A discussion about "destiny": Do you feel you were "made" to be something or do a certain thing in life?
you can chalk this one up to religous beleifs, DNA, or “just a strong feeling”
I know I only feel “happy” when I’m in a creative state hence the username“GottaMakeArt” which I use elswhere on the web…
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15 Answers
I think some people are made to do certain things. Myself, I wonder every day whether I’ll ever figure out what it is I’m supposed to do.
I do not think we were made to, except for the physical design.
It is more a purpose that we work ourselves into.
I personally like to think that whatever I want my future to be, I can pick that and make it happen. I don’t like the idea that regardless of what I do, it is already predertermined what i’m doing tonight, next year, and when i’m 80. Then again, the interesting thing about destiny is that we’ll never know if it exists (if it does), right?
We were all created to eat, procreate and die. These are our basic biological responses; luckily, we are not fettered to such petty restraints.
There is no fate, no certainty – other than death.
@Grisaille Thanks for that bright and well thought out answer to such a much deeper question.
Hey did you know that scientists after decades of research have finally concluded that animals are just a capable of being nice as they able to be mean? Just like humans. Decades of research. Interesting, the things they discover.
@Sabotage82 but its only a very deep question if you THINK its very deep
@deni I agree. Well said.
Your life’s experiences mold you to do things for what you are “destined.” By experiencing things and having awareness one finds drive and passion.
I lean towards a theory of “Genetic Pre-dispostition” Since there are many artistically talented individuals on my Mother’s side, they can do many things, but few of them pursued their “muse” and they don’t seem very happy….
Yes, but I don’t know what that thing is yet.
No. Growing up we may have honed certain strengths, abilities, or talents, but that doesn’t mean we were “made” to do those things.
As far being “made” goes. There really is not evidence to support being made.
Well, not exactly. I certainly don’t believe in true destiny, but I do believe that some people have a really strong calling for something and that may be an important part of the satisfaction they get out of life. I do feel like I should write a novel someday.
I used to think I was made to be a doctor – now I am on to bigger and better hopes
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