Social Question

Are alot of males threatened by Ladygaga?
I used to dislike ladygaga but i have came to admire her uniqueness.
Alot of straight males like to put her down and call her a man or a transsexuals (because that would be a real shame, right)
Is this another case of putting down a female who shows her sexuality with utter disregard for public morality or what a lady is supposed to be like, like Madonna ?
A recent quote from one of her interviews
Do you think that people will just take out the sexual references and not care about the music?
No…not at all. I’ve got three number one records and I’ve sold almost four million albums worldwide.
What’s been the biggest thrill of your career so far?
The gay community…because I love them so much. Because they don’t ask me questions like that. Because they love sexual, strong women who speak their mind.
See, if I was a guy, and I was sitting here with a cigarette in my hand and was grabbing my crotch and was talking about how I make music because I love fast cars and fucking girls, you’d call me a rock star.
But when I do it in my music and in my videos, because I’m a female, because I make pop music, you’re judgemental and you say that it is distracting. I’m just a rock star.
Are you a feminist?
I’m not a feminist! I hail men! I love men! I celebrate American male culture, beer and bars and muscle cars. But that’s not what you asked me. You asked me if my music was distracted by my sexuality. And it’s not.
I think she could very well be the next Madonna
She only needs to realize that its not a man hating thing to be a feminist!
you can see the interview here