General Question

Allie's avatar

Does Grooveshark have something similar to iTunes' "Genius" feature?

Asked by Allie (17551points) October 5th, 2009

I know in iTunes you can make a playlist from a song that is playing by hitting the “Genius” icon. Is this something you can do with Grooveshark too? Or do you have to make your own playlists? If so, would you mind sharing how?

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16 Answers

calculust's avatar

Hey Allie,

I’m actually a Grooveshark employee and figured I’d jump in to help answer your question.

We have a feature called Autoplay which works a lot like Genius/Pandora. You can see a video demonstration on how to use it here:

Let me know if you have anymore questions!

Cheers :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

Yurp autoplay. Didnt i tell you about that a couple weeks ago allie?

@calculust grooveshark is awesome, keep up the good work.

Allie's avatar

@calculust Thanks! I just tried it out. Very cool.
@uberbatman Did you? I don’t know. Here, have a great answer. Even though it won’t count for you.

El_Cadejo's avatar

what is your grooveshark name?

calculust's avatar

@Allie no prob. we’ve actually got a new iteration of grooveshark coming out at the end of this month in which we change our usage of the word “autoplay” to “radio”. If you’re feeling interested you can find out more at

Here’s someone’s blog post with some more screenshots and details:

El_Cadejo's avatar

“Seeking: now you can skip to your favorite part of a song with the click of a mouse.” Oh fuck yes! I’ve been waiting for this. Now my only complaint left with grooveshark is the eight thousand multiples of the same song for some artists.

i can deal with this though, grooveshark is awesome.

calculust's avatar

We’re very aware of that issue and are certainly working on it :)

we’re glad you think grooveshark is awesome!

Bugabear's avatar

@calculust Thanks for all the great work on Grooveshark. The only thing it needs is a slightly better search and to be able to download songs.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Bugabear if downloading songs were allowed, then it would have to be a pay service, else a lawsuit would surely follow. Then the death of grooveshark :(

Bugabear's avatar

Yeah but still wouldn’t it be nicer than just torrenting or downloading youtube videos?

El_Cadejo's avatar

No, it wouldn’t. It would end the awesomeness of grooveshark. Stop being lazy.

Allie's avatar

@uberbatman It’s allieluffsyou. Surprised?

El_Cadejo's avatar

odd, i searched that earlier and got no results.

Allie's avatar

@uberbatman Just made it, but I’m glad you know me so well! =]

El_Cadejo's avatar

hmmm still no results. Maybe the system isnt updated yet, ill try and add you later.

calculust's avatar

@Bugabear search is something we’re always trying to improve. it ain’t easy! :)

GS 2.0 will offer links to download tracks on AmazonMP3/iTunes

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