I am 16 years old and my height is 6'7. My body is a bit sporty but I feel uncomfortable. What should i do?
All my friends are a lot shorter than me. Everywhere I go people keeps staring at me.. This is not nice I hate it. Sometimes i wish I could be normal.. Its a bit hard find clothes at my size, hopefully am not fat, but still i don’t feel good of being tall.. What should I do to make my self feel better???
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23 Answers
You are who you are. You are envied by friends I know that wish to be tall. Ignore people that talk shit about your tallness. Love who you are because you are going to be needed somewhere/day.
thanks a lot mate you made me feel better
I’ve been in the same situation my entire life. I’m 6’8” and have always been the tallest kid in class, tallest among my friends and have even been used (one very strange Grad Night at Disneyland) as a landmark.
It’s tough during your teens and it takes a lot of getting used to. You develop a lot of skills in finding clothes and such (just wait till you have to buy a car). And eventually you realize that the people who try to make you uncomfortable (if and when it happens) tend to be shorter and overcompensating for their own insecurity. I know it’s not necesarily a universal thing but a lot of women prefer taller guys. Later in life you see it more as an asset than anything else. It helps you stand out in more ways than one.
Just one piece of advice… if you are used to hunching over to talk to people… learn to sit down instead during conversations… your back will thank you in the long run.
Everybody’s given good answers and I know I’m not in the same situation, but similar. I’m the opposite in that I’ve always been one of the shortest people in my grade and often was the shortest of them all. You just have to realize it’s nothing you can change; it’s not like losing weight or becoming more muscular or something, it’s something that’s just a part of you and you have to start liking it! I actually grew pun not intended; I’m serious to like being short a lot early on.
People are probably staring because it’s so different and it stands out. They’re not necessarily being mean. It’s generally considered rude to stare, but they’re probably not doing it on purpose in an attempt to be rude. Believe me, people started at me because I was so small; there’s no doubt about that. In middle school I was the #1 shortest person in my grade all 3 years and I got plenty of looks and comments. But if anyone is making fun of you for something you can’t change, those aren’t the people you want to be around because it’s completely unfair to mock people for appearances and things they have no control over.
Just realize that really, aside from it being hard to find clothes and maybe fit in certain cramped spaces, it’s not going to change and it really doesn’t matter. If someone dislikes you as a person simply for your height, that’s just silly and they aren’t worth worrying about. You’re never gonna get any shorter – just come to terms with it and be happy :)
I still have hopes of sprouting UP a few inches, but I’m learning that that aint gonna happen :( so no worries!
I’m 6ft9 (2m10), and like everything it has it’s pros and cons. Sure some people feel the need to point out the obvious and say: ‘Wow, aren’t you a big guy!’, but not everyone is staring at you. It’s your age, your becoming self-aware, and you will get over it.
Just so you know, there are specialized stores. Usually for big and tall people in all sizes, but you can get clothes that will fit perfectly. Go online and search for the nearest one, once you realize you can get nice clothes, you might feel a little less awkward during your teen years. I wish I knew about these stores when I was your age.
can you please tell me some stores names???
@dimitris Sorry I don’t live in the States. But I can only imagine it would be easier to find in the states, since .. well, you know..
Hmm, don’t know why I figured you were from the States, you’re from Cyprus! My Greek isn’t that good, I wouldn’t know where to start looking. You could always Google some stores that are specialized in tall people, it’s not that hard to find. I have no experience ordering clothes online, so I can’t recommend any.
I am like @DominicX, always the shortest (I always led the May Procession) but I always and still do hate it. Not enough to wear high heels mind you, but I would love to be taller.
So I think it is just human nature, tall people would like to be shorter, short people want to be taller, females with curly hair often wish they had straight hair and vice versa.
Think of it this way, you will rarely have to hunt for the stool to get stuff off the top shelf, a definite plus from my perspective.
People who don’t accept you the way you are, are not worth being your friend.
Try to find other very tall people and ask them to give you advice where to buy clothes, beds and so forth. Learn how to play basketball and enjoy the crowds cheering at you.
That is good practical advice from @Dr_C who has first-hand knowledge of your situation….and he turned out to be a very incredible gentleman. At your height it would be hard for people to miss you in a crowd and, yes, perhaps even give you an extended look. I rather doubt anyone’s intention is to make you feel uncomfortable. But with you being self-conscious you’re probably avoiding direct eye contact but still getting the feeling they are staring at you. You have nothing to be ashamed about. You are perfectly normal but face it, your height is unusual. If you find someone staring at you, try making some eye contact and smile at them. They will probably smile back and go about their business. I used to be nearly 6’2” and enjoyed towering over most people. I’m now in a wheelchair at 4’something and get looks from people all the time, because, let’s face it, it is unusual. But I’m generally always very happy and smiling and like to make eye contact with people and when I do, I almost always get at least a smile back, if not a few words of greeting.
And there are quite a few positives to being tall. If you played basketball, you would be ecstatic. Just think of all the kids that would like to play college and pro ball but don’t have the talent and/or height to pull it off. I’m sure there are thousands of them that would love to trade places with you. When you go to general admission concerts, guess who will have an unobstructed view of the stage? Same thing for parades and air shows. Also, you’ll never get lost in a crowd and you will find that you can be of assistance to others that can’t see over a crowd, like me. As @Dr_C said, keep your back straight….also, keep your chin up and keep smiling….you are going to be just fine. See ya….Gary/wtf
Here’s an online shopping site out of the UK. Many of the brands are American.
I’m a 6 ft tall woman. I felt really awkward being tall while growing up. People would look at me, ask me dumb questions about “the air up there” and I just felt awkward in my body. Now, aside from the fact that I’m not very comfortable in heels and it’s hard to find long enough jeans, I’m cool with it.
But here’s my point: There are plenty, plenty, of tall, average, and short women who will find your height a huge turn on as you get older. If you appear confident in your height, women will dig it. (I’m with a great guy who’s 5’10”. If I could stretch him to your height, I would in an instant).
EDIT: And 6’7” is normal. Unusual does not mean abnormal. Also, even the most text-book average teenager often feels awkward. You are so not alone. :)
lol they ask me the same thing!!!
Be happy you aren’t 5’6” like me.
* swig *
ah you’ll be fine…everyone is insecure at your age even though at 16 everything is about image actually people don’t give a shit about what you look like…people don’t actually look closely very often what draws or repels people is character (look at ugly men with beautiful wives)...its the dumb thing that nobody ever understands at 16 is that all the stuff you spent all that time worrying over is complete bollox
be happy with yourself and be kind to others and everything’s cool :)
I think it’s a bit easier for @Likeradar since (let’s face it) not many tall women are as attractive as she is!
for proof of this please to be directing your browsers to the fluther photobucket group
@Dr_C Aw shucks. My donkey cheeks are turning red. :)
@Dr_C – What Fluther Photobucket group? Linkie?
@Dr_C – Thanks. I searched for it, but couldn’t find it. :)
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