What do you want to happen to your body when you die?
Asked by
alive (
October 2nd, 2009
Cremation in a jar, or ashes spread somewhere? Donated to science? Embalmed, in a casket burial? What will your tombstone say? Open casket? Cryogenically frozen? Moselium? Fed to the Fishes?
Religious ceremony? Party in your honor?
Do you care at all?
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82 Answers
I want to be pit roasted and served up like pulled pork.
Ah scary, I would say frozen.
My husband and I both want to be cremated and we want our ashes spread wherever we decide them to be – and we want a bit of the ashes kept in case our children are into tattoos and want to get them done with our ashes in the tattoo ink
slice and dice me… recycle any tissue/organs others need
stick a cigarette in my mouth
light me up!!
haven’t figured out the ashes part yet
Top 3
Viking Funeral
Launched into Space
Any good organs donated, then cremated and ashes cast to the winds so I can become cloud condensation nuclei and make the weather.
I want a traditional burial funeral. Boring, I know.
My husband wants to be cremated :(
Roll me up, sprinkle me with red ochre, and drop me in a hole. Flowers optional, but I would like it if they plant a fruit tree on top.
Maybe I’ll fossilize. It would be cool to “live” in a museum in several thousand years.
I want to be ground up into a fine powder after cremation and mixed into paint that is then applied to guitars and distributed in a limited edition.
Hopefully, by the time I die, there won’t be much of it left. I intend to wear it out.
Put me in a Hefty Bag and leave me at the curb.
I’m not sure, but I know I’m gonna be a zombie
Rolled in breadcrumbs and baked at 350.
Donate my organs or other body parts to the ones that need it.
I’d like a Viking funeral.
I’ve also heard that you can get your ashes put into fireworks. Then you can launch them over the ocean.
Take everything anybody needs, put the rest in a nice plain coffin and bury me in a crookedy old cemetery… with a beautiful headstone. None of those brass markers in the grass or marble walled mausoleums for me. Party your asses off in remembrance. There should be alcohol and singing involved.
I’d like a really nice (if somewhat wild) memorial party in my honor and in my absence, and I would let those who can use bits of me to live take those bits. Whatever is left can be tossed in the hole in the military cemetery that my husband is in. He’s hoping for the one at Fort Sam in San Antonio. He has always liked the deer in the quad. And I’ve always liked him.
For the record, the “burning ship pushed off to sea” style stereotypical Viking Funeral is about as authentic as the helmet with the horns on it – which is to say, not. (Although Baldr had one.) Usually it was a funeral pyre cremation, or a burial mound (perhaps with that ship inside), or maybe the ship hauled up on land and burned. Or are these what people mean when they say they want a Viking funeral?
I wanna be in a glass casket. In the Ground but not covered up. I would like for people to throw flowers in the whole until it is completly filled with flowers. but we never know if we get to see ourselves after we die so i guess it doesn’t matter.
Well, I used to think it would be nice to be cremated and have my ashes mixed with a pound of marijuana so I could make my friends happy just one more time, but since most of my friends get their drugs at the pharmacy nowadays, I’ll just have to go with a green funeral. Put me in a cardboard box, bury me in some nice dirt out in the boonies, and plant an apple tree over me. No chemicals to replace my blood, no shiny lacquered wooden box with metal handles, and no damned concrete vault.
I have a very unreasonable fear of cremation, and my family knows that if they cremate me or don’t follow my wishes, I’ll come back to haunt them. If they thought I was rotten bastard when I was alive, just imagine how much of a bastard coated bastard with bastard filling I’ll be as a ghost.
I really don’t know. Something creeps me out about being buried and I don’t like the idea of taking up room in the ground, but then cremation seems a little odd, but I will probably end up going with cremation.
@DominicX ever considered sending your remains to the taxidermist? You’d probably end up as a nice coat rack in the corner of your best friends’ hallway.
I wish to have my ashes sealed in bicycle frame a (1980 surf green huffy beach cruiser), then I want some terminally ill ex daredevel with a crazy name like “Flash Armstrong” to jump the bike over the Grand Canyon while set on fire.
That was plan b when my wife didnt want bagpipes at the funeral.
I want to be sealed in a cave for three days. Preferably on a Friday.
In most juristictions it’s technicaly legal to bury the body without any processing or packaging as long as one doesn’t poison groundwater.
I’d like to go without enbalming, no vault or casket, right into the ground.
@AstroChuck . . . Are you saying that Friday is is good for you?
Linen shroud
Six feet under
Oak tree planted on top
Bench nearby
When I die, I’d like a proper burial. All this freezing and ashes and stuff is kinda dumb. Just be practicle and simple.
I desperately want to have my body buried in the ground. I have a fear of being in a fire or a crash or being lost at sea, because my body won’t end up in the ground.
As others have said, put me in the plainest pine box you can find, or wrap me in a sheet, put me in the ground, cover with dirt and if possible, plant a tree on me, so I can feed it with what’s left of my body.
Cremate me and spread my ashes along the south shore of Lake Superior….please!
Cremation for me. It’s more responsible than getting buried. My loved ones can do with me what they please. If they want to carry me around in one of those new lockets made for that, they can. If they want to spread me somewhere they think I’d enjoy or somewhere they can visit, they can.
I don’t think being buried is irresponsible. But please, don’t let me get in the way of callousness.
@drdoombot I say it’s irresponsible because we’re quickly running out of room in general. Besides, cemeteries have a tendency to become roads once enough time has passed. It not a nice idea.
So you can stop jumping down my throat for having a personal opinion now, ‘kay thanks.
There’s nothing wrong with having an opinion, but there is something wrong with passing judgment on those who don’t share your views.
I’m not passing judgment on anyone. Did I say that people who choose to be buried are evil? Stupid? No, I said being cremated is more responsible – because it is. I happen to highly enjoy visiting cemeteries, but that still doesn’t mean they aren’t somewhat irresponsible.
What do you think you’re doing to me right now? Passing judgment on me because I don’t share your view.
[Fellow Jellie who cares]
Flame off folks, please.
@DrasticDreamer But I’m doing nothing to you now. I haven’t passed any judgment on you, I’m just pointing out that you’re doing it to others.
Saying people are less responsible than you when they don’t share your view is passing judgment: people who do what you do are more responsible, people who don’t are less responsible. To flip the argument, I could claim that cremation is more irresponsible, because the cremation process releases carcinogens into the atmosphere. Except I would never imply that people who choose cremation are not as responsible as I am.
You can dress it anyway you want to; on a site of opinions, it’s callous to claim other people are irresponsible because their opinion is different from yours.
Anyways, you can have the final word if you want, I’m done with this discussion.
@Tink1113 There’s no flaming going on here. Just trying to keep this place polite and friendly.
@drdoombot Okay, I’ll take the final word. I don’t run red lights, either. People who do are irresponsible. Oh, no… There I go judging others again.
How about being buried at sea? At least the crabs get a bit of a treat without having to wait for a ship to sink.
I’d like to have my cremains put in shotgun shells then be shot into Michael Moore’s face.
@Noel_S_Leitmotiv Snore. Even for you, that was pretty lame and trollish.
Donate what you can, freeze the brain. By the time I’m dead, I expect it to be well into the second half of this century. Reanimation may not be possible by then (or full neural uploads into a computer), but I suppose cryogenic freezing should be perfected. Wake me up when you need me.
@Grisaille: so that wasn’t you that tagged my reply with ‘Great Answer’?
Yes, it was lame.
@Grisaille You know I lurve you but if he had mentioned Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin instead of Michael Moore his comment would have received 20 great answers.
@jonsblond: Thank you. Were more true words ever spoken?
Absolutely, @jonsblond.
However, as much as I dislike Beck, Palin, AND Michael Moore (all for different reasons, obviously), it was a weak attempt at getting us worked up. You know that @Noel_S_Leitmotiv.
Why do you assume I made the statement to work people up? Perhaps I did it to see people agree. I assume the best in people.
If Michael Moore was a Flutherite, I’d give him lurve.
If Michael Moore was a flutherite I’d give him Hypocrite Lurve.
(For constantly slamming the country best able and willing to support and allow his message)
@Noel_S_Leitmotiv ’d like to have my cremains put in shotgun shells then be shot into Michael Moore’s face.
I think that you are too late – having seen his face I think that someone beat you to it.
Still, lack of movie star looks aside, I find Micheal Moore to be interesting. He is the modern Ralph Nader.
As for being the country best able to support him – that is nonsense, most democracies will allow him the same latitude in expression.
I’d like to have my cremains put in shotgun shells then be shot into Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin’s face.
Just testing the waters. Plus, I like lurve.
@AstroChuck I’d like to have my cremains put in shotgun shells then be shot into Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin’s face
Careful – Sarah Palin would probably shoot back. Who is going to be firing that shotgun on your behalf?
Donate what will do some good. After that, my loved ones can decide. Funerals, wakes, cemetery plots to visit, ashes to carry around or spread in a special place, etc are for the people we leave behind who miss us and are grieving. Whatever makes them feel best is fine with me.
I want my body to be the part of Gunther von Hagens’ Cadaver Sex Exhibit that illustrates unnatural acts and unspeakable practices.
Take any good organs and then use the rest for pet food. Everybody wins – no funeral expenses.
I’d quite like to be cremated mixed with sprinkles, gun powder and glitter and then fired out of a cannon
oh yeh and i agree with @DarkScribe they can take anything that might be useful to someone else first
I’m going to be embalmed exactly like the ancient Egyptians did, complete with the 70-day natron “bath”. Then, after the archaeologists have learned all they can from me (see, I am donating my to science), I’ll be placed in a nice sarcophagus and deposited into a Swiss bank vault, with some awesome memorabilia (think time capsule) and mementos, as well as four canopic jars and lots and lots of charms. After a while (haven’t figured out the time frame yet), one of my descendants can open up the “tomb” and see what life was like back in the 2000’s, as a way for scienctists (and archaeologists) to learn more from “me”. (It’ll also be interesting to see if I stay preserved the way some of the mummies have.)
Why no, I haven’t thought about this much. :D
God’s will be done for my body and soul.
The burden on the environment was besides the point in that discussion.
In any case, Jewish funerals are green funerals. No embalming chemicals for me!
I completely neglected environmental concerns. Hefty Bags are not biodegradable, are they. I’m sorry, I amend my wishes. Dismember me, and bring the pieces up to Summit Lake at night for the feral dogs.
Man, there’s been a lot of discussion about what we should and shouldn’t be doing with our dead bodies lately. This, the organ donation thing, jeez…
fuck the environment bring on the cannons!
@AstroChuck I think the 20 great answers may have been an exaggeration. (I gave you lurve though) :]
@drdoombot Actually, that was the entire reason I said what I did in the first place. Environmental concerns.
@jonsblond I wasn’t exaggerating I really want that. I thought of it many many years ago.
I want it to properly decay.
As opposed to improperly decaying?
You would decay even if you are in a coffin.
@AstroChuck As opposed to improperly decaying?
Maybe he want to do with his pants on?
Properly decay as in not have my body subjected to artificial preservation (see above).
My family has the presence of mind needed to not require an open casket to come to terms with my death.
@Noel_S_Leitmotiv As long as you continue to be proper, in death as in life, all will be well.
I would like to have my body put on display in Times Square after I expire. I don’t have a good reason for why I’d like to do this though. It’s just the first thing that came to mind when I read this question.
I’d like to be the star of a reality show called ‘Corpse Challenge’. I’d be placed on the dining table as six contestants attempt to ignore me as I rot while they try to have ‘normal’ lives.
Joey says ‘Fuck! I would have had those two hotties in the hot tub if they hadn’t seen Noel’s liquifying spleen first’.
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