How could a cup of water that was left on a table end up on the floor, upside down, with the water still inside and not 1 drop on the floor?
So I come home from work one afternoon, and notice a cup I had placed on the dining room table was now on the floor – upside down and with the water still inside. I scan the floor for any trace of liquid, but there’s none – not 1 drop. Not believing my eyes, I pick up the cup, which immediately releases the h2o in all directions – just as one would expect. Now, I know for a fact I was the last to leave that morning and the first one home – no one had been there during the day with the exception of the kitty cat. So, what happened?
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23 Answers
That’s so weird… maybe the cup fell like 100% completely flat to the floor, and air pressure or something kept it in there.
I’m sure there is some law of physics that explains this but I don’t know it, so I will wait for someone else to tell you.
I would think any droplets could evaporate by the time you got home. But that is still super weird and I think you are fucking with us. So yeah, I am saying that this didn’t happen.
It’s a fairly easy trick. Next time you are at Denny’s, cover a full glass with a laminated menu, flip it over super fast (menu still covering) and pull the menu out very quickly. Voila, you have an upside down cup of liquid.
Ex-girfriends with keys? Sister, brother? Did you pay the rent on time? Not hang out with the Cable Guy?
Obviously god is proving his existence to you.
Did you see Christ on your toast this morning?
@Sarcasm – I bet the resulting spash of water on the floor when the cup was lifted was in his image.
Only myself and the girlfriend had keys. The owner of the house had a key of course, but he was disabled, I don’t think he would climb a flight of stairs and crawl around on the floor to fuck with me. I’m guessing it was the cat, but the physics just seem too hard to believe. Even if it landed perfectly vertical, wouldn’t it then bounce about the floor?
Girlfriend, you say?
She sounds like a real prankster. Perhaps your next post should be along the lines of a clever retaliation. If she has her own place, there is always the raw-shrimp-in-the-curtain-rod trick.
@peedub….You forgot to mention to put the tip change in the glass before inverting, but that probably goes without saying (like loosening the tops to the salt and pepper shakers for the next unsuspecting diner).
@FutureMemory….I suspect Milo could pull off the trick, but doubt any other cat could.
See ya….Gary/wtf
Someone took the cup and put it on the floor , you only think it was something spooky cause you want to believe it was .
It’s an old bar trick. All you need is a piece of stiff paper and some practice. If the glass is full to the brim, the air pressure will hold the paper in place as you invert the glass, then you set it on the bar and pull the paper out.
Either a joke or you made up the story to see how Flutherites react to it.
The gnomes? I guess they’ve changed their business plan quite a bit, as now it seems like:
Step 1, flip cups
Step 2, ???
Step 3, profit
@mattbrowne I wouldn’t do something as pathetic as make up a story and try to pass it off as a true event. That would be beyond lame, not to mention a waste of time and bandwidth. The only thing I can think of is my girl came home during the middle of the day without telling me (we worked in the same industry, so it was normal to keep in touch throughout the day – this was in the early 90’s, long before the cell phone explosion). It just seems so unlikely since we relied on public transportation (a 30–40 min subway ride) that she’d go home, go back to work for a few hours, then come home again. I think something that unlikely is still more reasonable than the cat knocking it over. Or…maybe it was a ghost! Whoaaahahah..<spooky voice>
At the risk of attracting derision, I’ve seen some pretty funky things that I can only explain using ghosts or spirits.
@mrentropy….I believe I know the kind of spirits to which you refer (and may I add, I prefer tequila, Silver Patron, specifically).
See ya…Gary/wtf
had to do it…you left that door wide open
Only one explanation:
Your kitty-cat hates water of course!
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