General Question

XOIIO's avatar

Can you get a second hand high?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) October 4th, 2009 from iPhone

A few days ago in the middle of class my hands and arms started shaking and I couldn’t write. I also felt dizzy and nausiated, and kind of silly. A friend told me to follow her finger with my eyes, and apparently she said the shook, so I was (a little bit) high, based on that and my symptoms. A couple other people said it could be possible. Can you get a bit high from smelling smoke or something else?

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9 Answers

cyn's avatar

Yes, you can.

casheroo's avatar

Someone was smoking pot in the middle of class?
Contact high is possible, but I’ve never had it occur. And I’ve hotboxed many cars and a sauna (specifically meant for pot smoking).

TheIncomparableBenziniBrothers's avatar

How many people were smoking weed in the class at the time?

Tink's avatar

Yes, you are affected by those fumes.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Highly unlikely to get contact high. Like cash, ive been in quite a few Jamaican saunas without smoking and well, felt nothing. Where the hell was the person who was smoking?

XOIIO's avatar

I’m not sure where I got it, it just happened out of nowhere

Tink's avatar

If no one was smoking in the room then you couldn’t possibly get high.
Maybe it was your asthma?

casheroo's avatar

Sounds more like an anxiety attack, since you weren’t actually near anyone smoking pot.

arnbev959's avatar

Unless someone offered you a brownie during lunch, you weren’t high. To get high without actually smoking, you’d have to be in a room filled with burning weed for a long, long time.

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