Social Question

NSFW: what do guys actually do in lap dances and other strip club entertainments?
I was reading the question about stripping, and lap dances were mentioned, and the issue of touching or not touching appeared (I was going to say “came up” or “was raised,” but, well, you know…). So I was wondering what guys really do. I’m a bit embarrassed to say that I don’t know, but whatever…
I mean, I assume that it’s about masturbation, but are guys masturbating in front of other guys? Is that a show in itself—that other guys can see? Or do they just get an erection and sit there frustrated? If the guys masturbate in public, how can they do that? It seems to me that having an audience would kind of kill “the mood,” so to speak.
If it’s not illegal, how much touching of the strippers actually happens? Do guys pants come off in any way? How do they get satisfaction, if, indeed, they do? I mean, how much do the strippers “help?”
I’ve also heard there are back rooms to strip clubs where more intimate “dances” can be seen or perhaps participated in. Again, how far do things go? Do the girls invite, or do the guys ask?
How do the girls feel when they do these things? Do they ever get involved, personally, with the guys? What really happens that no one ever really describes? (At least, not to me).
I know there are books about this, but I don’t want to read a whole book. I just have a few simple questions.