Do you still like the person you lost your virginity to?
Not as in “like” the person, but are you still on good terms with them? Why or why not? Do you wish you were? Do you guys even talk?
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74 Answers
I didn’t lose it, I gave it away. I was about six and she was seven and I haven’t seen her since she was ten – so, not I don’t think that I could profess love for her. As for the first “mature” (post puberty) involvement – I still have a very warm place in my heart for her. We were close until my late teens, I joined the Navy and went to sea and she got married. I had strong feelings for her for many years afterward.
…....yeah <shucks> ........... we’re still married…...
I didn’t know who she was. I was nineteen and just wanted to have it done.
We don’t talk. It didn’t end badly, we just weren’t right for each other at all. We barely knew each other. It was a novelty.
I haven’t seen her since then (or before then, for that matter).
we talk and hook up on a reg basis….
Ahhh. Vanessa Gleata…. I don’t know what she is doing right now but I think of her from time to time. I am 34 now, I lost my virginity when I was 16.
My parents and sister left for the weekend. I had some friends over and after they all left she wanted to stay. I told her she could sleep on the couch outside my room.
She tried but I could hear her moving all around and not sleeping. I invited her to sleep in my bed and one thing lead to another and then BAM@!!
!@ the whole thing took about 5 seconds.
I will never forget the look she gave me….Whats wrong she asked.
I replied Oh nothing I just lost my virginity.
She said, eww.
I haven’t seen her for probably 15 years.
She died about four months after I met her, so liking her is rather impossible to say. I still love her, but she’s gone to a place I can’t tell her so. The memories are nice, though.
We don’t talk any more. Just because it’s kind of awkward, not that we had a terrible falling out.
And now judging by the pictures she seems to post on facebook, she’s big into raves. Glad I’m not dealing with that.
We are ‘friends’ on Facebook (my wife knows).
BTW my wife and I never touched (not even held hands) until our wedding day : )
@holden yeah me too, in a way. Of course, if Betty hadn’t been killed in a car wreck, I probably wouldn’t have met my present soul mate, and I can’t imagine life without my lovely wife. So maybe it was ahem, cough-meant to be-cough
@holden why is she my “friend” or why didn’t we touch?
The latter, probably?
My wife and I believe that the only right time for us to have any physical intimacy is within the confines of marriage. However, not all our Christians friends are or were as extreme as my wife and I.
The person I lost my virginity to is who I was with for about the last five years. Up until about two weeks ago, we talked all the time. Now, we’re not talking at all. When we do, we fight or argue. We may have to go our separate ways.
@Facade I was by no means a virgin when we got married, but my wife was. I made a commitment to my future wife (before I knew who she was) that I would remain pure about a year before I met ‘the one’.
Also, I told my wife before we got married that I was not a virgin…she loved me anyway.
just in case you thought that I was pretending to be something I wasn’t to my wife.
It happened when I was in high school. I was 16 she was 17. Yes we are still really good friends. Her husband is one of my really good friends. We are bros we skate and drink together always. My current gf and her get along really well. Their young kids adore me. I spoil them with candy and gifts whenever I visit.
Stil get along but i try not to maintain contact whenever possible. She recently got diorced and asked if i would like to “have a romp” and promised not to tell my fiancee. I don’t think i;ll be talking to her anymore.
@valdasta I didn’t think that at all, and it is still commendable.
I still keep in touch with him and sometimes have lunch. I guess we’re still friends and I care about him but thats it. I would never even consider being with him again, I’m very happy and in love with my current partner.
He was a friend of a friend and we hooked up strictly for the purpose of losing our virginities, it was a lousy idea in retrospect and I’ve never seen him again, never even thought anything about him.
Yep… We’ve been married for almost 8 years now…
No, She destroyed Any chance of that. Haven’t spoken in months and been happier for it.
<——I’m still a virgin. ( :
I can tell you that I dislike the person I last went out with. I found out he’s a real man-whore. We went out for 18 hours. Oh God! lmfao!
i will always have a soft spot for him just because of how much we have been through and stttttuff, but we don’t get along as well anymore. its sad, we had a good thing going, but it totally wasnt in the cards, as one might say. blah
Loosing the virginity is a special thing, but to regard it as something holy is something that creates big problems in the world.
Women do get killed over the issue.
This reminds me. I never answered the “joint custody of pets” question. In other words, my first girlfriend has our cat, and, yeah, we get along much better than we did when we lived together.
@frdelrosario: Huhbuwha?!?!?
Yes, very much so. We’ve been married for thirteen years (together for twenty-one).
I married him, but he died just after our first anniversary.
I found that I couldn’t be friends with him after we broke up. He wanted to be just friends and I still wanted to be more than friends. You can see how that might be difficult. It was best for him to stop communicating with me. I hope he’s happy, but I don’t know him anymore.
@YARNLADY – Gee, that’s rough! I’m sorry.
I loved him then and I love him now!
I dono why people put so much bank in religion
but religiously bank people with imaginary friends….
We don’t see each other very often anymore (occasionally yes, as we ran in the same circle in high school, and have many of the same old friends), so I don’t know her well anymore. But to the extent that I still know her, I still like her. Even though it turned out that our lives went in different directions, she’ll always hold a very special place in my heart. Only one person gets to be your first love… :-)
@derekfnord welcome to fluther.. Lurve
I am on very good terms with almost all of my ex-gf’s, but I lost touch with this one shortly after we dated. I have tried to find her thru, and the other social sites, but have had no luck. I’m not looking to hook up again, I just feel like I need completion.
I was the shy girl who fell for the popular guy in high school. He ignored me after he took my virginity. I stopped liking him after that.
this was 23 years ago. I have forgotten about the asshole but it’s amazing how the hurt can creep back in just thinking about the situation.
We’re Facebook friends, that’s about it.
@aprilsimnel I just got a text from my husband telling me he loves me. Perfect timing eh? Not all men are assholes. =)
@jonsblond I was very popular in high school and had the opportunity to take a girl’s virginity; I really wasn’t expecting to go that far, but she was pretty blunt about the whole thing. We were alone and told me she wanted me to take her virginity (in so many words).
I am happy to say that in spite of my willingness to do so, my member was quite unwilling. Funny and fortunate.
I was a Christian at the time. I attribute the event to the grace of God; he kept me from taking something that belongs to her and her husband.
I think about her almost weekly, but we’re not friends anymore because we drifted apart i wish we were
Yes we are still very good friends
I think about her from time to time.
Not someone I would date, these days.
I like keeping that innocent image in my head of what she looked like and who she was back then.
Oh yes. He is a very special person to me and always will be. He has been on the other side of the world for about two years now so we don’t talk very often, but when we do it’s always comforting.
hell no…god knows what I was thinking back then
I’m in the same boat as @oratio…
2 teens, met, hooked, up, had fun, went our separate ways…
My one main regret was loosing my virginity to a girl with a name that rhymes with poon, the jokes my friends made and still make to this day (12 years later) are never ending!
We’re facebook friends, but I haven’t really spoken to him in a year- we mostly have gone our separate ways, but I still like him enough- he was a decent boyfriend and a good guy all around.
That was so long ago. A couple of years ago, I saw she was on our college alumni website, so I asked if she wanted to be friends, or whatever it was that website did. I think she said ok, but I haven’t contacted her since. Before that, it was maybe twenty years since I heard from her or about her. It would be fun to talk to her, I think, but there wouldn’t be anything else between us. She was my first love, and I took it very hard when she dumped me. A lot of water under the bridge since then. I’m sure neither of us bear much resemblance to who we were then.
Yeah, my “first” and I still talk. Not much though. I don’t hate him or anything (or vice versa). If I saw him around I’d talk to him for sure. We’ve got each others phone numbers. I get a text from him sometimes where he just says hi. We’re on good terms.
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I don’t like the person I lost my virginity too. We don’t even see each other now. It didn’t end badly but I have no interest in them anymore. I don’t see the point of holding on to them anymore.
Just had sex with her again yesterday lol
I was 18 and she was my best friend. We sort of drifted away, but I call her from time to time to check she’s ok and catch up on news. We still like each other and tried to have another go when we were 31 or so, but we’re just two completely different people now.
I don’t really know them as a person now, as we drifted apart, we were together 2 years (a long time for me when I was only 15) He had started to cheat on me so it had to end. He hasn’t done very well for himself out of life, the last time I saw him he didn’t look to good. He will always be special to me because he was my first, but he wasn’t my first love, who interestingly (or not) was the 2nd person I slept with. Him, I still see every so often, we both have partners and children and are very happy, I would never consider dating him again even if we were both single, but wouldn’t wish him any harm!
He will always be special to me because he was my first, but he wasn’t my first love, who interestingly (or not) was the 2nd person I slept with.
How was he your first?
@cyndihugs I think he was the first person she slept with, not the first love though
Maybe he was the first one to stick it in her babymaker instead of elsewhere.
@cyndihugs he was the first as in the first person I slept with but I didn’t truely fall in love with him. The second person I slept with was the first person I fell in love with!
hope that helps :)
@sarcasm how persumptious of you!
@sakura do i hear a =o ONE NIGHT STAND!?!?!?!?! =X
no no we went out for 2 years, I thought it was love, but after meeting 2nd boyfriend realised it wasn’t!!
yes and were still together its been 7–8 months now were very lucky cause were still in high school and sometimes other couple will ask whats the secret why were together so long to tell you the truth i dont even know why but i glad we are
my brother was in the same relationship all 4 years of high school….. its really not that hard….
He was my first real boyfriend. We dated for three years and I almost married the boy. At the end of my relationship with him, I admitted to myself that I was a lesbian and we broke it off. He took it pretty hard, thinking that he was the reason that I was gay.
Still good friends and I still care about him a lot.
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We’re noo longer together, if that’s what you mean.
We’re no longer together, if that’s what you mean.
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