What are your thoughts on Fluther?
I just recently joined fluther and i have already fallen in love with it! I was just wondering how everyone else feels about it.
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44 Answers
Futher is like family. You have your parents that correct you but are also there to comfort you when you need it. You also have your sisters to confide in, your brothers that stick up for you and your crazy uncles that like to… well, you know. Whatever crazy uncles like to do.
You will get lots of diverse and interesting answers here to this question…
and @jonsblond usually is the aunt/sister, with moral values, eccentric views, and well thought out advice. And plus she can sometimes own first answers….f jonsblonde
Fluther is a very awesome site. I just joined yesterday and I’m pretty obsessed with it.
It’s even more fun than marshmellows!
Man I think I have found family I never knew I had! I love you guys!!! Thanks for Responding! You guys are awesome. This is like stress relief for me! I feel so much better!
@jonsblond Ha Ur somethin else!!! Definitly like family.
When I first found my way to Fluther, I felt like I’d finally found “my people”, you know? I’ve been here ever since. Just a tip… don’t use txtspk. It’s frowned on here.
I really like it; I like it better than any Q&A site I’ve been on in the past, even if I haven’t been on it as long as some of the others. It’s a lot of fun and I intend to stick around for a while.
It originally started out as a substitute for another Q&A site that I really loved (and plenty of the people from that site are here on Fluther) and I’ve found it to be even better than that site in many ways, though it’s not without the occasional problem. But my overall experience here has been largely positive and that’s why I keep coming. :)
I’d say my favorite aspect (other than the general experience) would have to be the prohibition of flame-wars and insults, something that often ruined my enjoyment of the other two sites I was on. Anyway, I hope you stick around too.
I love it. I’ve been a part of multiple Q&A sites that have since kicked the bucket, and Fluther is a high rank, if not #1. There are a lot of smart and caring people here who offer multiple points of view, on many different topics.
Welcome and enjoy. :)
1. If you piss some jellies off, be prepared to be ripped a new one, be berated and assumed to be a generally horrible person. Just sayin’.
2. Be who you are. Try to make the language that you use as clear and precise as possible, or you’ll risk people erroneously assuming all types of things about you.
3. Answer questions from your own knowledge and/or experiences and you will always have something to say that others might not have heard. Ask questions that mean something to you, how to help you, how you fell about things, etc.
It’s like a slightly dysfunctional family who’ll all come together in times of crises (although there are always those certain feuds). Be nice, no kicking, no flaming, be caring and happy. Be yourself.
And @tinyfaery gives a very good answer. I would advise you to take her advice.
I love Fluther, it’s the only Q&A site I have ever used. I have grown to really like some of you guys, and I consider you guys my friends as well. I can’t stay off of Fluther anyore, I have been here everyday since I joined.
It is an awesome place to find good answers.
Fluther is the cheese to my macaroni.
My advice would be that if things get heated, just let it go and move on.
These things blow over.
@jonsblond My best wishes go out to MCA.
Welcome to our community! If you don’t like it you can get the fudge out!
edit..that sounded mean, but really welcome!, ask away or answer away!
I once drove a golf cart through a chain link fence.
@Grisaille what made you drive a golf cart through a fence? HA!
@LuhvKiller “Chain Link” I think he means he gave his 50 cents on a thread?
@Tink1113 wouldn’t he just need to be shot a few times for his 50 cents? lol
@LuhvKiller Well I guess my brain is malfunctioning on me cause I don’t get it anymore haha :)
@eponymoushipster Probably get squirted with jelly lol.
[mod says] Let’s get back on topic, please. Thanks!
Actually, i think this thread gives you a pretty good idea of fluther. at least the lighter topics.
It’s a great place to while away the lonely boring hours when it is dead at work or you can’t sleep at night. I am always learning something new and the questions often make me wonder why I never thought of that before. And if you enjoy debates, there are plenty of them as well!
Fluther is like brownies, every batch is good, and there are always a few nuts!
Fluther is like taking a shit. Always a relief, but it may contain traces of nuts.
I never ever go on Fluther, and have told my family to shoot me if they ever see me on that awful site.
Runs around very fast dodging bullets
Without Fluther I would have never gotten this. And that made me really happy.
For me, Fluther has been like therapy, has improved my writing, allowed me to interact with intelligent and caring people (who appear to be scarce in real life), and truly does feel like family. It is much more than a Q&A site.
I think the moderation is top notch and am glad we all prefer well written and thought out questions and answers.
And we can have a good time. There are some seriously funny threads on here and you’ll find quite a bit of humor and wit.
We are jellies. We swim together.
I am the cookie. Welcome to Fluther.
I like it, ... I like it a lot (Jim Carry expression)
Fluther is like a friendly and inviting pub. Where you can speak to anyone (without interruption) about anything. You can ask for advice or help and usually get it. Come and go as you please (it never shuts). If anyone gets too rowdy, there are able bouncers on hand to calm things down.
(You do have to bring your own drinks though)
And there does seem to be a widespread fixation with jellyfish (?)
It is an invaluable tool for us.
It’s a good place to show a side of yourself you never show to anyone else, or to talk about things that you are shamed of. People make an effort to listen and make you feel safe so long as you are not full of yourself, and you admit to your faults.
Arrogance is not well tolerated, though. Nor are personal attacks on others. The first is panned by other flutherers; the second by the moderators. Between the two, we manage to keep the place fairly safe.
I’m not sure what I did before I had Fluther, and although there have been some rough patches and what in life doesn’t have a few rough patches? I just can’t seem to stay away.
I qualify for the weird uncle designation noted ^^ way up there earlier. Eh, it’s a living. }:^P
Life before fluther is a blur. Must’ve been horrible.
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