General Question

OpryLeigh's avatar

Is there an online blog that you visit on a regular basis?

Asked by OpryLeigh (25310points) October 2nd, 2009

If so, how did you come across said blog and what made you continue reading after the first visit?

A link would be appreciated :)

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20 Answers

Les's avatar


I think my brother sent me a link to one of the cakes, and I’ve been addicted since then. They are really funny.

mrentropy's avatar


And mine, ‘cause I write it.

jrpowell's avatar The first thing I read everyday. It leans really left but provides good info. Same as the above. More Mac nerdery. Design stuff. Neat stuff.

robmandu's avatar

Would you like my entire list?

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Cupcake's avatar

I wouldn’t say regularly, but I love The Pioneer Woman Cooks

XOIIO's avatar

Almost every day

tandra88's avatar

I don’t have a specific blog, but, I like

laureth's avatar

I’m a fan of Clusterf*ck nation, James Kunstler’s blog.
Comment on Current Events by the Author of “The Long Emergency”

YARNLADY's avatar

I visit my own blog every day, and read the other connecting blogs of my friends. I have met most of my primary contacts in person, and have ‘met’ their contacts through their blogs. I sometimes go roving through the network of blogs and visit people from all over the world.

I also visit my Flickr pages and explore through those when I feel like ‘touring the world’.

Supacase's avatar (a friend writes it and I think she’s is a great writer) & Both of these were suggested to me and I think they are a riot

Grisaille's avatar

Kotaku, io0, et al from the Gawker network.

oratio's avatar

Hmm. ”et al” . Had to look that up. Is it something you use in common speech in the US?

Grisaille's avatar

I suppose so, yes. I do so regularly, when context permits. I’ve heard it used from others outside of the U.S.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Supacase I agree, your friend is a very good writer!

markyy's avatar, it’s a videoblog (vlog) for my daily dosis of internet culture and memes. It changed a lot this year, but it’s still good (just different). If you insist on written text try their blog or the tumbler page’s of the contributors.

laureth's avatar

@Supacase – thanks for the awkward photo link! I just spent a stupid long amount of time laughing at it! :)

TheCreative's avatar

I looooove The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs. This guy is so talented and has a very good sense of humour. Very entertaining blog.

SarasWhimsy's avatar

Well mine of course, but also neatorama, yes but no but yes, cakewrecks, failblog, raflrazzi, and some other humor blogs.

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