How many people had sex as a teenager?
This is another one of my questions. Did you have sex as a teen? Did anything happen after you had sex? Such as a pregnancy or a STD?
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58 Answers
the question should be “who did not have sex as a teenager?” i assume most people had sex as teenagers.
Yes to the former, no to the latter.
Though, to be fair, pregnancy isn’t really a big risk in the kind of sex I have.
Sure I lost my virginity at 16 or 15 can’t really remember
and had sex thereafter
I never had an STD and all my pregnancies came much later and were mostly planned
16. no, and I wish I would’ve waited. I wrote a blog on how sex is like a drug. I’m not gonna link it, cuz I don’t want to “advertise” or anything, but I suggest waiting until you find someone special.
You mean during the early teens, or any of the ‘teens? If the latter, then yes, and no, I did not get pregnant or contract an STD, but I was safe and have had only one partner in my life.
Yes to both. Boyfriend cheated on me. Never got pregnant.
Yes I did have sex as a teenager. And no, I never got pregnant or an STD. It’s called PROTECTION. Use it.
What you should be asking (apologies to Woody Allen) is: “How many had sex in a room containing more than one person”?
Yes – sex as a teenager.
Slept afterwards.
No to pregnancy or STD.
Yes, a few days shy of my 16th b-day. She had just turned 20 a few days before. She did not get pregnant, and I did not contract an std. We continued to engage in this activity for many years…
No, I was 22. It probably would have been sooner, but my first serious boyfriend felt very strongly that people shouldn’t have sex outside of marriage. No STDs, but my first pregnancy was unplanned. So much for the pill. We had a shotgun wedding. I just love that phrase.
Yes. I was with the guy for about 6 years. I had teenage sex and I was in love. I have no regrets.
Yes, when I was 17. A few guys in my teens. No STD. A pregnancy scare, though.
I had sex a month after I turned 15 he was my first love and we stayed together for two years nothing too traumatic happened after making the sex :)
I was 19 and ¾ years old which is still technically a teenager, I suppose. I definitely regret it. He was a less than savory character from which I contracted a fancy std. Luckily it was as easily treatable one. Still, no regrets. Not that I wouldn’t change it given the chance, but no regrets.
Yes, but, I think we would have enjoyed it more if we actually knew what we were doing.
And no she didn’t get pregnant, or STD’s.
Yeah, I started having sex as a teenager. 15 to be precise. I got HPV, not exactly sure when.
You mean with another person? No.
First time was at 14(first time was non-consensual). Immediate repercussions? Nothing. I have gotten pregnant from sex, yes. I have a child and a fetus to prove that.
I did get pregnant as a teenager as well. I was also diagnosed with HPV at geez, I think 17 or 18. Could have been from my rapist, most likely not my long term boyfriend as he was a virgin when we first got together.
I was a few weeks away from being 18 when I engaged in oral sex for the first time. Still haven’t done anything beyond that and I’m 18 now.
I’d love it if two men could have a baby together, but sadly, no. And no STDs or anything happened and we are in love with each other, so it’s nothing to regret or anything.
14. Yes something happened. More sex.
I actually started having sex when I was 19. I married the man a year later, but it didn’t work out. I don’t regret it because I really did wait until I met someone I was in love with. Even though my marriage didn’t work out in the long run, I don’t regret it. When it happened I was in a safe place with someone I trusted.
@casheroo: I bet more than half of these people saying “no stds” have hpv too!
i started having sex at age 14. i did not get pregnant as a teen, and i have never had an STD.
@girlofscience well I always get tested for all STDs and HPV and so it is possible to not have it, :)
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Yes, but it is possible that it’s just laying dormant in your body. I haven’t had an abnormal pap in years…but I technically still have HPV. It might not ever “flare up” for me again, but if my immune system gets suppressed then it could come back in full force. The cervical cancer kind is extremely common. And 80% of sexually active women have HPV. Condoms do not protect against it. So you might have it and just won’t ever know.
@casheroo well I suppose I can have undiscovered HPV…I’m not sure if the test tests only non dormant HPV…any thoughts?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Only active HPV…which can come and go. Mine was diagnosed at I think 17. I quit smoking and my paps came up clean from then on. Also, folic acid can help. It does not hurt you while dormant, and can be undiscovered for years…so people who are married and come up positive with it really shouldn’t be worried. It’s not one of those STDs that transmit instantly. It’s sneaky. There’s no way of knowing which man gave it, even if you’ve only slept with three people…unless two are virgins.
@facade It picks up on abnormal cells, and the new pap test they give does a much better job, and detects HPV at the same time (abnormal cells do not equal hpv)
No for me. I was 20. Nothing negative happened.
I was just 20…. no bad repercussions, and even though I was not in love with the first person I had sex with, I don’t regret it. He is still one of my best friends to this day. The rest have been women, so no risk of pregnancy there. :)
17. No stds as a teen. An ex was diagnosed with HPV so I presumably have it as well.
I guess it would be yes, started at 9 and still doing it. Never had STD, and only planned pregnancy.
13, clean as a bell and undad…ed?… as a prepubescent eunuch…
Just a reader’s note:
I cant believe how young people are saying they lost their virginity at. No, I’m not hating on those people, I’m just a little surprised at the younger ages mentioned. That’s all.
Yes, no negative repercussions other than breaking up shortly thereafter and experiencing a short-lived teen angst.
Yes (17)
No STDs or preggers.
No other bad stuff.
Married her eight years later.
Yes, age 18. Did anything happen afterward? 32+ year marriage & still going strong.
yay, us!
@girlofscience I have hpv I’ve discussed it in another thread before I just thought we were talking about the first time we had sex and that is not when I contracted it.
I became sexually active at 19 years old. No STD’s and no pregnancy’s and I don’t regret it at all.
Yep, age 13. No STDs, no pregnancies. More sex, though.
First time I was 17. No STD’s or pregnancy scares. I was well taken care of.
@CatLover002 I’m always surprised when people are surprised.
I’ve had a few preggnancy scares once in a great while, but to this day I’ve always kept the feeling that a couple of them were just my girlfriend at the time being a complete and utter lunatic….
@JLeslie I’m always surprised when people are surprised that people are surprised.
@Grisaille stop it LOL! I feel like you are stalking/following me. LOL.
Started around 15 and was extremely irresponsible about protecting myself up until I was 19–20. Fortunately I lucked out and never got anything, but it wasn’t for a lack of trying.
I want to form a club of those who did not lose their virginity until after the teen years. It was not for lack of trying—or maybe it was. But then, why would… ah never mind. When I think of all those fun times I could have had…. Never make up for that, I guess.
Fuck you people. Who are you to judge me for anyt. . .oh, wait a minute, as a teenager?
Yeah sure I did.
I am 17 and just lost my virginity. The guy didnt have a condom so he pulled out before he came and im on the pill, so theres a high chance i wont be pregnant, thank god! i made him pull out cause im on a low dosage pill and have missed it the day before so wanted to be safe
I was 15 when I lost my virginity and have been very sexually active since. Always using protection but when I was 18 I gave birth to my first child. I have never gotten an STD because of the use of protection and my pregnancy didn’t result from a one night stand. I am now 25 expecting my fourth child.
Looking back I think that I was a bit young but I have always loved sex and feel it is a great experience and that it is good for mind, body and soul.
I was 16 the first time I had sex, and nothing really happened to me as a result. I don’t have any STDs nor have I ever been pregnant.
18, so I guess still a “teenager”. I don’t think I had sex without a condom before I was 26 (and engaged to be married to that girl). One condom did break however, resulting in an unwanted pregnancy when I was 21.
i was 16 and im now 17 about to be 18 next month on the the 4th of november. i was 16 when i lost my virginity 2 months before my 17th b0day. im still with that person. i dont regret it one bit.
Didn’t get any STD’s but had a great first time.
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