Is Vin Diesel gay or is he in denial?
I’ve heard rumors about Vin Diesel being gay over the past few years and i don’t know what to believe. They say he just doesn’t them to interfere with his private life. What do you think? Is he gay or not?
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60 Answers
Lord I hope not. It would break my heart if another man that hot was gay.
I’ve never heard such rumors. Statistics tell me that he’s got a better chance of being straight than being gay. So for the time being, I’m voting “not gay”.
Not that it effects my life either way.
Do you believe all rumours? If so I have some beauties for you. Did you hear the one about Bush being an Israeli plant?
@DarkScribe no not at all! but this ones kinda bugging me cause he’s hot (:
No he isn’t.
But his boyfriend is.
@mascarraaa How would it effect you one way or the other?
@JollyTiger Every question doesn’t have to be life changing.
shouldnt this question be is vin diesel gay AND in denial? I mean he wouldnt be in denial if he weren’t gay right?
I don’t care about what Vin Diesel does with his penis. If he is a Wiener Jockey I say good for him.
@DarkScribe: Really? I figured he was an Australian plant like Eucalyptus.
@KatawaGrey Is that because he secretes a dangerous oil and is called “widowmaker” by some?
how could any of us possibly know?
This is rather like asking the question “Do you still beat your wife?” Either yes or no would imply that you have beaten her in the past.
So the choices in your question are that Vin Diesel is gay or he is gay but not admitting it, right? What if there is a third choice, that Vin Diesel is heterosexual? Or a fourth, that he is bisexual? Considering that he has apparently fathered a child with his girlfriend Paloma Jimenez, he certainly has had sex with a woman at least once.
And since the majority of us will never even meet the man, why does it matter? He himself just wants to keep his private life private, and can you blame him? If you want to fantasize about him go ahead. It won’t hurt anyone, and you will never have to deal with the reality that he may be a slob, or a snorer, or whatever.
@Darwin Both Michael Jackson and Elton John have children.
EDIT: EJ doesn’t.
@eponymoushipster – So? There are still four possibilities, not just two. The OP implies the choices are gay or gay but doesn’t want to show it. There is still also not gay at all or bisexual.
And neither Elton John or Michael Jackson had biological children, or if you prefer Biblical terms, “children of their loins.”
@eponymoushipster Darwin Both Michael Jackson and Elton John have children.
Elton John has children? That I didn’t realise. I know that he has God Children.
@DarkScribe you’re right. i forgot, he’s a godfather, not a father.
@eponymoushipster DarkScribe you’re right. i forgot, he’s a godfather, not a father.
I wasn’t being facetious or obtuse – I thought that I might have missed something. I often learn something new about someone or something. I enjoy doing it.
@DarkScribe no, i understand. he is adopting a child from Ukraine shortly, however.
@eponymoushipster – The adoption thing isn’t going so well – The Ukraine said no. However, maybe, like Madonna, he can get them to change their minds.
@Darwin oh really? that’s pretty funny. Ukraine is usually pretty happy to do anything that gets it attention. though they aren’t particularly gay friendly there.
@eponymoushipster – More specifically, the mom is refusing to hand the kid over because she wants to raise him herself, even though she is HIV postitive and alcoholism has caused her to lose two previous children to the state.
However, under Ukrainian law, adoptive parents must not be more than 45 years older than an adopted child. (John is more than 60 years older than the child he wants to adopt). Also, same-sex couples are not allowed to adopt because homosexual marriages are not recognized in the Ukraine.
Yep, Ukraine is borderline insane.
According to some people I know in the WeHo scene he likes dick, and is pretty indiscreet about it. Plus, he always uses the, my sexuality is my own business answer when asked; that almost always means yes.
@tinyfaery the man’s head looks like a penis – how could he not?
He is a man of bottomless power
i bet he’s a power bottom
epony its spelled with 3 t’s ;)
He’s way too sexy to be gay but you never know. He’s gotta sexy voice. I dont think he’s gay.
@tinyfaery WeHo? West Hollywood?
Also, he might be bisexual. People seem to forget/disregard that middle ground.
All I said is he likes dick, not gay or bi, he just likes to make out with and get head from pretty boys, so I’ve heard.
So… Let’s see… Anderson Cooper.. Vin Diesel… Zachary Quinto… Hmm… Who else is supposedly in the closet?
@uberbatman Can’t believe I forgot about him. He has to be gay, just look at his smile. That thing could take in anything.
Why does this matter to anyone but their SO?
It matters to me because if these people came out it would be more visibility and hopefully more acceptance in reagrd to sexuality. For good or bad celebrities have a lot of money and a lot of pull in the media. Living their lives openely, instead of of hiding and reaping the benefits of the stright world, they could be out of the closet AND helping others gain acceptance.
I know, personally, that a lot of celebrities are gay/lesbian but they don’t come out for fear of losing their career, money, and fame. I see that as very selfish. Just their openess might change a lot in this country. But it is my opinion.
I have so not heard this, but if he is, I find him even more appealing now than before!
OMG! & did you watch Fast & Furious 4? I doubt he’s gay the way he said “pussy”, in his infamous line in the movie. I know he was in character, but phew…that man just can’t be. lol, not that there’s anything wrong with being gay.
i’m in complete denial…
They made a Fast and Furious 4? Good god.
@Sarcasm – Considering that FF#1 pulled in over $200 million (worldwide) in just ten days and that FF #4 pulled in $102.6 million (worldwide) in its opening weekend, I think it is safe to say that unless Vin Diesel is hit by a very large truck, there will be a FF #5.
Imagine if you’re Vin Diesel, and felt like googling your name and found this thread. And you weren’t gay. You’d be like, “great.”
^ I don’t think it’s ever going to happen. And if it does, what’s the matter anyway? If I’d care about people’s opinions about myself I’d probably stay at home forever.
I heard that Vin Diesel was supposedly bisexual because he admitted it in an interview.I think that it was on Oprah.
Then he’d only be half upset stumbling on this thread.
If he is or isn’t, it doesn’t matter to me.
Well, it doesn’t much matter because redacted….and that is why in the end, “who cares?”
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