Do Vegans, Vegetarians Use Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Asked by
rooeytoo (
October 7th, 2009
I know some vegans and vegetarians do not use leather or products made from animals, so it made me wonder if they use Hormone Replacement Therapy? Since these hormones are derived from the urine of a pregnant mare and the collection process is not pleasant, nor is the life the horse is forced to lead during this time. Is it therefore considered animal cruelty/abuse?
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23 Answers
A true vegan would not. However, since normal vegetarians will eat things like eggs and milk (that are derived from animals without killing them), they may not have a problem with horse pee.
There are plant based sources of estrogen so they could get along without Premarin if this poses a problem for them.
Well, I’m a vegetarian on birth control. I know it’s not the same thing as hormone replacement therapy but I made sure that the stuff I’m using has synthetic hormones. I do not approve or like how hormones are gotten for hormone replacement therapy. the mares are kept pregnant all the time and the foals are often disposed of in cruel ways.
on a related note, HRT pills and pills in general (though not every single kind) often have gelatine, which comes from slaughtered (or, bluntly, murdered, cattle).
I was at a BHRT seminar last night. Met a vegan who was working with the main speaker there. So, I guess their all for the “natural” ones.
i am a vegetarian and didn’t use HRT. Vaccines have both mercury-based and arsenic-based compounds in them, I just learned from a conference on autism. (The reported number of diagnosed autistic kids has dropped from 1 in 150 to 1 in 91, according to the CDC. The methodologies are not perfect but there are clearly more kids in trouble than there were 60 years ago.)
you mean risen from 1 in 150 to 1 in 91.
I have quite a few patients who are vegetarian, some vegan, and it has never come up as a barrier to HRT for women who are otherwise interested. @Buttonstc is correct, Premarin is the only one that is derived from pregnant mare’s urine. That’s a dealbreaker for many of my patients, not just the vegetarians.
Of the other commercially available estrogens, some are synthetic and one is natural; ie, bioidentical – estradiol. Estradiol is the strongest of the 3 estrogens our bodies produce before menopause. The other 2 are estriol and estrone. To get HRT that includes estriol and estrone, you have to go through a compounding pharmacy where they fill prescriptions the old fashioned way, one at a time, using active ingredients mixed into a hypoallergenic transdermal cream to whatever strength has been ordered. The compounded versions are called either Bi-est or Tri-est.
The only bio-identical progesterone commercially available is prometrium – if you’re allergic to peanuts.
@gailcalled – It is 5:30 am so I am not totally alert and I kept reading and rereading, wondering, then @ria777 figured it out, thanks.
Thank you to all you responded. I was reading something about vegetarians and it just popped into my mind.
@Facade – what does the B stand for?
@Buttonstc – I didn’t realize premarin was the only one taken from horses, thank you.
Fluther is such a good place to get information from varying sources and perspectives!
Thank you all for your answers.
I’m not @facade, but B stands for Bioidentical.
@Ria777: You are right. The numbers are dramatically worse, in any case.
one theory has it that autism has increased because more kids have gotten brought up watching pseudo-people on television. I don’t claim to know enough to make a statement on the plausibility of the hypothesis, still, I thought I would throw out another possibility cause for the rise in diagnoses.
Many, if not, most kids who are diagnosed on the Autistic spectrum are discovered well before they watch much TV. At least that is the case with my grand-nephew. Of all the theories posited by the medical community and parents of autistic children, that is one I have never heard of.
One of the proven concerns is the amount of heavy metals and other toxicities in the bloodstream of pregnant mothers and then new babies. We all are now walking cesspools, sadly and terrifyingly.
One additional little tidbit, in case you’re interested:
The name Premarin is derived from an abbreviated form of it’s source thus:
PRE is for Pregnant
MA is for Mare
RIN is for Urine
@Buttonstc – are you serious? I had no idea the pharmaceutical industry had a sense of humor albeit a little bit too cute, but none the less!!
@gailcalled – I too believe that we are being poisoned by what we eat. We are finally moving from our present isolated location to an area where there are many small farms. I can’t wait to be able to buy directly from the farmers and at least have a notion of how the food is grown.
@rooeytoo:As we speak I am roasting an organic yam and preparing Tabouli, my new magic food. Is your island more careful and more aware of sustainability than we are?
Milo is waiting for freshly dried catnip.
And given the profits of the drug companies, they don’t have to be cute.
@gailcalled – “Is your island more careful and more aware of sustainability than we are?”
Only when it is politically expedient to be so! The new PM gives it more lip service than the last one, but not much really happening.
Love tabouli on kebabs – one of the more healthy fast food choices we have here. Never saw them in USA but I always thought they would be successful there.
@rooeytoo: How do you keep tabouli from falling off a kebab? I eat mine with a spoon.
@gailcalled – I should have said “doner kebab” which is similar to a gyro or yiro, not the meat on a stick thing. Here is a link that shows what I mean, but traditionally, the meat and veg are rolled up in a couple of pieces of lebanese bread. They are really good with tabouli and hummus and chilis, I don’t like meat on mine, I just go with cheese and veg.
@rooeytoo: OK. That’s a nice website, BTW. I am using the last of the fresh parsley and mint from the garden. We’re heading for a real overnight frost soon.
(You should be getting royalties for your humiliating Milo pix. I use them a lot. The toddlers in the family think they’re hysterical and want Milo to wear his red beret when they visit. Wait until they see him with a chipmunk hanging out of his mouth!)
@gailcalled – I would like to see him with the chipmonk hanging, send me a copy of that one! You know here so many people hate cats because they prey on “native wildlife.” Cats of course are an introduced species, therefore the enemy so to speak. I find that a strange attitude from non Aboriginal people especially when it is humans encroaching that destroys the wildlife a lot more than cats!
@rooeytoo: I did not have my camera with me; plus when Milo dropped the chipmunk at my feet, it was not quite an entire rodent. Someone who shall be nameless had a little snack (chipmunk tartare?)
Not all hormones come from animal sources anymore.
I am a strict vegetarian, I take 3 different hormones, and they are all made by recombinant DNA technology! They use genetically modified yeast as little factories to produce the hormones! Thanks, Science!
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