General Question

dingus108's avatar

Should my iPhone ever get a chance to be turned off?

Asked by dingus108 (233points) January 29th, 2008 from iPhone

What I mean by that is, I have my iPhone powered on at all times, is this bad for the phone at all? It concerns me a little. Any ideas, guys?

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3 Answers

sndfreQ's avatar

No it’s not a problem; the occasional reset is needed only when the OS crashes from web browsing (very seldomly), I empty the cache from the Settings/Safari/empty cache command; usually crashes occur from cache memory filling up or from errors in the site/browser (e.g. a bad java script or other coding incompatibility).

Otherwise the only other advice I would give is to run the battery down to empty once a month (I actually set this as an event in iCal) to recycle the battery’s memory so as to prolong its life.

Maverick's avatar

I agree with the above. I don’t think my iPhone has been off for more than 5 minutes since I opened the box. It is a good idea to run the battery all the way down (until it turns itself off) once a month or so. I usually try to do that with my laptop also, but admittedly I usually forget to do it with my phone.

dingus108's avatar

thanx guys for the info!

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