Are there times when you find it difficult to take any question here seriously?
I’ve just answered about four or five questions in a row, and I couldn’t take a one of them seriously. I just had to make fun. No choice in the matter. Granted, one of the questions was a joke on its own, but what Im wondering is whether I just get into a mood where I can’t take things seriously, or if there are times when this place just goes whacko?
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87 Answers
Same thing here. I actually deleted my account because of it. Andrew gave my account back.
All you can really do is flag and let the mods sort it out.
Yep. It depends on my mood and the overall “quality” determined by me of the questions throughout the day. The more troll-y questions there are, the more insincere and sarcastic I get.
I know just what you mean. There are also contentless questions, questions that have been asked dozens of times, and questions that are worded as if to solicit flat, dull answers.
(I do try to wait nowadays before giving a flippant answer because the mods seem very serious about not allowing jokes early in the thread.)
Oh Lord, yes.
And there is at least one member who I have never been able to take seriously. Problem is, they probably take themselves entirely too seriously.
me, right? fuck! i knew it!
@pdworkin: No darling, not you. ;)
…Unless, you possess a vagina. Then maybe.
It’s a little of both for me. Sometimes I think I’m just in a cranky mood so I roll my eyes at some of the questions. But other times (when I know my mood isn’t influencing my opinion) I could just laugh at how ridiculous and pointless some posts are. Gosh I hope I’m not one of the people who posts those pointless questions. Now I’m paranoid.
I try to take people here as seriously as possible, because I know how it feels to not be taken seriously.
@Facade Ditto. Unless the thing is clearly a joke, but otherwise, no. I don’t think it’s fair to not take people seriously just because their question isn’t as “mind blowing” as you’d like it to be.
And I’m speaking differently from just posting fun answers because you’re in a fun mood. I think plenty of people do that.
I think it’s a mood thing. Sometimes I pop in here and make five joke answers in a row, sometimes I’m all business.
I kinda like that both types of answers happen here.
And sometimes it’s not so much about how ridiculous the actual question is but more about how poorly worded it is. We all forget to spell check sometimes (I know my phone tends to fill the wrong words in for me and I sometimes miss it) but I’m talking about the posts that the person sounds either completely illiterate or drunk. Those are the ones that I can’t take very seriously.
@everybody it’s me, because @asmonet knows that I keep a vagina in a jar by the door. You just never know when you are going to need a vagina.
While I’m whining, I might as well whine about this, too: everyone on Fluther is maxed out on me. My pile of Lurve is ever expanding, but the odometer, she is stuck.
It might be partially influenced by how long you’ve been here/how active you are. I mostly take people seriously unless I’ve just seen four of the same idiotic question in a row and have gotten peeved. But, for example, I’ve probably only seen ~100 questions that are clearly asking us to do their 10th grade math homework for them, not ~10000 like someone who’s been here forever probably has, so it’s only natural that an old-timer’s reserve of patience might be slightly depleted for things of that nature. Not to call you an old-timer, per se, but I dare say you’ve spent more time here than I have! :)
Frequently. When I get a case of the “quips” too badly, I go over to Askville and do it there. The AV team never seems to notice and folks either get the joke or ignore it totally.
But sometimes I just have to do it.
is askville where superman lives?
No, no tights allowed. Just peep-toe heels that show toe cleavage.
You’re on you’re own with this one pal.
I find that everyone has moments where they just feel the need to ask light-hearted or silly questions. It’s human nature. It has been happening a lot lately and i find myself removing questions more often than answering. And @asmonet is right… a couple of jellies do tend to take themselves a bit seriously and it’s hard for me to take them seriously… but i still try to save the jokes for later in the thread and try to contribute if i can.
On the other hand… while some people ask “sub-par” questions, others have actually BROKEN fluther on more than one occasion (I’m looking at you @asmonet ).
Yep. My solution: take breaks from fluther. A week here, a week there; maybe even a day or two just for the heck of it.
It helps. Not much (you’ll eventually return back to that place you’re in – where everything just seems so mundane, redundant and rather pointless), but it clears your mind.
Nope. I take everything too seriously. I actually even have trouble understanding sarcasm – I think my joke detection unit is broken.
@Dr_C See, I can’t even tell if that was sarcasm :)
@wildpotato very much not. Usually you can tell if a comment is sarcastic when it’s preceded or followed by a handy little ”~”.
@Dr_C Oh. Why is this a particularly good place for those people who take things seriously? I’ve found that more often than not, it gets me into trouble around these parts.
here’s the thing. a few people have started out here taking things VERY seriously and slowly through lots of interaction started being able to split their focus between serious and light-hearted subjects. Also as a learning experience seeing how others react to fellow jellies who tend to make mountains out of mole-hills will kind of give you perspective as to how your own reactions may come across. There are many many ways to learn on fluther.
So, he’s done all these horrible things. Should I dump him?
Is my roommate right or am I?
What do girls want?
And then this other girl who’s not really my friend said that my friend said….
What should I do?
Babby frizzer pool pancakes
Yeah, sometimes it’s hard not to plant your tongue firmly in your cheek as you write. Sometimes it’s still there when I hit the answer button and sometimes I just delete instead.
Occasionally, the quantity of questions here so far outweighs the quality that I just feel overwhelmed and won’t even bother to try and cherry pick those that are serious and sincere. If that pattern continues, I’ll stay away for a few days, but when I do check back, something usually catches my eye and I’ll respond. But recently, I find myself doing much more reading than writing, and overall spending a bit less time here.
See ya….Gary/wtf
@andrew: Yes, I’m sorry it had to come out this way. Peace offering?
@Dr_C: Even worse, I’m pretty sure I broke it with my face. Or at least a picture of it. :)
[flips coin] Keep him!
[flips chipmonk] Roommate
love, what else is there?
she said what she said and an elephant’s faithful one hundred percent
Just stand there!
with or without?
ahhh, I feel so much better now! ;-)
I’m with most of the answers here: sometimes it’s me feeling cranky and/or cheeky, sometimes it’s the quality of the questions on any given day. I tend to be fairly serious if people are in real pain unless it’s a “how can I get him back/keep him” question which I usually just remove.
I like to be witty more often with people who have been here a while so I know their sensibilities, but sometimes that “angel in me that I’m constantly shocking” (Bea Lillie) gets the best of me and I will take the piss out of someone who is being really stupid.
Like WTF, there are often many days when I read more than I write.
@daloon: Lurve, especially for “with or without?”. :^>
I just make sure to remain patient and remember that I can close the window at anytime.
Is my boyfriend going to ask me to marry him?
What color is my shirt?
Does everyone with a vagina take themselves very seriously?
Do I have a vagina? What color is it?
How do I know if I’m pregnant? Will my vagina tell me?
Will my vagina tell me is priceless.
unfortunate lack of quotation marks you’ve got there, asmonet
I agree that @asmonet has a priceless vagina
I am a professional appraiser. Perhaps I can put a price on it.
@pdworkin Ah, the things one can peruse, no? :)
You are beginning to sound like Dr. Seuss.
Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
Will you succeed?
Oh you will indeed
If you have a vagina
@cyndyh Think it needs one more line:
Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
Will you succeed?
You’ll do finer
If you have a vagina!
Hey, this is a serious question. Quit fuckin’ around with the vaginas.
Oh, please, please, please @asmonet—I want you to ask that question, for real. I wonder if there is some detailed explanation that would allow the mods to let it through?
The idea of a talking vagina—wow! The places one could go with that! Hmmm. Maybe it could be asked… “If vaginas could talk, what would they say?” Sigh. I think my quota of questions like that is filled for a while—after that lap dance question.
Vaginas cry out for justice in the Lap Dance thread.
I came back to this thread and all of a sudden – When did fluther become vagina town?
When we first noticed that vaginas insist on painting the trim on their houses in bright colors.
But only some of them do.
I’m all for a fun question. Its a lot of fun to just muse about something silly. Dwelling on serious stuff constantly is depressing.
But why do the vaginas always park on the lawn?
crap, the coppers are here
@andrew Seriously? You are going to moderate a light-hearted thread among regulars? Perhaps you need to be tested for an irony deficiency.
My vagina is very serious.
@darwin They usually paint their houses in John Deere Green and Yellow. They have no taste!
@Val123 – Sorry – in my experience it is genitals of the opposite gender that go for John Deere Green and Yellow.
Let’s try to be gentitalmen.
@pdworkin I think you can only be genitalmen or titmen – not sure you can combine the two!
That’s just my Jewish accent.
@Darwin So now we’re throwing Oscar Meyer into the mix? Somebody’s going to end up pregnant, you know!
or is it Hebrew national?
Well, sometimes there is a pregnant pause in a conversation. It happens to the best of people.
Um….did I get the impression the mods wanted this question to miscarry?
that’s it… abort mission!
Hey, I’m hard working! you guys keep working and I’ll get there yet
Sniffling. Good bye cruel world! (Thanks for the laughs!)
I can’t believe anyone takes any of these questions seriously.
Sometimes. Not always. Occasionally. I don’t really know. Is this a serious question, by the way?~
Yes. And it’s getting worse.
I get like that sometimes, but understanding the likelihood that a humorous or sarcastic response may be misunderstood, I “curb my enthusiam” and find something else to do.
This a great but very old question, which deserves to be resurrected. Though I persoanally take everything seriously, including fluther, and practically live in the General section, I do believe the occasional witty post is a good idea.
I agree. We need balance, so I strive to be a half-wit.
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