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Jakers420's avatar

What do you see when you look in the sky?

Asked by Jakers420 (37points) October 2nd, 2009

i always see an alien sky that brings me everytime to a place where i can feel the earth effortlessly wondering about the universe. I want to know what others see and what it makes them think of. Signs, symbols…ext.

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21 Answers

Les's avatar

Good examples of Rayleigh and Mie scattering.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I’m like you. I see wonder. I watch birds and wish I could fly. I see planes and I wish I was on them. I think about the universe, other galaxies. Wonder if we’re the only ones out there.

asmonet's avatar


But really, I’m with @DrasticDreamer. :)

thanatos's avatar

The dark spectre of my eventual death.

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@asmonet That’s what I was going to say.

chyna's avatar

Hope. Destinations unknown. Clouds in the shapes I want them to be. Something so vast, at times it takes my breath away, and I feel like I can soar.

augustlan's avatar

I am an atheistic agnostic, but sometimes… I feel like I see God’s work. It’s just so breathtakingly beautiful.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have no particular mystical visions when I look at the sky. I get visual pleasure from watching the clouds move and the colors change, but what I see is mostly photographic.

Ivan's avatar

Air, clouds, that sort of thing.

augustlan's avatar

@YARNLADY Beautiful pics!

SierraGirl's avatar

I see God when I look at the sky, especially at sunrise, sunset and when the clouds are just gorgeous

Blondesjon's avatar

Sometimes I see that The Sky is Crying and other times I notice a Fire in the Sky.

I looked up one time and caught a glimpse of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

augustlan's avatar

@Blondesjon Do you ever see the Spirit in the Sky?

Blondesjon's avatar

@augustlan . . .No, but I have been witness to a Vanilla Sky.

lloydbird's avatar

@Blondesjon Coincidentally – I found out yesterday , while listening to an obituary programme on the radio (Last Word, BBC Radio 4), that the actual “Lucy” has just died.
She was just 46.

Blondesjon's avatar

@lloydbird . . .If you switch the numbers in her age you wonder if she would have still been loved when she was 64.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Trippy man… I could swear I answered this question yesterday.

markyy's avatar

Bunny shaped clouds, no matter how old I get I still play the game where you find shapes in clouds.

Two weeks ago I saw my first red moon, and it was magical. It made me wonder how scary it must have been for ancient civilizations that didn’t know what was happening.

irocktheworld's avatar

I usually see bunnies when I look in the sky…I see boats,dogs,and kites too! =]

Fernspider's avatar

I see the weather and think about how it is affecting me. When the sky is grey and threatening rain, I feel like hibernating and also feel a little down.

When I see the sun so bright without a cloud in the sky, I feel inspired, lively and full of energy.

Weather has a huge affect on my moods and therefore the sky can dictate how I will feel.

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