Why do people like calling other people "whore" and "slut" so much?
Asked by
DominicX (
October 8th, 2009
It seems like these are some of the most common insults (for women) that I see. Got someone you don’t like? Guess what, she’s a SLUT.
One reason I don’t like these words is because they only apply to women and thus are quite sexist especially since men can be promiscuous and “slutty” as well.
Why do you think these terms get thrown around so much?
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59 Answers
I’m a man and I’ve been called a slut in a derogatory fashion.
I know guys that are whores and sluts.
And, this is just what I call them.
Only problem with guys is they will most likely take it as a compliment.
Fez called Kelso a whore all the time…
I hardly ever hear women saying this negatively. Maybe I just don’t hang around with the type of women who would use this pejoratively. I hear men saying it sometimes… especially when they’re drunk, and a strange woman does something minorly annoying. Like, “get out of my way, you stupid slut!” to some woman at the bar. I hate that.
A lot of the chicks and guys I know are very sex-positive, so we’ll say it in a facetiously ALL the time, almost as an endearment. I also used to be in charge of merchandising this store, and the manager bought this gigantic scary mannequin for the window that weighed as much as me. We named it Beatrice, and we’d be like, “Beatrice, you fat ho!” every time we had to lift the damn thing into the display window.
or they will call themselves a slut or a whore as a compliment… to themselves. The worst was hearing this from a dude who obviously wanted to sleep with me… it kind of made my skin crawl. Ew.
I use “man-whore” a lot but not slut or whore. I also call both sexes “cunt” but not because the words are so much fun as I just have a terrible potty mouth.
There’s a lack of manners and decency that’s going around in today’s youth
Very rarely do I ever hear those words used in a derogatory fashion. It’s almost always used in jest in my world.
They are ridiculous terms on multiple levels.
I know that my friends and I use these words as terms of endearment…ridiculous I know, but true nonetheless
@PretentiousArtist It’s just general immaturity, in my opinion. Manners and decency be damned; kids are mean-spirited no matter what decade they are from.
It’s ridiculous. It’s a way of trying to shame a woman who is comfortable with her sexuality… as if sleeping with people is always negative, or even encompasses all of who a woman is.
What if she REALLY is a whore or a slut?
@Likeradar I would agree with you most of the time, however, if a woman sucks 20 dicks a month or something, then sorry, she is a slut and theres nothing wrong with telling it like it is.
@ChazMaz Sigh.
Those terms are ludicrous. Sexual promiscuity is not a bad thing. Stop hurting society with your archaic ideology.
The terms have lost their meaning over time and have become part of our vernacular for use in jest or as an insult to varying degrees… none of these uses related to the actual denotation of the word. A lot of words are used based on their connotation which is sad enough in itself, but this situation is compounded by the inherently sexist and archaic nature of the insults.
@ChazMaz and @hookecho My knowledge of the words is that a whore is technically someone who gets paid in exchange for sex. Some people really are whores.
What about slut though? Isn’t it just a derogatory, subjective term?
It is pejorative, and yes, subjective.
So whore is a title. Slut in an insult.
@Grisaille sorry but I would say it is. Sex is supposed to be something special and worthwhile. Im NOT saying everyone should wait for marriage, but I don’t think a good plan is “fuck anything that moves, never form an emotional attachment to anyone, die young of AIDS”
Did you know that in Africa the most common known remedy for Aids, among the uneducated, is to sleep with a virgin.
@hookecho that’s quite a leap from “fuck anything that moves, never form an emotional attachment” to “die young of AIDS”. There are many people who enjoy sexual encounters free of emotional bonds and are responsible enough to use protection. Don’t generalize… that only gives the impression that you are unfairly stereotyping anyone who doesn’t agree with your personal world view.
@Grisaille Well said. It’s so lame when people decide to judge others based on sexual behavior. “Slut-shaming” is almost equivalent to gay bashing in my mind. (“Almost” because promiscuity is a choice… a choice that in no way effects the people who shame them.)
@Sabotage82 Yes, that’s fairly common knowledge. What does it have to do with this topic?
Did you know it is also illegal for a woman to deny a man sexually in Africa?
What does that have to do with anything?
@Sabotage82 those are very interesting facts… but a little off topic here.
@hookecho If that’s what you believe, then sure. However, if you’d be willing to entertain the idea of a progressive, tolerant society, listen up:
- Sex is a biological impulse. The emotive response? That’s an evolutionary reaction that has been cultured throughout many, many generations. If you haven’t noticed, we’ve thrown away and disregarded many biological impulses for a more pleasurable sentient experience in the time we have here on Earth, living. Not all people have children, and not all people are attracted to the opposite sex. You were designed to die young; thanks to the advancements in science, you may very well live till you’re 100. Saying that sex (or that any other biological response) is supposed to be one thing or another is simply not correct, forever changing thanks to our progressive society.
Strike One.
- To contradict myself: who said sex with multiple partners isn’t emotive? It is, and it’s fun because you are reveling in pleasure, free of social constructs and able to just live and enjoy life. That isn’t to say that sex with one individual until you die is wrong – no, not at all. I’m saying that “sex with multiple partners equates to no emotional attachment to anyone” versus “sex with one person is paradigm” is a false dichotomy.
Strike Two.
- I wasn’t aware that “whores” and “sluts” are animals who don’t use contraception, “fucking everything that moves” without protection and spreading illness throughout the land.
Also, as an aside, “die young of AIDs” is stupid in itself. My step father (who raised me, he is my father, to be clear) was a heroin addict and contracted AIDs from sharing needles with his sister. He is alive and well today 30 years later and the HIV virus is undetectable in his body, thanks to the advancement of medicine. You don’t have to die from HIV; with treatment, you can live. My father is living testament.
Strike Three.
Now stop speaking in absolutes and go away.
Did you know that knowledge is best learned when its not being shoved in somebody’s face in anger?
@Grisaille good for you man, be as loose and open as you want to be. Me personally? I prefer sex that actually means something, and with someone I would actually care to spend time with – Im not religious, im not waiting until marriage, but its gotta be more than a one night stand for me. I know the hip thing now is to be open minded and loose about everything, I guess im just not much of a trend whore. Bottom line, do whatever the fuck you want, but realize there are people out there who don’t respect sluts, and there is nothing wrong with that.
as for the aids comment that seems to get people fired up, you do realize that certain STDS CANNOT be prevented by a condom? But whatever, have fun with your random meaningless sex.
@hookecho There’s nothing wrong with your view of what sex should be. Why can’t you realize that there is also nothing wrong with other people’s version of what sex should be?
Your attitude is classic closed-mindedness. It’s not what you chose to do, so therefore people who do it are attached a derogatory title.
@hookecho No, I understand that your definition on sex is perfectly fine. However:
“but realize there are people out there who don’t respect sluts, and there is nothing wrong with that.”
Yes, there is. By choosing to not respect someone for whatever they do in their private life without knowing anything about them – generalizing, grouping together and making a whole lot of assumptions – you are effectively pre-judging. Oh, you hear that?
You’re prejudice.
Let’s move on.
I wasn’t aware we were talking about all STDs. In fact, we weren’t, so I’m going to disregard that and speak about AIDs transmittal instead. Condoms are 85% effective against the transmittal of AIDs. Not perfect by any means, but saying that “STDs CANNOT be prevented by a condom” is completely false, especially when pertaining to AIDs.
You’re awfully hostile. You feelin’ alright there?
@Grisaille Im sure you wouldn’t like a pedophile, are you prejudice for that? No, of course not. There has to be a line drawn somewhere when it comes to accepting people. I draw the line at sluts.
Huge difference between having sex with more than one person and forcing a child to perform sexual acts. If you can’t see that, then you might have a bit of an issue.
@hookecho If the pedophile crosses the line to child molester, then he or she is actively damaging another person. A promiscuous person is making their own choices with willing participants and damaging no one. Surely you’re capable of seeing the very big difference in those scenarios.
I’m not saying it’s right but, just with many other things, language evolves and sometimes words take on new meanings (ie: gay used to mean happy, then it meant homosexual and now it is sometimes used as an insult). Maybe this is what is happening with words like whore and slut too. Whore doesn’t necessarily have to mean prostitute anymore (I don’t think that everyone who uses it towards another person is actually implying that the person they wish to offend accepts money for sex rather that they are promiscuous which, in my opinion, isn’t a great thing but it’s better than actually being a prostitute). It’s still an insult but a much weaker one than it’s original meaning.
i dont know about anyone else, but girls around here call each other sluts and whores as terms of endearment. it is SO. ANNOYING. “cunt” is also a term used to tell someone how much you like them. for example, i log into facebook, and see this “hi cunty, i love you, cant wait to see you this weekend”............and i think “jesus, i’m going to delete my account next time i see something like this”. i never do, but you get the point, its so stupid.
Well, the concept of using traditionally offensive terms for non-offensive purposes is a whole “nother” can of worms…
@DominicX i figured i’d throw it in since it is such a common occurrence, and one i cant seem to understand at all, but yes, youre right. a whole nother BIG can of worms
Some say it as a common word..They got used to it..But some say it like they’re cursing especially when they’re mad.
same reason why people use gays and faggots alot when talking about anything. we are still living in a straight male centred society.
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…Why do people like calling other people “whore” and “slut” so much?
They know my ex-wife…
For some reason the “bro and ho” culture seems to permeate frat and sorority culture these days. I think people who say it think of themselves as being cheeky.
(still trying to figure out why I didn’t have SLUTS listed in my expertise)
I think the terms are meaningless – they’re purely subjective and based on the utterer’s own experience and comfort with the number of sexual partners one may have…you could change states and go from not being a slut to being a slut withing seconds just because you’re now in a place that’s more ‘proper’...women doing it to women is classic internalized sexism and is way counterproductive, imo
@hookecho look, I don’t see how it’s any of your business to judge who’s a slut or not? in another universe, I might call you a total stifled prude…would you like that? no, you wouldn’t and you’d say I don’ even know you and that you’re perfectly evolved and developed and such and such…you’d defend yourself and I’d defend myself being a ‘slut’..when in reality neither of us should be insulting one another
@Simone_De_Beauvoir honestly, you can call me whatever you want. Thats the beauty of free speech. Just like I can call a slut a slut if thats what I think she is.
Personally, I think the sexiest traits in a woman are class and dignity. and if I was a woman or gay, I’d be saying the exact same thing about men. I don’t like or respect excess sexual promiscuity, which is why I choose to refer to those people as sluts.
you could change states and go from not being a slut to being a slut withing seconds
Yeah, it’s called leaving Nevada.
@hookecho fine, but I really fail to see what value you obtain from calling others sluts…you live your life the way you want, right? good…others being what you deem as ‘sluts’ has nothing to do with you….do you call them that to hurt or to make yourself feel better?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I can’t recall ever in my life calling someone a slut to thier face. That doesn’t stop me from having a private opinion of someone. If I know someone whos a slut I consider them a slut, and thats all there is to it. I don’t shout in thier face or gossip about them, but it’s what I think about them.
@hookecho and then what else? are you less likely to be their friend?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Not necessarily. Most of the time nothing would happen except my opinion of them changing.
Ok, I didn’t read the majority of these posts. Because I’m assuming they will have nothing to do with the point I’m about to make. I would like to relay a funny theory that my friend thought up one night. Basically, he said…
All females are either whores or sluts. And they hate each other. To understand why, keep reading. A slut is a female who is willing to “put out” or offer sexual companionship without any collateral. A slut will have sex with a guy just because she’s attracted to him or she is in the mood, etc.
A whore is a female who requires some type of repayment in order to engage in sexual activity, such as… dinner, a movie, jewelry, marriage, etc. Whores naturally hate sluts because men are more willing to accept a female who does not require payment or some sort.
Slut, definition:
1. a dirty, slovenly woman
2. an immoral or dissolute woman; a prostitute
Whore, definition:
1. a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money; prostitute; harlot; strumpet.
Doesn’t match what you just said; they aren’t the words you are looking for.
It’s just a funny theory. Besides, the connotations for slut and whore are that whores are paid for their promiscuity and sluts aren’t.
@jfos yeah we got that the first time around, thanks muchly
I go to my fridge. Take that whore fudge pop out.
It is so slutty.
How ignorant can a person be?
Seriously…...You actually believe what you wrote: ‘Did you know it is also illegal for a woman to deny a man sexually in Africa?’
Africa consists of a multitude of countries, different cultures and different levels of education. Just like the US.
Generalizing with ignorant stupidities like you are doing by saying ‘in Africa…’ is so dumb and derogatory it is sickening.
For heaven’s sake get an education!
1. most swearwords are not literal. You could call someone a slut, a pig, a jerk or an idiot for that matter, and more often than not, you don’t really mean it.
2. due to social reasons, a man who has many sexual partners is usually envied (at least by other men) whereas a woman would be frowned upon and ridiculed. Not sure how it works for homosexuals. I guess the agenda there is different altogether. So calling a man a “slut” would have a rather comic result and not be all that insulting.
3. I actually agree with jfos’ theory from the perspective that he looks at it. Yes, if you define “whore” as someone who wants something in return, and “slut” as someone who doesn’t, all women are either one or the other. But then again, so are all men. Everyone in fact. Because we either do something altruistically (which makes us sluts) or due to some ulterior motive (which makes us whores). But yes, I got your point.
fornicating is not virtuous
others are trying to exert social pressure via mocking to normalize behavior
Yes, damn those outsiders, attempting to normalize sex with multiple partners, something that has been existed since the dawn of life.
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