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tinyfaery's avatar

Why are some Post-its put together differently than others?

Asked by tinyfaery (44302points) October 8th, 2009

Sorry about the weird question. I didn’t know how to word it, and I still don’t. This might be awkward…

I notice that some Post-it notes unfold like a fan. Each note has the sticky stuff on the opposite side. Most do not. Most Post-its come off of the pack in the same orientation; the sticky part is on the same edge as all the other. (Damn. Does that make sense?)

We buy the multipack, so both types of Post-its come together. We are not buying different types. Are the fan type Post-its a mistake? What’s the deal?

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5 Answers

Les's avatar

The fan type post its are meant to fit into a plastic post it note “dispenser”. So when you pull up on the note, the sticky spot is attached to the non sticky spot on the one below it. This way, a new post it is ready to go for your next note. Here

sevenfourteen's avatar

I always thought the same thing @tinyfaery !! I am obsessed with post-its but I would rather go oldschool than get one of the fancy dispensers but they sell the ones that fan out without a dispenser so idk..

Les's avatar

You can buy post it notes that fan without dispensers because you can refill the dispenser.

tinyfaery's avatar

@Les Yay for you. Now I feel like an idiot. Duh.

Les's avatar

It’s OK. I don’t even know why you’d need a piece of plastic to dispense Post Its. They seem fairly straight forward as they are.

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