Okay then, I'll ask it: what do you think of this new awards system?
Asked by
Zen (
October 10th, 2009
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78 Answers
I think they’re awesome. It’s something new and fun for the community.
... And don’t forget to thank Tim!!
P.S. – I’ve been told there are secret/hidden awards. Have fun finding them!
@Allie Where to find them in? You can give us one example so we can idea and we’ll go on finding remaining.
@prasad I’m not sure. I don’t even know what they are. If you look at my profile, I’m guessing “Pilgrim” is one since it’s in the award list, but doesn’t say what for. I don’t know what it means. I don’t know where to find them. I’m just as much in the dark as you are about this (... and I’ve even asked begged Tim to tell me). But I think it’s fun!
I like it because im a stat whore and it shows how many questions i got 5+ GQ’s and other random stuff.
It was fun for a couple of minutes. I’m over it now.
I’m happy with it, but will be truly happy when I achieve ‘Salty Dog’ status. Ask Tim about that one!
I think it is fun. Like @uberbatman I think stats are cool. When I saw the key I had no idea I had accomplished most of what I had.
“Salty Dog?” Awesome!
One wonders where other awards lie hidden. Perhaps in the archives? Or in compassion for fellow Jellies? Only time will reveal them and that is totally cool!
Why’d I get grumpyfish award, snort?
I like the descriptions that pop up when you hover over the award name on the award page.
A little overwhelming at first, but overall I like them. Still don’t know what the damn Pilgrim award is for, though. Hmpf.
@augustlan Me either! I think it’s got to do with being one of the first somewhere. I thought I joined pretty late though, so I’m not sure it’s for the site in general.
@augustlan @Allie I don’t have the pilgrim award; it could be less than a year for me joining fluther. You may compare jellies who have got such awards and who haven’t. I will too.
Great addition! I don’t like to Lurve whore, but I’ll definitely make an effort to get more of these awards :)
PS. Thanks @augustlan for bursting my bubble. I was so proud to have an award (Atlantis Pelgrim) that has only been awarded once.
PPS. Why is there a PB & jelly award, but no PB & pickles award, or is there.. dramatic silence
PPPS. You know when you hover over an award you get to see how many times it has been awarded, well did anyone else notice how that amount is different from the amount that is displayed on the awards page.
@all pilgrims:
Await a clue in ‘activity for you’.
I thought I had it figured out, but apparently not. Argh!
I think it’s pointless and cute. And I rather enjoy things that are pointless and cute.
I think something might be buggy, because I’m 99.9% sure I figured it out.
I did indeed figure it out. And yeah, it’s buggy right now, just in case other people are wondering.
So the awards page only shows awards that have been received by at least one person. There’s still a few unachieved awards. Happy hunting :)
I feel silly, but I answered one of my own questions.
PPPS. You know when you hover over an award you get to see how many times it has been awarded, well did anyone else notice how that amount is different from the amount that is displayed on the awards page.
The awards page shows how many times the award is given out in total, while the awards on your account show how many times you met the requirements for that award.
When I first looked at them, I had a few more than I have now. So it’s still being experimented with. For example, I lost the “Siren Song” award (for being in 100 other fluthers) even though I am currently in 114. It’ll take time I imagine to get all the bugs out. Good luck Tim and Bendrew.
@Zen I thought I did too, but wasn’t totally sure.
Almost positive I lost Jules Verne.
@peedub They did say they are working out some kinks.
I’m just glad I received the Salty Doggerel award.
No you didn’t. I checked. See… kinks.
@Zen You’re right. There are kinks, I tell ya, kinks!
I had that prize, I really did…
peedub’s awards
Tide Pool:
Guppy PB & Jelly Jelly-Asker Tadpole Jelly-Helper Sardine Jelly-Friend Clownfish Jelly Buddy Deckhand Sailor First-mate Doubloon Herman Melville
Coral Reef:
Mer-Jelly Skipper Mariner Gold Ingot Ernest Hemingway
20,000 Leagues:
Sunken Treasure
peedub’s fluther What is this? peedub is in 71 other fluthers
I just wanted to see if you see something different from what we see?
That’s what I see on the outside, but it doesn’t truly reflect everything on the inside. If it did, you would also see Salty Dog.
Ok, it never said that. It did say Jules Verne, though. I think…
Maybe it said Sea Squirt. Yeah, that was it.
Sea & Enemy?
Ok, I’ll stop already.
confusing and i really don’t have time to figure this stuff out.
@timtrueman can you explain why “Guppy ”(received first comment) has been given out almost twice as much as “Jelly-Helper” (wrote first answer)
I find it a bit odd that 10k people would have signed up, got a comment, but never wrote anything on the site.
@peedub how about a picture of an anemone instead of an urchin :P
I enjoy it but secretly wanting to know what Pilgrim is still lol
I think their kinda cool, it’s not a huge addition so it doesn’t really affect too much. I hope it doesn’t alienate new users. Overall, it’s not a huge thing but it’s executed well. Good job guys.
Anyone who wants to makes guesses about Pilgrim, PM me.
I so want to know what “Old Timer” is. More than likely for those that have been here for a substantial length of time.
I find these awards really, really cool. Then again, I’m a gamer and I love collecting achievements and trophies that give me a false sense of accomplishment.
@Grisaille You may add the Zen seal of approval for intelligent conversation.
Wrote an answer that got 5 Great Answers. 549/1327 41.3%
Wrote an answer that got 10 Great Answers. 67/446 15.0%
Wrote an answer that got 20 Great Answers. 5/61 8.2%
This seems really off. Is the server finished crunching numbers yet?
How many I have received / total number listed on this page.
So the award counts on the global awards page is how many people have gotten it, not the number of times it’s been given out.
We’re going to change the copy on that page.
Ahhhh. That makes more sense.
edit :: and being a stats whore I would love to see both numbers. Times it has happened and how many people have done it.
@Grisaille Old timer is those here before june 29th 07 (fluthers relaunch)
I take no credit for this though, as shilolo the super sleuth who figured it out.
@uberbatman Thanks, now if you can just give me a flux capacitor I’ll be on my way.
superfluous, confusing, irritating. mostly superfluous.
I probably missed it but did anyone figure out what Pilgrim means?
I think it´s fun. It just seems like a little pat on the back to all those who make this site what it is. Great job guys!
except for that one guy… he´s a douche
Edit: i just checked and had no idea that i had like 20 of these things! i feel lurved!
@J0E You have to make a pilgrimage to the very first question ever asked on Fluther.
Why did it give me two more Jelly-Helper awards? How is it possible to write more than one first answer?
@J0E Because you are too awesome for just one… :)
(methinks they are working bugs out of the system)
@J0E First answer per each question asked. Every new question has a new answer.
@Zen Are you sure about that? Seems like an odd award.
I dunno @J0E – that’s what I thought. There’s some weird stuff going on with da awards – but PM Tim for the real beef jerky. I just winging it mon.
That bug is fixed as of now. We’ll have to go back and clean up the counts but yeah, our bad.
New award: Robot-Crush, awarded to 5 users…get on it super sleuths.
Andrew, Ben, and Tim have it. That leaves two more.
Hmmm…that leaves one more…
Oh! That is cool! Has anyone Figured out what he did to get it? Sounds like it is for our computer/ technology gurus.
(Did @Johnpowell get it too?)
Hey @Allie, if you’re going to out me, at least link to my account so people can add me to their Fluther :P
@Dog No one asked me yet. I vowed to an oath of silence, even had to sacrifice a goat for it. I suggest you pray to the Fluther gods yourself for direction. Not trying to be an asshole here, but a lot of hard work is put into these awards and it would be a shame to let that go to waist. Finding them is supposed to be fun.
This award really has me baffled…
@markyy No problem- I love a mystery so it is more fun this way!
I’m the other person that has it. Just make sure you pay attention to the little clues they give you. :)
I literally could not be any more confused.
To no one in particular: If anyone knows, hints are okay, but please don’t just tell. Some people like to figure it out for themselves. Thanks.
No worries here. Figuring it out on your own is most of the fun. My lips are sealed. :)
I’m guessing it has to do with the Flutherbot ;-)
They should have the “John Gotti award” for the person who got or can get whacked from the most fluthers.
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