but all of this information is simply fascinating. The way I see it, if everyone involved wants to, then go for it. The idea of my boyfriend’s penis in that particular part of my body doesn’t sit well with me no pun intended. Maybe we will work up to that one day. For now, I am quite content for him to put one finger not too far in. :)

I would think that was TMI but considering what else I’ve read in this thread, i thought I’d just put my two cents in. :)

laureth's avatar

A finger AND two cents? That could be TMI. ;)

sandystrachan's avatar

It’s very common in my house , and thats all that matters.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@KatawaGrey if you put in two cents, next time you sit down, it’ll sound like rain on a tin rooftop.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Imagine what people would say if I had three cents.

Iclamae's avatar

No idea how common it is, but after the responses above and the responses I got to my question about it, it seems like many people are finding it hard to make pleasurable because they had a bad first time and there’s just so much mental baggage with it making it still seem taboo. I don’t think it should be but that’s the impression I got from the responses to my question.
I think it’s just a much more intimate sexual practice because you have to be so comfortable to do it.

tennisfreak95's avatar

I love it. But havent found many guys that want to.

DrBill's avatar

Welcome to the party….
it’s one of my favorites, plus you don’t have to worry about getting pregnant.

downtide's avatar

@tennisfreak95 Welcome to Fluther. I’m actually surprised you can’t find a guy who wants to. I’ve always had the impression that most men would jump at the chance if their wives or girlfriends would let them.

I’m also sure that more women (and men!) would enjoy receiving anal sex if their partners followed @DrBill‘s advice. (To which I can only add – use a condom if you’re not absolutely 100% certain of your partner’s sexual health).

The best orgasms I’ve ever had have been from anal sex (receiving) and considering that I don’t have a prostate, that still surprises me.

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