Cellphone interference or sign of death?
So I was on the phone with my friend last night, both of us have cell phones on ATT and the line cut out. So he called me back and a few minutes later the line cut out and when I tried to call him it went straight to voicemail. So then two mintues later he called me back and was like “did you hear that?” and I was like “NO” and he said he could hear me butthen I faded out and there was a voice with static whispering in a very eerie voice to him and he couldn’t make out what it was saying but it was very angry and aggressive sounding. So we were creeped out but brushed it off as cellphone interference.
WELL the very next day I am on the phone with my doctor and the line cuts out and I hear the same thing, this angry agrressive voice whispering in a very deep voice with static in the background and then it started screaming and banging things.
To be honest I am a little freaked out, anyone have any ideas??
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27 Answers
Stop watching horror movies.
It could just be that AT&T’s network is as useless as everyone says.
Id Still be shitting my pants if that happend, sounds scarey
If that happened to me, I would be a little freaked out too. But I watch ridiculous Sci-Fi shows so I tend to overdramatize a bit….
I had a voicemail that was basically ten minutes of angry, aggressive whispering in static. I was standing alone on a dark street corner when I listened to it. I nearly pissed myself with terror. I’m still alive and it’s been three years, though, so don’t worry about it.
I was on AT&T at the time, too. Shitty service is just shitty, not deadly.
I suspect it’s just interference, but in your place I wouldn’t make any long range plans.
No more ‘shrooms for you. . .
ssssssssssss. . . we are coming. . .sssssssss. . .you to hell. . .ssssssssss. . . Begley Jr. sssssssss. . .
I haven’t had any problems with AT&T service. However, when I used to work at our local museum, located in the shadow of a high bridge used by many truckers, cell phones, walkie talkies and sometimes the PA system would be flooded by CB radio trucker talk. Sometimes we heard the most amazing things.
I am suprised that everyone doesnt like AT&T, I have never had a problem with them ever in the past two years. I was on Verizon before and I hated them. This is the first time there has been some issues latly with dropped calls from AT&T. However this voice whisper thing is probably just static over the line but its very vivid as a voice, I think the government is tapping into my line :( JK but its very creepy, I wish I could record it, it’s scary as hell lol
It was nothing. Carry on, please. You didn’t experiece anything.
We are just making sure the Homeland is secure. Stop talking about bombs and we might stop listening. Maybe.
I just had the same thing happen to me while sitting in my living room. My 4 year old has been talking about her “imaginary friends” alot lately. I also have ATT but the person I was talking to has Sprint and she heard it too. VERY scary indeed!
The same thing happened to me today, but it was not the first time. Both times it happened in my girlfriend’s apartment. Today it was much clearer and more chilling.
I heard two voices whispering very quickly. And then a long loud gasp of “HHhhhaaaaaaaaaa” as if someone was very frustrated or angry. There was no banging or other discernable noises other than digital static and the two voices. The apartment I was in has bad cell reception but usually only drops call, no static. Thus has only happened twice both times in the kitchen or bathroom… the only appliance running was the dryer. This apartment is in hoboken in a large building with a view of manhattan right on the hudson river. The chilling aspect of the whispering voices was that they were not speaking english. In fact they were speaking so quickly I dont believe they were speaking in any language at all. Which Leads me to believe that there is a hoaxed recording being purposefully cut into At&t cell phone conversations. I have an iPhone with At&t. Someone please tell me they have heard the same and think its a hoax… because what i heard stopped me in my tracks it was so strange. What i heard was not static interference. The first time i heard it months ago i brushed it aside as a bad transmission that sounded weird… this time i heard two voices whispering in what i would consider a malicious and insiduous way or maybe in a excited or anxious way… it was so weird that i hope it was professionally recorded hoax. anyone have a response?
i tried a few more calls in the apartment kitchen and bathroom… I believe the phenomenon is interference only… I called my girlfriend’s cell phone (who also has att iphone) in her apartment. I had onl heard the interference before by myself… this time she heard some static on her end, but not whispering voices only weird static… then we tried again with many dropped calls (which happens in this apartment often, without interference onlt dropped calls, no static. We has clear signal talking to eacother without incident for minutes on end. We were walking all over the apartment with no problem until i turned on the dryer again… as i walked from the bathroom to the kitchen where my girlfriend was listening on her end… as soon as i entered the kitchen with the dryer on she said she heard it… she wasnt great at explaining what she heard, but the obvious conclusion is that the dryer is causing weird whisper like interference… Its the only common denomenator…
Obviously your place is the location of one of the hyperspace bypasses. Arthur Dent got it wrong – no need to destroy any planets to put them in, just use a a slight space-time warp. That lets a bit of noise through, but unless you are a library, it doesn’t matter much.
That’s not a dryer, that’s a toll booth.
happened again today when talking to my mother… she said when she tried calling me back she heard weird stuff too… and i thunk now shes mad at me about it… go figure
So get this! I live in Chattanooga, TN and go to UTC. Today my girlfriend tried to call me (both of us have att phones) and she reached my voicemail, but it went straight to a similar sound. The best part is it’s all recorded as if it were just an ordinary voicemail so I can prove it. If you slow it down you can hear people saying hello and other things here and there but most of it is incomprehensible. The part that took me by surprise is that amongst all of the strange fast paced voices there seemed to be a reoccurring deep angry voice screaming something. Once at the beginning and twice around the end. It is extremely chilling to hear! if any body would like to hear it contact me and I’ll send it as soon as possible.
I’ve been hearing the same whispering on my Verizon Straight Talk phone. It sounds like a male voice whispering strange things, not multiple voices, and I’m pretty sure it’s in English. I only hear it on some calls, and it’s only when the other person is talking or there’s a silence. ryanfo, I’d be interested to hear the recording if you still have it after all these months.
Someone needs to lay off the Charlie Sheen.
I have a bell phone! this chilling voice came on a week ago after dialing my friend. It didnt ring it just went straight to some foreign voice whispering some very very chilling but jumbled words. I thought it was strange but my buddy told me it was nothing. Today I dialed a different number and got the same chilling voice but much clearer?? Kinda weird listening to it for about 3 to 4 minutes before it disconnected. I’m not trying to creep people out but i think it was almost most saying “two thousand…......... one, two??? then a cry or screech???? it repeated this over and over and over??? with the sound of a connection device after every few sentences?? Now im not assuming things but it really really honestly sounded like 2012, but two thousand one two! Hope this helps, please get back anybody. I want to know what this is.
Same thing happened here. Ryan please contact me would love to hear your voicemail
This also happened to me I was on my iPhone and the person I was talking to had Sprint we both heard it, when the voice started screaming with banging I started yelling back cursing it and it seemed as it would get even angrier some one try yelling back and see if it gets angrier.
No longer than twenty minutes ago I was on the phone on hold with my doctor’s office a three times while being bounced around among a two assistants and an RN. The first time I was on hold (with the desk clerk) I noticed a subtle incoherent voice that started very quietly but by the time I was connected to the second assistant the voice had become noticeably louder (where I could hear it was repeating a phrase) but still incoherent. When I was put back on hold while being transferred to the RN, the voice was back, this time the whisper loud enough to discern what it was repeating: “We are coming. We are coming for you.” No screaming or banging, and yes a tad unoriginal but still horrifying to hear. The most peculiar part is the office always has Muzak playing when you’re on hold. Sure enough, the last time I was put on hold (while the RN looked for my medical records), the Muzak was back. I too have an AT&T iPhone. Thoughts?
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