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XOIIO's avatar

IPod touch help!

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) October 3rd, 2009 from iPhone

This just started happening. My I try to open music or videos on my iPod, and the window opens white, stays up for 30, then goes back to home screen. I go into “about” under setting and it says there are no songs or videos, when there are 128 songs and 10 videos. The only way I can fix it is by resetting all setting, downloading a free app and putting in my iTunes account, and playing the app, but it only works for around an hour. I don’t like doing this because it only works fir an hour, and I then have to re-organize 20 apps, put my passcode in and change anything else back. What do I do? I don’t have a PC, and I won’t for several months. I have an 8 gig non-jailbroken iPod touch, with 4.4 gigs free. It runs os 2.2.1 .I have dropped it several times but only from a couple feet, and it’s been fine. Recently it fell face first and that put 3 cracks going into the screen up from the home button. Could this be affecting it?

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10 Answers

Axemusica's avatar

I’m sorry. You really need to update. It’s either that or restore, but if you’re at a computer to restore then you might as well update.

Tink's avatar

Have you tried turning it off and waiting a while then turning it back on?
DO NOT go to 3.1.

Axemusica's avatar

@Tink1113 I have 3.1 on my iPhone and I don’t have any problems. I heard others having them though, but I didn’t think the touch could get that anyway, but I’m speaking from iPhone experience, so what do I know? lol

Tink's avatar

@Axemusica It words fine with the iPhone, but not the iPod Touch.

jrpowell's avatar

I really doubt the drop would do this.

I think you are kinda fucked without doing a restore while hooked up to a computer.

All I can advise is a total reboot of it. Hold down the “Home” button for a few seconds and then press the button at the top (you need to hold the home button when you press the button on top. Never let go of the home button). Then slide the slider when prompted.

I’m not sure if that will help but it can’t hurt.

XOIIO's avatar

@johnpowell I have and that too only works for a short while.

@tink1113 turning it off didn’t work either.

sandystrachan's avatar

If you buy a new one , or don’t want to scratch it anymore BUY and you could also BUY .
Am sure the 2nd is available where you live .

kyle94481's avatar

Yeah you have to update it. Trust me. You’ll definitely enjoy the new features from it. When I first got my Ipod Touch 2G, someone bumped into me at Target and made me drop it, cracking it. It wasn’t rendered useless, it just had cracks running down the face of it. Then, I got into an argument with my friend one day and he hit me with a pvc pipe or something like that. It hit the pocket with the Ipod and nearly completely shattered it. It was all bent out of shape and such. That night I went to Apple and made a sob story about it. I ended up being able to get one for like 70$ off. It was a great deal, and now I have a new ipod. I suggest that if it is super cracked, and your tired of it, then you go to the Apple store and ask them if they could fix it. If they can’t, they’ll probably try to offer you a discounted one. That is, if your story is compelling enough :)

MissAnthrope's avatar

I think your best bet, as others have said, is to try a system restore with the iPod connected to a computer. My sister has a new iPod Touch, for whatever reason, a bunch of videos got stuck on there and weren’t recognized for what they were, just said “other” and the iPod didn’t list any videos when you hit the video button. I had to do a restore, but it’s all fine now.

This may not help, of course, if the problem is hardware damage due to dropping.

XOIIO's avatar

I do have the second gen iPod touch, I wasn’t planning on getting a new one until they came out with one with a camera.

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