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airowDee's avatar

Are alot of males threatened by Ladygaga?

Asked by airowDee (1791points) October 8th, 2009

I used to dislike ladygaga but i have came to admire her uniqueness.

Alot of straight males like to put her down and call her a man or a transsexuals (because that would be a real shame, right)

Is this another case of putting down a female who shows her sexuality with utter disregard for public morality or what a lady is supposed to be like, like Madonna ?

A recent quote from one of her interviews

Do you think that people will just take out the sexual references and not care about the music?

No…not at all. I’ve got three number one records and I’ve sold almost four million albums worldwide.

What’s been the biggest thrill of your career so far?

The gay community…because I love them so much. Because they don’t ask me questions like that. Because they love sexual, strong women who speak their mind.

See, if I was a guy, and I was sitting here with a cigarette in my hand and was grabbing my crotch and was talking about how I make music because I love fast cars and fucking girls, you’d call me a rock star.

But when I do it in my music and in my videos, because I’m a female, because I make pop music, you’re judgemental and you say that it is distracting. I’m just a rock star.

Are you a feminist?

I’m not a feminist! I hail men! I love men! I celebrate American male culture, beer and bars and muscle cars. But that’s not what you asked me. You asked me if my music was distracted by my sexuality. And it’s not.

I think she could very well be the next Madonna
She only needs to realize that its not a man hating thing to be a feminist!

you can see the interview here

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72 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

I find this highly doubtful. If a man doesn’t like Lady Gaga it’s because they don’t like top 40. It has nothing to do with her sexuality.

airowDee's avatar

I know alot of people don’t like her music, that’s not what i am asking. That’s legit!

Sarcasm's avatar

She’s unique. Sure.
That doesn’t mean she’s good in any sense.

I don’t know any guys who put her down for being manly, though I have heard the rumor about her having some penis of some sort.

I’m tired of Lady Gaga because of her awful music, because of how much her fans think she’s amazing (My sister included, unfortunately) and because of her ridiculous outfits. From demon to eskimo. From Saturn to disco ball. It’s all ridiculous. What’s most ridiculous about it is that after she shows up in these stupid outfits, I have to deal with people talking about it. It sickens me.

No, males don’t feel threatened. They feel annoyed.

jonsblond's avatar

@airowDee I’m just saying that of all the men that I know, they are not threatened by Lady Gaga.

drdoombot's avatar

Two things:

1. I used to dislike Lady Gaga because I generally dislike pop music. I’ve come to appreciate the double entendres in her lyrics, her postmodern artistic style and her great voice.

2. I am not in the least bit threatened by Lady Gaga. If anything, I’m super-attracted to her (how many white girls do you know with a phat ass like that?).

eponymoushipster's avatar

No, not threatened at all. my dick is still bigger than hers.

DarkScribe's avatar

Whenever I see her perform I can’t stop laughing for long enough to feel anything – let alone a threat. I like music, so I don’t really get to see her that often.

(By the way, do you know that there is no such word as “alot”?)

DominicX's avatar

So…I’m confused: is she a transsexual or something along those lines? I’ve heard rumors, but nothing solid. Not that I care nor would I ever feel threatened by that.

Personally, I love Stefani Germanotta (Lady Gaga) and her uniqueness is definitely part of it, but most of all it’s her music. She’s barely made any songs, just one album with a few hits, but I really really like it and I find I’ve memorized the lyrics to Just Dance, LoveGame, and Poker Face. I sure hope she comes out with another album and it’s just as good or better. I especially like Lady Gaga because her voice is different, she doesn’t use auto-tune, and her songs are catchy and fun and great to dance to. :)

And yes, her music is indicative of the type of music I like. I don’t really like rock, so (aside from classical) I turn to pop, dance, hip hop, and R&B. Lady Gaga combines pop with dance/synth, which is an excellent combination I’ve been finding lately. Hey, I’m gay, remember?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@DominicX she’s got the bait and the tackle.

jonsblond's avatar

Great costume for Halloween.~

Dr_C's avatar

I don’t feel threatened by her in the least. I have no opinion on her sexuality or whether or not she has a penis. I’m not a fan of her music but i don’t hate it.

Insofar as her sexuality and how it translates through her music… i don’t find her lyrics, the music behind them or the artist herself attractive in the least. The “unique” outfits she wears in a blatant attempt at some form of shock or controversy are nothing but repulsive to me. If wearing a gigantic urchin on your head or finding new and uncomfortable materials to make ugly clothes that do nothing but show your ass and that you have a good waxer make someone “progressive” then society needs a reality-check.

Just one more ridiculous person trying to be more ridiculous than the rest in order to stand out. If she didn’t wear the dumb-ass outfits she wouldn’t get as much press. Her voice is nothing out of the ordinary, her lyrics are bland and uninspired, the music is recyclable at best… nothing outstanding there.

She’ll be forgotten sooner rather than later.

Zen's avatar

Poker Face caught my attention and got stuck in my mind, like a bubblegum pop flavour-of-the-month tune often does, whether you like it or not. Then I watched her perform it on American Idol and saw a real perfomer: an interesting and unique singer and enterainer, with a voice to match. I’ve since looked the song up on Youtube and have heard the accoustic and, yes, jazzy versions of ther song, plus others. She’s great.

peedub's avatar

Call me an out-of-the-loop pedazzle, but aside from recognizing the name and knowing this person is a performer of sorts, I have no idea who she is, nor do I feel compelled to do a Google. My better intuition tells me there are better ways to waste time. Judging from some of the responses, she, he? sounds like another boring, generic-sounding mainstream artist that surprisingly sells many records that are owned by no one I know in real life.
That being said, no threats over here. If anything is under threat, I think it is the standard popular music held to these days. Globalization of crappy taste scares me almost as much as the threat of environmental destruction, hegemony, and nuclear war.
Or maybe, I am just the tasteless, cynical asshole.

sandystrachan's avatar

Who or what teh f*&^ is Lady gaga Can honestly say i have never heard of or seen this person .

gggritso's avatar

@peedub I wouldn’t call Lady Gaga generic by any means.

I’m not threatened or annoyed by Lady Gaga, I just think she’s a waste of talent. She has an amazing voice and is great with a piano. If you watch some of her live performances this becomes obvious. Her lyrics and her music though are tasteless and in my opinion awful. The fact that people reference Queen and Lady Gaga in the same sentence makes me want to punt a kitten.

gussnarp's avatar

Who’s Lady Gaga?

JONESGH's avatar

No, not threatened at all. I do think her situation is sad however. Her voice is good enough to get her music out there and to get her the attention she needs to sell albums. I find it unnecessary for her to dress up in these ridiculous outfits for attention. Her music should be selling the albums, not her clothes.

OpryLeigh's avatar

To be honest I’m getting a bit bored of Lady Gaga. Her music is catchy enough for the charts and I don’t mind hearing it on the radio but I must admit some of her outfits (not to mention her appearance on the Jonathon Ross show a few months back) just make me roll my eyes and think “next” to myself! I’m all for being unique but not being unique just for the sake and as @Sarcasm said, unique doesn’t always mean good.

Obviously that is just my opinion and I am not denying that she has a certain amount of talent at all.

aphilotus's avatar

Not threatened at all. LG is hilarious.

hookecho's avatar

Gaga is nothing but a savvy attention whore who managed to turn it into a lucrative career. I hate her because shes a zero talent attention whore.

“See, if I was a guy, and I was sitting here with a cigarette in my hand and was grabbing my crotch and was talking about how I make music because I love fast cars and fucking girls, you’d call me a rock star.” – Name me one male rock star who acts like that in 2009. Even when they did act like that, at least they had some talent.

Lady Gaga is everything wrong with society today – its all about the bullshit image, not about substance. If she didnt dress like an intergalactic prostitute and sing about penisis all the damn time, would anyone listen to her poorly produced music? Probably not.

JONESGH's avatar

@hookecho if you look at some of her live performances she really does have a good voice. It’s her image and lyrics that are messed up.

hookecho's avatar

@JONESGH I’d have to take your word on it because I refuse to listen to her anymore, its like nails on a chalkboard to me. Singing aside, the music itself really is zero talent shit – I play synthesizers for fun, im not good by any stretch of the imagination, and I could program pretty much anything I’ve ever heard in one of her songs. You shouldn’t hear something on the radio thats equal to what an untrained amateur could do.

DominicX's avatar


I don’t see how her lyrics are any more “messed up” than any of the other crap out there these days: hip hop lyrics about “bitches” and “clubs” and rock lyrics about teen angst emo crap. Her lyrics are just general lyrics about dancing, love, sex, etc. The topics of much music.


And I disagree that it’s about image. Music is about how it sounds. People listen to music because they like the way it sounds. At least I do. Maybe I’m a freak of nature, but I listen to Lady Gaga, The Chordettes, and Shostakovich because I like the way all of that music sounds even though all three of those couldn’t be any more different from each other. One second I’ll listen to “Poker Face” and then I’ll switch to “Marche pour le ceremonie des Turcs” from 1670. Both have a pleasing sound to me, which is what music is about.

gussnarp's avatar

Wait, what’s wrong with “clubs”? Is this some new slang us old-timer curmudgeon types who’ve never heard of Lady Gaga don’t get?

DominicX's avatar


Nothing’s wrong with clubs, I’m just saying that a lot of hip hop mentions going to clubs for dancing and drinking, etc. and it’s not particularly imaginative or interesting and it’s all about getting drunk and meeting girls to have sex with…doesn’t seem any less “messed up” than what Lady Gaga sings about. And honestly, it seems like you all are just referring to “LoveGame”, which is only one of her songs.

JONESGH's avatar

@DominicX that’s true. But just because most music is crude doesn’t mean it’s okay.

DominicX's avatar


Who decides what’s “okay” in music? Music is about expression, not about conforming to what people think is “okay”.

Dr_C's avatar

I just came back and re-read the thread. I realized Lady Ga Ga threatens my erection… she makes it go away.

JONESGH's avatar

@DominicX so it’s okay if your expression is being a whore? not lady gaga specifically but any music these days

DominicX's avatar


As far as I’m concerned, you express what you want to express. Other people can decide whether or not it’s okay for them. This is just my opinion. I’m extremely liberal when it comes to art and music.

However, I will say that “whore” is one of the most often thrown-around insults these days. We love commenting on other people’s sexual immorality. “I may be this and that, but at least I’m not a slut!” I don’t even think we know what that word means anymore. To some people, “slut” is someone who dresses attractively in any way possible. Other times, a “slut” is someone we don’t like. It’s really a comment on sexual promiscuity and we can’t really tell how promiscuous a person is from what they wear or what they sing about. Only a person who knows that person can tell.

tinyfaery's avatar

She’s my new Marilyn Manson, with worse music.

I consider her a performance artist. She’s deconstructing fame and celebrity. She’s owning her sexuality and not allowing anyone to define her.
I hate pop music. I think she’s great.

hookecho's avatar

@tinyfaery so many things wrong with this. Number 1, your’re not deconstructing fame when your best friend is paris hilton. Number 2, all shes doing is using her sexuality as a cheap marketing gimmick, which 90% or female singers do anyways but on a lesser scale.Something truley original would be an attractive female singer who lets her music stand on its own merits rather than promoting it by how many dicks shes sucked. You ever notice how any interview with Gaga barley mentions music and instead focuses on her “fashion sense” and who shes slept with latley? Yeah, we get it, you love to fuck random guys. Good for you. Your music is still shit.

tinyfaery's avatar

Wrong. Have you listened to her lyrics, really listened? Have you seen her performance. Can’t you see the juxtapositions? Oh, well. I guess you miss it.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@hookecho: You have clearly never listened to her lyrics carefully or seen her in interview. “Fashion” and “sense” do NOT belong in the same sentence when it comes to Lady GaGa.

Dr_C's avatar

@La_chica_gomela i would take that a bit farther and say Lady GaGa and Music should not be uttered in the same breath. Performance artists… ok. Bad music, bad lyrics REALLY bad outfits.

OpryLeigh's avatar

On second thoughts, despite the fact that I am not a Lady Gaga fan, she is making a lot more money than I am!!! She’s doing something right damnit

eponymoushipster's avatar

i can’t wait til she poses in Playgirl.

Naked_Homer's avatar

I enjoy her music. Not threatened at all.

airowDee's avatar

eponymoushipster illustrates my point.

Its the whole idea of attacking some women for not being “women”, this can be done by saying she is transgender, or she is just a prostitute, or a slut, they are not women, they are less than a women , because a “real” woman does not “act” like that or talk like that or look like that.

etc etc etc, some of the personal attacks on lady gaga illustrate, i think, society’s acceptance of judging a woman’s sexuality, body, and investigate every private bits of her life, and i mean bit as in literally..

eponymoushipster's avatar

depends on what you define as a “woman”.

i will say, she looked a lot better when she was on “Boiling Points” years ago.

airowDee's avatar

Ladygaga isn’t a transsexual, or intersex, she would be ripped apart and lynched by the general public if she was anything but a 100 percent biological woman. This is called cisgender privilege, ladygaga is not threatened by these rumours because they are not true, but if she really was one, she would not be able to do the things she do now.

The average north american person is not ready to recognize or see a transsexual as a legitimate human beings who can be sexually attractive to men, and be famous and do things, transsexuals are only allowed to thrieve in the underworld of internet porn wherealot of men in private masturbate to but never publicly admit.

airowDee's avatar

the rumour is as legitimate as the rumor that Obama is born in Kenya.

eponymoushipster's avatar

did you see the picture? that’s not a flashlight, sister.

DarkScribe's avatar

@airowDee Ladygaga isn’t a transsexual, or intersex,

It appears that you managed to avoid seeing the video clip. She has admitted to having a “small penis” as well the normal girl bits. She did so in an on air interview after the flurry of publicity about the video that outed her. It has also been suggested that she stage managed the whole thing for publicity. More people talk about her sexuality than her singing talent – that might be a good thing – for her.

airowDee's avatar

lol, yeah i am sure she admitted that.

DominicX's avatar


Gee…video removed…what a surprise…

eponymoushipster's avatar

@DominicX if you want to see her bulge, see the link in this quip

sandystrachan's avatar

Ok why is it so hard for people to see the peepee ? Does it really matter if she/he is a she/he , you can still dream about your little sexual antics with it . Does it make her/him less of a person or musician If you can call him/her that

eponymoushipster's avatar

@sandystrachan shim’s music is very tightly connected to shim’s appearance.

airowDee's avatar

the picture doesn’t prove anything, it could be doctored, or it could be just a bulge , or a fat labia.

there are plenty of other pictures that clearly show she doesn’t have anything hidden there.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@airowDee wow, you’re really in denial here. if there’s a labia that fat on her, then she’s got vag elephantism.

airowDee's avatar

it doesn’t benefit me to deny ladygaga is anything..i don’t care one way or another.

Megan fox also admitted she is a transsexual

“egan Fox gave a bizarre interview to E!‘s Giuliana DePandi Rancic on the Golden Globes red carpet on Sunday night that included her physically comparing herself to Alan Alda and spewing forth other odd neuroses.

“I am pretty sure I am a doppelganger for Alan Alda. I’m a tranny. I’m a man. I’m so painfully insecure. I’m on the verge of vomiting now. I am so horrified that I am here, and embarrassed. I’m scared,” she said.

Heres a quote I agreen with

” First, Lady Gaga was not coming out as intersex. She was going through her day-to-day life as a performer, doing her job and looking the way people expect her to look. She wasn’t “parading” around without underwear. She was wearing a very tight dress that might have shown panty lines. And if it had, that’s what people would be talking about right now because, really, how tacky, doesn’t she know better, no one wants to see that, get a clue.

What did happen is that Lady Gaga opted not to wear underwear and when getting off of a motorcycle resulted in a quick flash, it suddenly became okay for footage of her genitals to be circulated, presumably without her consent under titles like “Lady Gaga has a penis? Lady Gaga is a man?”, “Proof!! LADY GAGA is a MAN!”, or “Breaking news: Lady GaGa is actually a MAN!” and marked with pop-ups encouraging us to view “some of the funniest drunken shamings” on the internet. That’s not coming out. That’s exploitation, predicated on the belief that women’s and genitals that are “abnormal” or unexpected in any way are public property.

If she is intersex and chooses to come out as such, that would be great. If was assigned female at birth and chooses to come out as a woman with a large labia, awesome. If she was assigned male at birth and wants to share that with us, more power to her. But it was never the public’s business and it is shameful that footage of her crotch is the way she’s going to come out.
Lady Gaga’s history is not public property.”

hookecho's avatar

whether shes intersex or not, shes still a no-talent attention whore.

airowDee's avatar

well Kate Perry said that she thinks Ladygaga put a strap on or something in her pant so people will talk about her being an intersex, so maybe she was doing it on purpose to get attention and people to talk about her. Who would have funnked it, a bio woman claiming to be a transsexual to get attention ! I guess its really 2009!

eponymoushipster's avatar

@airowDee my guess is katy perry said that because her bird has quit, and she’s a tad jealous of Lord Gaga.

DominicX's avatar


Yeah, because it takes absolutely no talent to sing like that. None whatsoever.~

Just because you don’t like a performer or a singer does not mean they have “no talent”. Talent doesn’t depend on your opinion.

I also find it funny that when it comes to music it’s all about “talent, talent, talent!” Then turn to classical. Classical requires much more talent to play and compose than any other type of music and yet few people like it as one of their favorite genres. Also, interestingly enough, when it comes to painting, paintings that require less talent are often praised more. Paintings with the most talent are “just photographs”, “uninspired”, or “conventional”. This is why I love art. So inconsistent. :)

hookecho's avatar

@DominicX im not really talking about her singing, although I do find her voice annoying. Im talking about the music itself. As I said above, I play synths for fun and can do pretty much anything ive heard in her songs. An untrained amateur shouldn’t be able to reproduce music thats on the radio. Thats why I say shes no talent. Shes yet another person whos not particularly interesting or talented but has a “look at me” complex.

sandystrachan's avatar

@airowDee ’ or it could be just a bulge , or a fat labia.’ It is a bulge its her cock , and if that a fat labia then jesus get him to the Dr’s
Edit : Wonder who he pissed off , to make them punch him that hard in the crotch to swell the labia .

airowDee's avatar

Well i disagree with hookecho, my bf, and I love him of course. I understand what he means, but i can see my little step baby brother Dominic point as well lol, Ladygaga is an attention whore, but she is very captivating and she can sing and seems like a fierce woman at times with the i dont give a fuck attitude..I am not saying she is particularly talented, and there are other artists that should deserve more respect because they dont need shock values or provactive statement/fashion to capture attention but at the same time, ladygaga is quite a weird bird.

PS: there you have it folks if you want to insult a woman, the trendy way to do it now is to call her a “he’ repeatedly, because it shows you absolutely hate her and think so little of her that she doesnt have the right to be a woman.

hookecho's avatar

@airowDee do you know how annoying it would be to be friends with someone like that in real life? it would be like yeah..we get it..your shut up about it already. Truly interesting people don’t need to be “edgy” all the time.

airowDee's avatar

well who know what lady gaga is like in her personal life? I think madonna is awsome, but i would hate to be her friends or work for her. She is a bitch but bitches get thiings done! lol i just like to say that. GIRL POWER! LOL

But yeah it would be annoying and intimidating to be friends with someone who is so rude all the time. it gives me pleasure to see a woman being rude to stupid people who says thing like “you are a man” or “why do you dress so slutty”, because she has the right to dress like a slut if she wants to…meh.

Sarcasm's avatar

@airowDee seems like a fierce woman at times with the i dont give a fuck attitude
If she had the “I don’t give a fuck” attitude, then she’d stop dressing up so ridiculously trying to grab everyone’s attention. If she didn’t give a fuck, she’d dress very plainly.

hookecho's avatar

@Sarcasm I agree. Sure, maybe she does really like to dress like that, or there are women who like to dress like that. But everything about her supports what you say, it’s the exact opposite of not giving a fuck, its her catering to her fans.

DominicX's avatar

And who says there’s anything wrong with trying to grab people’s attention? Maybe she doesn’t give a fuck about how people perceive her motives for dressing that way?

This is getting confusing…if only we could get Ms. Germanotta to come on Fluther…

airowDee's avatar

she doesn’t care about fluther, she sold millions of album. Psst. lol. you guys are funny. I am happy you guys all get to talk to each other, its hilarious from my point of view.

DominicX's avatar

Eh…if I like the music, I listen to it. ‘Nuff said. Don’t care about anything else. It’s like the way people hate Creed a lot because of the main singer’s actions as opposed to actual music. For me, it’s all about the music.

eponymoushipster's avatar

“she’s got talent” – yes. i love the sound of her auto-tune.

airowDee's avatar

Me too, gaga makes me go gaga while i am running on the treadmill…she rocks my gym routine.

proXXi's avatar

Before there was Lady Ga Ga, there was Dale Bozzio and Queen.

proXXi's avatar

Why just males in the OP?

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