Have you heard of this movie, Paranormal Activity?
What do you think? People who’ve actually seen it would be a plus. I think it looks interesting enough, but am afraid it’s going to turn out like The Blair Witch, all hype and not much else.
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18 Answers
I have one word to say
I like watching paranormal things on tv, I’d like to see this movie. But it hasn’t been announced where I’m at. But I want to see it.
I have heard that it is understately scary. Like, you walk out of the theatre and only then realize how terrified you are.
I have also heard that it is hyped up crap.
So…. its OK?
Looks interesting. I’m not too into horror movies because I like subtle horror and horror movies are always too flashy and gory (I hate gore; it’s not scary, it’s just disgusting). Hopefully it’s better than The Blair Witch Project; that movie was so boring and the ending made no sense…
It’s been very highly recommended to me by a friend who’s opinion I trust.
I just watched this trailer like one second before getting on Fluther… I’m with @DominicX. I used to love horror movies of all kinds, but now they mostly just gross me out. I wish there would be another genuinely scary movie (like The Ring) and fewer movies like the Saw series. Maybe this will be it.
@ubersiren I didn’t find the ring scary at all. Saw I wouldn’t really consider a “horror.” I do love Rob Zombies work though. His view on horror is probably the best suited for today’s movies.
@DominicX Gore is alright if it’s used correctly. Most movies now’a’days do tend to push the envelope and it has become somewhat of an onslaught and down right boring. True horror leaves you scared of the things around the corner after you’ve left the theater and are walking to your car.
@Tink1113 Yea, if it was near me I would think about checking it out, but it’s only being shown in like 13 theaters in the US. Those of which it stated at the end of the trailer.
@Axemusica Yup, and Im not near any of those places.
@DominicX I agree, most movies nowadays are about how many buckets of pig intestines they can throw at the camera. Whatever happened to psychological thrills? Are people too stupid to figure it out, and have to see ripped up body parts and exploding gore to be scared?
The first Alien movie scared the crap out of me, and it was mostly the soundtrack. That was some spooky shit.
I love psychological thrills. For me, ripped up body parts is the opposite of scary; it’s just goofy. One of the scariest movies I’ve seen was the original 1979 Amityville Horror. All the scary stuff was pretty subtle, but it really scared me and I had trouble falling asleep that night (though I’ve seen it multiple times and read the book) and even now if I think about it before bed, I have to pull the cover up on my head as far as possible.
That scene where those red eyes appear in the window at night and that creepy red room in the basement painted with blood. It’s just ridiculous freaky especially since it’s supposedly based on a true story.
@DominicX Holy crap that movie scared the crap out of me. I saw it when I was 16 and it still kind of freaks me out. The remake wasn’t to bad, but the original scared the pant off me. I saw it on HBO a little after midnight. Lol, it’s safe to say I didn’t fall asleep until sunrise.
I just don’t like the remake because it has nothing to do with the original story at all. The book has even more than the 1979 movie and is even scarier. Reading the book definitely didn’t help me fall asleep any easier… :P
But I’m fascinated by the story and I can’t seem to get enough of it. I mean, I saw The Ring, yes it’s disturbing and creepy, but nowhere near as scary as The Amityville Horror. That’s the only movie I’ve seen that has truly legitimately scared me.
I saw it last night. I screamed like a little fucking baby.
It was terrifying.
Then again, I am sort of a wuss when it comes to scary movies.
Nope but i have heard the TV show of the same name , it was good at making me sleep
@Axemusica : I really like Rob Zombie’s flicks, too, though I put them in the gory but not quite scary category. His first Halloween attempt was neither very gory or scary to me.
@ubersiren true they are gory, but like I said gory is only good when used right. House of 1000 corpses had the right type of gore. Most of Zombie’s movies aren’t really that scary yes, but he does stay true to horror and his unique view on such is, just really good in my book. Also the Devil’s Rejects is kind of revolutionary.
It sucked, was not a good movie at all. What a waste of money.
Whether you liked it or not – here comes The Sequel
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