Wich person alive today scares you the most?
Out of the 6.78billion people in the world, who is the scariest?
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62 Answers
I would not feel comfortable in the presence of either Putin or Ahmadinejad. Mel Gibson is scary too but lacks the same kind of power (even though he doesn’t seem to know).
Until his death, my answer will always be my father.
Other than that, Carrot Top. Yikes!
The “Cat Lady”; Jocelyn Wildenstein.
First person who came to my mind is Dick Cheney.
Ayatollah Ali Hoseyni Khāmene’i.
He’s Ahmadinejad’s boss and was buds with the Ayatollah Khomeini. ::shudders::
Who? Mine?
Wow! She really gets around.
I thought of Dick Cheney first, too, but after careful consideration I say Erik Prince, the owner of Xe, nee Blackwater who was described by one of his employees as someone who “views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe”.
Mike Huckabee.
I’m not too scared of Khamenei. I think Republicans or Israel are more likely to instigate a nuclear war.
I’m not as scared of a particular person as I am scared that a theocratic State is just about to acquire nuclear weapons capability, and that there is very little between Al Quaeda and Pakistan’s nuclear facilities.
those Blackwater assassins. Boggles me that there are still those who want the 2nd amendment nullified. They are the administrations end game to the legality, or lack thereof, to regaining public order in times of crisis by using the military.
(I think Ahmadenijad is small potatoes – he serves at the whim of the theocracy.)
Anne Coulter. I don’t like to throw words like “hate” around but I really fucking hate that nazi bitch.
Beck and Coulter are small potatoes, too. Noisy but ineffective. They couldn’t even keep McCain from being the Republican nominee. What kind of power can they possibly have?
The people I love because they have the power to hurt me more than ANYONE else (emotionally rather than physically obviously). I am not scared of people I don’t know or doesn’t affect my life, it’s the ones closer to home that I fear the most.
Beck scares me because he has over 2 million viewers (including himself) who believe the shit he spews. He inspired thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of people to congregate for the tea party events.
To be honest, the entire Fox “news” network frightens me, but he’s the easiest name.
My ex.
And Monkeys in diapers.
2 million wing-nuts in a country with almost 300 million people is not what I would call a threat.
@Sarcasm Not all of Beck’s viewers believe everything he says.
Lady Gaga scares me. really!
Ahmadenijad is a puppet, really. There are a million Ahmadenijads in the world but only a few of them ever find themselves in positions of power. Ayatollah Khamenei is the man behind the curtain and is the one who should be feared.
But personally, the person alive today who scares me the most would have to be the person with the greatest influence and power over the world, and that’s the President of the United States (not specifically Obama).
@Sarcasm: It was more like tens of thousands. As a good friend of mine put it, “It was less than the number of people who fill any large university’s football stadium any given Fall Saturday”. So it’s really a very small minority. Obnoxiously vocal, but small.
@tinyfaery, I’m with you: Carrot Top is truly frightening!
I’ll pick a guy who isn’t a rogue at all, Justice Anthony Kennedy. I like him much more on than 4 of the other dudes, but they’re pretty much counterbalanced by their ideological counterparts, so they don’t worry me so much.
Kennedy scares me because he’s such a wild card. He, in effect, holds more power than anyone else on the Court, and he’s an odd bird, very difficult to read. I don’t sense any hint of corruption or power-craziness , or even excessive ego on his part, but it worries me that this one quirky guy holds so much power to shape our jurisprudence. It’s his vote that makes me hold my breath when important issues come before the Court.
I was going to say one of the many populistic extremist politicians that can be found around the world, nowadays. They’re there… from the US through Europe (Yes even in The Netherlands!) and for instance the Middle East (Iran was already mentioned).
Coming to think of it, though, I find the masses that empower these creeps even scarier. Particularly those in freedom loving countries like my own.
World leaders/religious leaders/atheists leaders
There is only person I can think of who truly makes me afraid. I know this kid who is the son of my grandmother’s friend. He is a down and dirty sociopath who can blend in with the rest of the world. His parents are richer than god and have been able to bail him out of every nasty situation he’s gotten himself into. There are a lot of people I don’t like, but he scares me in the most basic, instinctual, run-as-far-away-as-you-can-and-hope-he-doesn’t-follow-you way. I’m not sure what scares me more, the fact that he is I believe capable of murder or that it’s something that could get swept under the rug because of his parents’ money and influence.
AstroChuck’s ex.
If she scares our fearless hero, she must be scary!
Oh, who scares me? My aunt. All of 5’2” and I once saw her throw a grown man into a wall while in the heat of anger. Heell naw, I ain’t going near such a person.
I retract my previous answer and will go with @aprilsimnel‘s aunt.
The puppet master behind Achmadinnerjacket.
@SuperMouse If only it were one man. It’s even less stable than you think, because of the present power struggle.
Seriously though, me, and what I might do unintentionally.
My grandmother. If you’re familiar with Malificent from Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty” then that’s what she looks like, what she acts like and what she’s capable of turning into. Yay, family.
Actually, as scary as he appears, you’ve kinda gotta respect Ahmadinejad (or whoever’s pulling his strings) for standing up against the big, powerful and scary West
@LuhvKiller – Ooh, yes, but he was such a nice guy in the original “V” mini-series. He was an alien on our side! Now, his boss on that show, Diana? She was scary.
Today’s greatest killers are the so-called “lifestyle diseases”, not terrorists. So do we have to list the CEOs of fast food chains and tobacco companies?
@Facade I just found out how ironic it is that your name is Facade and you’re afraid of people with masks! HA!
And how could you be? Christiane looks adorable
My ex-boss.
Anyone who would rape a co-worker, take pictures of it, then show the pics to the crew and threaten them with death if they say anything about it scares me.
That is reckless hate, and completely unpredictable.
The middle level managers covered it up, and put him in a management job where he wouldn’t have anyone working for him.
Is he currently in prison or is he still working for the company that provides me with Internet service?
Currently working for AT&T. It was a terrible scandal to watch the company cover up.
@filmfann Thats awful.
I could imagine the though process AT&T had… “Rapist employees will make us look bad, so instead of firing rapists and doing everything to prevent our employees from doing such things, lets just cover it up!”
There thought process was probably closer to: Did we completely misjudge this man we promoted, or is everyone lying about him?
So, even though the victim was suing him, and the company, and 3 employees admitted to seeing the pictures, while others admitted to seeing the pictures displayed, the company decided we were just out to get him.
Had anyone filed a police report?
@filmfann I don’t see how this person could not have been prosecuted if there were pictures of it. But justice doesn’t always seem to work around here
The person that scares me the most is my martial arts instructor. I have a 7th degree black belt but she has a 10th degree black belt and is the reigning Grande Master of the style of Ninjitsu that I practice.
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