Do you lucid dream?
I know a lot of people lucid dream, but I was just wondering, does anyone ever hear voices or loud sounds when transitioning from reality to the dreamworld?
Sometimes I hear a single voice, and others I hear a crowd of people.
Once there were 2 young girls singing ‘can I get a ticket’ over and over, and another there was an old man saying my name and asking me to go somewhere (that time I stayed awake as it scared the hell out of me!)
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35 Answers
Nothing like this has ever happened to me and if it did it would scare the hell out of me too!
As long as the voices are just general it doesnt bother me, its like overhearing a conversation. I just didnt like the way that time how it was directed at me :S
@The_K_Fairy Ahh, I see. The only voice I hear is my own. You know, thinking about different things that happen that day or what will happen the next.
@mramsey I mean actually hearing, not like thinking, and it won’t be related to anything. Sometimes it can be just the noise you’d hear sat in a room with people talking, not listening to any specific conversation.
And thanks :)
Or, it can be very loud vibrational noises, though that happens less.
As soon as I realize I’m In a lucid dream I usually wake up. Haven’t heard voices, but have recalled voices from media. I wish i could test the integrity of my inner world.
I’ve managed to induce lucid dreams about 10 times in the 4 years I’ve been trying it, and nothing you’re discribing has ever happened to me. Once I was speaking in the dream and Im about 99% certain I was speaking aloud at the same time, but I’ve never heard anyone elses voice in what wasn’t obviously part of a dream.
I lucid dream all the time. And when it comes to the voices you hear, I know exactly what you’re talking about. I hear other voices all the time. Sometimes they’ll start in the middle of a conversation, and then the conversation will switch out of nowhere and it’ll be a completely different voice or new conversation. I have always wondered why it happens or what it is. Maybe it’s a part of “total recall”.
I’ve never done it as you describe it, but I have had a few dreams where I was paralyzed. I wasn’t completely asleep or awake, I was in that in between zone, and I couldn’t move, speak, or open my eyes. It’s happened about five times over the years, and it really freaks me out when it happens. When I finally wake all the way I am moaning, because during the dream I was struggling to call for help.
That never happened to me, no. I do lucid dream quite frequently. I’ve had other odd things happen though in dream-state or pre/post dream-state. Now music I sometimes hear.
@scamp Ya I’ve had that two. You can google sleep paralysis to learn all about it. I have my own beliefs on the topic but the scientific explanation makes sense.
I wouldn’t say I ‘have’ lucid dreams although I have had them on occasion. Never heard voices though. Although I’ve only had the type where I’m already dreaming & realize it’s a dream. I’ve never gone directly into it, which seems to be what you’re describing.
you have mixed up lucid dreaming and a phenomena called hypnagogia. hypnagogia means seeing things or hearing them when waking up or falling asleep. you can use hypnagogia as a gateway to lucid dreaming, though.
@Ria777 Great Answer!
@The_K_Fairy Great book that talks about different sleep states is called “The Head Trip”. It is an easy enjoyable read. I don’t agree with all the author’s conclusions but it is still educational.
thanks! I have read The Head Trip, too. I have read a lot in the subject areas it covers, and still by reading it I still found out much I hadn’t known.
though I always say this when the topic of lucid dreaming comes up here, have a look at you can plenty of free information there on lucid dreams and how to achieve them.
I do it every now and then. I hear voices and music transitioning as I’m waking up. Kinda freaky but the possibilities are worth a little freaky or a bad experience here and there. I LOVE them but I have a friend who just got back from the war and he has horrible lucid dreams every night. Makes you look at them differently when he has a terrified look in his eye. I’ve had only good experiences and I would love to improve on getting there.
@RedPowerLady Ah yes, Head Trip, I bought that book a while ago :) It was an impulse buy but I was very happy to find out that it had whole sections on sleep
@Ria777 I have just looked up hypnagogia and it describes it all perfect. I always thought hypnagogia was just to do with visual hallucinations. Thanks :)
I always lucid dream when i’m hungover
The term ‘lucid dreaming’ is pretty loosely used in this thread. It means you’re in control of the dream, not that you are aware that you’re dreaming. That happens to me all the time, but it has never allowed me to manipulate or control the dream.
@scamp That happened to me once and it freaked me out. I wasn’t asleep but awake, I couldn’t move but see, and I could hear the sound of a faucet dripping increasingly until it was a loud beep. Not that there is a faucet near my bed that I could hear. I still wonder what that was, a dream or reality.
@markyy I can control my dreams when I know i’m lucid. I’ve flew over landscapes over my own creation, created animals and people. I’ve tried asking dream people if they realise that they’re in my dreams, at first they just looked at me and remained unresponsive, but after a few tries I managed to get one of them to reply. It was a man sat in the back of a taxi with me, and I asked him whether he knew he was in a dream, and he said yes, but he wasn’t as excited about the whole thing as I was ^_^
From Wikipedia: “A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he or she is dreaming. When the dreamer is lucid, he or she can actively participate in and often manipulate the imaginary experiences in the dream environment.” As I said earlier, I don’t usually have them, but I have been able to control things within the dream once aware that I am dreaming.
I always lucid dream when i’m hungover.
bizarre. I have never ever heard this one before. “hungover” means dehydrated, from what I have heard, so you might get the same results if you abstain from water and just eat dry foods for a while. (doesn’t sound pleasant, though.)
Yes! I often hear sounds like someone standing or breathing in my room. Once it was the sound of someone cooking in the kitchen that one came complete with the smell of coffee! Is this what you’re talking about?
@Ria777 It’s because when i’m hungover, the thirst wakes me up at some stupid time of the morning, before my REM cycles are complete, so when I get a drink and go back to sleep, my mind has already woken up, but im still tired, so I get lots of fun lucid dreams :D
It’s the only positive thing about being hungover that I can think of!
@ShanEnri I’ve never heard breathing or anything, that sounds really creepy! Mine’s usually just very loud conversation, or noises that get louder and louder to the point where its almost deafening
@The_K_Fairy: ‘kay. much more plausible than LD’ing through dehydration. that forms the basis of an acknowledged LDing technique called WILD, I think. the L4DAll FAQ lists all the major methods and describes them.
@The_K_Fairy Yeah it is very creepy and a whole lot scary! Twice someone has actually been in there with me! Luckily they were family!
lucid dreams has various levels from intermittent lucidity all the way up to complete continuous lucidity and full control of the dream. (this doesn’t happen as often as partial lucidity, though. as if you didn’t know.) you can also have dreams where you have a high degree of control over the dream in which you don’t gain actual lucidity;
It doesn’t happen a whole lot but I do that every once and a while. It used to scare the piss out of me growing up though. lol
Once, i was reading a book on lucid dreaming.
I had a lots of lucid dreams then.
After a few days, when ideas of lucid dreaming were out of my head, i stopped getting lucid dreams. And now, i don’t get lucid dreams at all.
Yesterday I was reading about physics and big bang and quantum theory and relativity.
You know what- I had dreams about that stuff. And I wasn’t aware that I was dreaming- i just remembered that i had been dreaming when I woke up.
So basically, its just a game of the mind. So Lucid Dreaming and all- its not real stuff. Dreams happen. That’s real. Lucidity, well, is just a game of mind really. When you impose an idea upon yourself, your subconscious mind ensures that you experience stuff related to that idea when it is in control. And when you are asleep, the subconscious is in full control.
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