Do you have silly things you are still afraid of?
As A child I was only afraid of a few things. Certain horror movies such as Nightmare on Elm Street, IT, the dark, and Aliens. I’m still afraid of those things. Believe it or not i’m deathly afraid of Fred Kruger now because he could get you in your dreams. I sometimes think of him before I go to sleep and I dream of him and I wake up shaking. The Movie IT made me hate clowns LOL and of Course i’ve had close encounters of the 3rd kind. So i’m curious to know if i’m the only one out there who is still afraid of the dark LOL
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yeah i still look in my closet before i go to sleep lol.
Needles. When I was younger I was known for passing out when at the doctor to get a shot. Today, I am 21 and I still have to calm myself before getting a vaccination. My fear is completely irrational but it’s been a part of my subconscious as long as I can remember.
Oh, I also suffer from a slightly hysterical fear of large spiders.
Hanging a body part off the bed/couch/whatever when I’m sleeping
Something might grab me if I do!
1. Spiders
2. Whenever going to the bathroom, especially if it’s not my house, I must check behind any opaque/closed shower curtains.
-I find it silly that I am really afraid if chickens, ever since I was little.
-The movie IT made me terrified of clowns as well, that’s one of the reasons I hate Halloween, there’s is always people dressed as them. <shudder>
-And I am afraid of my blanket hanging off my bed because I think a lizard will get up and eat me.
@laureth A fear of spiders isn’t silly, silly
@Facade I totally know what you mean…I feel like something is everywhere when i’m about to go to sleep. I have to cover my head up at night unless i’m sleepin with someone else then i’ll think to myself…well they’ll get them first if it is somethin there LOL!!!!
@Facade you ever seen someone scared of spiders SEE A SPIDER!!!! VERY FUNNY LOL! Makes boys scream like little girls LOL!
The only things I’m afraid of are in the future. These are things that I have at least some influence over since they haven’t happened yet (not having children for example) but I know if they do happen it would be truly “scary”.
thank you for asking this question, it made me think about my future :)
@Facade there’s nothin like chillin with some friends or talkin Sh*t and look over ur shoulder and up comes a big gigantic ass spider LOL looks like a hand on ur arm LOL its funny how NOBODY wants to help you get it off LOL
Mark me down for spiders as well. I have mondo freak outs when I see them. I’m also afraid of three tined forks. I don’t know why but they freak me so much. I always make my mom switch with me when we’re at a restaurant.
Clowns freak me out too, @jmah
And my fear of bugs has been strong for most of my life.
Flags that are disproportionately large compared to their flag poles. So I basically hate every Perkins restaurant, because they all have giant flags outside of them.
Like this one Shudder
Edit: Just to note: this fear has nothing to do with the country of the flag. I am an equal opportunity large flag scare-dy cat.
Oh, and something being under the bed. The thought of someone grabbing my feet while they hang off the bed is so intense, that I refuse to allow it and sometimes jump into bed still
Ok, this is really embarrassing…
I watch a lot of the crime investigation programmes. In fact, I spend a great deal of time watching the Crime Investigation channel. Anyway, I have managed to freak myself out on many occasions including hiding when someone knocks on the door if I’m home alone.
Our laundry room is under the house in a room accessible only from going outdoors. Our property is semi rural with only one close neighbour I might add. Anyway, sometimes I ask my partner to accompany me to the laundry because I am scared that “bad guys” or “serial killers” will get me. It’s absurd really, I know logically that it is significantly unlikely that this will happen but I get freaked out none the less.
My partner always used to make fun of me about it so one day he went down to the laundry alone and I snuck down there quietly, walked in and shouted “DANGER DANGER” ha ha ha, the look on his face was pure terror. Priceless.
He doesn’t tease me quite as much anymore.
@casheroo – “something being under the bed. The thought of someone grabbing my feet while they hang off the bed is so intense, that I refuse to allow it and sometimes jump into bed still”
I can definitely relate to that one! I also check the closet!
I always check the toilet bowl for spiders beforehand – I had a terrifying past experience with a daddy long legs shudder
@efritz: Please never tell that story. Ever.
I, too, have a fear of spiders. It’s gotten better over the years, but if one of those little boogers surprises me, I act like an idiot. For example, this morning I went out the back door to pick up the cat food dish we leave out for the cat that adopted us. When I turned around, there was a spider dangling about a foot away (maybe a foot and a half) from my face. It wasn’t particularly big, but I did a fast double-take, jumped backwards and sideways at the same time, skidded on the damp deck, and almost fell on my ass. Then I looked around real quick to make sure there weren’t any witnesses. Yeah, I felt like a dork. I know that spider was harmless, but damn him all to hell for being in that spot and scaring me before I even had my morning coffee.
spiders, clowns, going over bridges and
leaving the vacuum cleaner plugged in when I’m not there.
I came home one time and it was running, no one was home…
@wilma: I don’t think I’d ever vacuum again…
I’m afraid of the dark (I always sleep with my light on), whenever I go to the bathroom I pull the shower curtain to the opposite side so that I can see inside it, I hate having a body part hanging off of the couch/bed/whatever I’m sleeping on, I hate shots, and… um… probably some more stuff.
@mangeons: A boy part? Do you perchance mean body part? You would have to be sleeping in a really weird position for a boy part to be hanging off. Also, you’d have to be a boy…
Another one. An open bedroom closet in the dark (whilst in bed). It’s dark, yet, I’m able to see the closet (with door open). Nope. Hafta go and close it.
Crap. Um… nobody saw that. ;)
@jmah haha, I’m so mean. I used to torture my husband by running and opening the closet door in the middle of the night. He’d freak out.
@casheroo Ha, that’s awful!
The worst is when I’ve had a few too many cocktails. I think that someone’s going to walk out; I look at the closet, then close my eyes and a few seconds later, they’re next to my bed.
A fear of spiders is silly, as of the 30,000 species of spiders in North America, only five are considered dangerous, or venomous enough to harm you. That is something like less than .01%. Spiders, while creepy, are not dangerous. Mosquitoes and bees, on the other hand, are dangerous, especially if you are allergic to bee venom or the mosquito is carrying malaria or West Nile virus.
@casheroo I agree, spiders can be creepy, but knowing that they aren’t dangeorus is helpful. When I found out that all the things I heard growing up about spiders was false, it helped me to get over the fear of them. I still ‘trip’ out if a big one gets on me, but I don’t kill them anymore.
I love holding the tiny ones and letting them crawl around on my hands.
I totally do the shower curtain thing, too.
@augustlan I’d love to be hiding in your shower, wearing a Norman Bates mask.
You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?
Gremlins, closed shower curtains (except at @justn’s house for some odd reason). I also either like to sleep with my face almost touching a wall, or my back pressed up against it. I need to see what’s coming I guess :) (or want to be totally unaware).
I’m afraid of butterflies, and balloons. I don’t know why I’m scared of butterflies, but the balloons, is a different story.
Ok, this has happened more than once, each time scaring the absolute living s!#% out of me. Late at night while watching TV, I notice a bit of movement on my shoulder…it appears to be something large…very large. As I begin to turn my head, it doesn’t flee, or even stay put… it continues to close in on its target. Various thoughts race through my head; “what the f@#$ kinda creepy crawly is it?”, “where did it come from, how did it get in the house, and how long has it been here?”. I jump off the couch, squealing like a child, “AAAAAAAHHHH!!!”. I was really terrified. A few seconds later I realized what it was: the end of my ponytail.
@evelyns_pet_zebra You are so right about the spiders. I am hanging my head in shame. I know better, I just can’t convince my central nervous system.
@FutureMemory LOL that is hilarious. Lottsa lurve for the best chuckle I’ve had all morning.
@augustlan who me? naw, I just get a perverse thrill in startling women. Be lucky you aren’t my wife, she has killed me with a withering look at least a thousand times.
No . There is a big , pretty spider web between 2 shrubs in the backyard with a long, striped spider in the center; sort of yellowish and white stripes. I find it fascinating but I am thinking about murdering it today.
I hate large fragile glass objects that can break and hurt you with broken glass. When I was small, a big glass hanging lantern fell and shattered, cutting my hand badly and making me bleed a lot. That’s why I still fear glass breaking. :(
I’m scared of geckos… they freak me out
I am scared of the dark. If I’m home alone I have to have lights on and stay away from the windows. It is ridiculous. I also have fear of general creepy crawlers, bugs, spiders, snakes, etc.
I forgot about the worst one! I am scared of a captain hook arm getting me from inside the toilet. Not all the time but every once in a while when I have a flashback of the fear from my youth I can not sit on that thing!
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I will freak out if I know a family member or friend is hiding from me inside a house, starts a panic attack. Everyone I know has been warned or learned the first time.
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