Social Question

Attention all Military Personnel!!! Could you fire your weapon upon an American Citizen on our own soil?
I’m just completely shocked by this. Don’t really know how to begin. Trying hard not to be angry and desperately wanting to know if I’m not seeing this clearly. I feel like a prisoner in my own country.
Last night at the pool hall, I met Gunnery Sergeant Bob. He was on leave from LA and visiting family in St. Louis. A few vodka tonics gets me past the pleasantries very quickly and so I asked him some questions that I was curious about. I rarely have the opportunity to speak directly with military personnel.
So what do you think about Afghanistan and our occupation there?
”Not much. It doesn’t involve me and I’ve never been there.”
You don’t keep up with the news? You must have an opinion about our presence there.
”Not at all. I just take orders for my command. Couldn’t tell you a thing about it. I don’t know a thing about it.”
Any ideas what’s going to happen with that?
”Well I can tell you that we’re definitely going to be sending a lot more troops. A lot more. Our General’s are very smart people and if that’s what they want then that’s what they’ll get.”
*Hmmmmmm*… OK, he didn’t really offer much so I wanted to lighten up the conversation a bit.
Say Bob, what do you think happened to Ron Paul. Why did he dropped out of the presidential race.
”Who is Ron Paul?”
Ron Paul? You don’t know who he is? He had more support from the people serving in the military than all other candidates combined! You don’t know him?
*Hmmmmmm*… OK, almost in disbelief I let it go.
Alright then Bob, I’m interested in getting your opinion about something. How do you feel about American Troops being deployed on American soil?
”I’m all for it.”
Well really? For what reason?
”To keep domestic peace.”
Would you fire your weapon upon an American Citizen?
”If that was the order, I’d definitely do it, no problem.”
Would you follow orders beyond what your conscious allowed?
”I’m not paid to have a conscious. I’m paid to follow orders.”
How could you shoot an American Citizen? Why would you need to when local law enforcement is supposed to police society?
”My job is to protect the Constitution from the American People. I’d do anything to do that.”
Whaoah!!! Did you just say that your job was to protect the Constitution from the American people?
”Yeah, that’s exactly what my job is.”
But I thought the Constitution protected the American People. Why should it need protection from them? I thought the military protected the American People too.
”We protect the Constitution from all threats, domestic and foreign. If the people threaten the Constitution then they are the enemy of the Constitution.”
But we can change the Constitution, the People are the Masters of it, not the other way around.
”That’s not my problem. I just take orders.”
Bob, have you actually read the Constitution? Do you know what you are protecting?
He paused, averted his eyes and said, “Oh yeah, sure I’ve read it”
Sorry people, I don’t have any military experience at all so I just can’t get that mindset into my head so easily. I’d personally like to see all troops brought home today, right now, no questions asked, just do it and end it all immediately.
Am I being unreasonable here? Should we have our own military deployed on our own soil with the possibility of having it fire upon us? I just don’t get it at all.