Social Question

Zen's avatar

In the future, maybe near future, will we have sex with robots?

Asked by Zen (7758points) October 10th, 2009

Upon discussing dating in the future in another thread, I came upon more and more lifelike robots while searching. Which prompted me to think about this. Well, would you?

Side question: Robot rape. If your robot is programmed to tend bar or clean house, would sex have to be consensual?

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56 Answers

eponymoushipster's avatar

i’d never have sex with Glenn Beck, so no.

Zen's avatar

I meant sexy robots.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Hell yeah, sex with a being that won’t take you to court and take your house, your car, and your kids is a GREAT idea. And just think, all those filthy divorce lawyers would starve to death. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

I have been working on several sci-fi stories about human robot sexual relations, but I never finished them because I keep getting hung up in the dirty parts. }:^P

The video was a let-down though, she seems frigid, for a robot anyway. I want my robot date to be a pole dancer, not sitting in a wheel chair like a feminine Stephen Hawking.

DrBill's avatar

No, except for @evelyns_pet_zebra, we won’t. Some things cannot be improved.

loser's avatar

Robot sex? Ouch.

rooeytoo's avatar

A good looking buff young male robot might be nice.

Clair's avatar

@Zen wow. that’s great.

fundevogel's avatar

How do you define robot? Does a vibe count? What about Roomba? Is artificial intelligence required? I’ll at least consider boning robots if they don’t understand the concept of giving or receiving consent. I don’t need any philosophical quandaries about the humanity or lack of humanity of my sex toys.

Sex shouldn’t be a fucking Turing test.

XOIIO's avatar

LOL! I loved it when it/she punched him in the face!

drdoombot's avatar

Gosh, I hope so.

In what other scenario could a man have reasonably interesting sex with someone who isn’t his wife yet not be in danger of divorce?

Android sexbots could save marriages.

ratboy's avatar

Take it from me—don’t try doing your Roomba.

Zen's avatar

In the future, if we could have sex with robots, maybe we could also marry them. Then, divorce them. If the Japanese can marry comic book girls…

Zen's avatar

@sandystrachan Wow! The future is here! I just placed an order.

sandystrachan's avatar

@Zen Am sure you can marry robots , some places mainly certain parts of America you can marry pets .

Zen's avatar

Linny is nice: (NSFW)

Who appeals to you?

markyy's avatar

LMAO, that is one good looking pussy.

sandystrachan's avatar

@Zen She looks ill , like she has anorexia or something . If i did pick one it would need to be a plus size .
Edit ::::
What t he hell happened to her boobs , oh and that pussy wtf !!!

sandystrachan's avatar

Ok LAdies and gay / bi men would you buy him or even go with a guy in real life who looked like that . ?

Jack_Haas's avatar

Couple these RealDolls with advanced robotic tech and some guys are likely to make the jump.

I read that women already have a hard time finding guys because for some reason, guys are more intererested in videogames and internet porn than in naggy women who can’t cook or clean. Robots certainly won’t make things easier for these women.

In the end, the robots might win the war against man hating feminists.

Zen's avatar

@sandystrachan What a weird hairstyle on him, eh? Not that I’m bi or anything.

Zen's avatar

@Jack_Haas Do these girls come with video games included, cause then they’d be perfect.

Zen's avatar

@Jack_Haas—(NSFW) I checked it out: Order a Male Flatback and get a second penis attachment FREE!!

Zen's avatar

OK seriously, check this out and choose yours (I like Angela face 10):

aphilotus's avatar

The future? It’s happening right now.

mattbrowne's avatar

On a larger scale it would have to be androids capable of passing the Turing test. Otherwise the robots would just be a bit more attractive than existing sex dolls.

Jack_Haas's avatar

@Zen I guess you could special order an optional gamepad holder that could be inserted in her back, right next to the beer bottle holder.

Lol @ the shemale options and the human eyebrow hair… well at least it ensures real women will still be useful for something!

Zen's avatar

@mattbrowne Other than watching (a lot of) sci-fi – particularly the likes of Terminator et al, what is your take on AI and the Turing test? Do you think that machines will, ahem, think for themselves in the future? If so, what would stop them from eventually becoming, well, terminators?

fundevogel's avatar

@Zen the idea that AI would lead to terminators presupposes that violence is a natural outcome of independent thought and reason. I don’t think that is the case.

SuperMouse's avatar

I’m not sure “we” is the correct word to use; some people might feel compelled to have sex with robots. I will not, however, be one of them.

Zen's avatar

@fundevogel Was there ever a time in our brief history on earth when violence wasn’t a natural outcome of our independant thought and reason? And we’ll be the ones programming them, eh?

I think they’ll kill us off, and then finish up the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, just for fun, before killing everyone else off. Who needs us?

filmfann's avatar

Are we talking robots wearing french maid outfits like Rosie? I’m guessing she can go all night.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Yes and people already have sex with very expensive but lifelike customizable dolls called, “Real Doll”.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence that’s just a tv show called The Girls Next Door.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@eponymoushipster: that and also my future retirement business of live web, themed experience brothel of dolls and human interaction.

fundevogel's avatar

@zen Aggression and violence are present in innumerable species, not just those with thought and reasoning. As such I don’t think violence is a product reason, its more a matter of our reason not being sufficient to stamp out our baser impulse to solve our problems with our fists. Because these impulses are not based on reason but instinct or emotion I didn’t think it would but overly likely that robots would be violent. The reasoning being that robots wouldn’t have the biological foundation that drives emotional response. I suppose you could intentionally create that in a robot, but at that point you’ve begun programming the robot so it is no longer completely responsible for the path it’s brain takes. Of course you could say the same thing about people.

Of course, even without emotional response you might drive a robot to violence. But unlike a human, a robot with AI that was purely logical would not resort to violence unless it had thoroughly analyzed all possible actions and found violence to be the most effective and least costly option. Or something.

Zen's avatar

@fundevogel What other “species” can you equate with Human being’s reasoning and thought… self-destructive thought i.e., through a very brief (philosophical) evolution? What other species kills for the “fun” of it, or religion, or some other such stupid reasoning.

Other than survival or food, what reason would there be for an animal to kill another?

rooeytoo's avatar

@Zen – I just noticed your new look, is this the result of someone thinking you were a lady?

Zen's avatar

@rooeytoo Nope. Just me being me ;-)

mattbrowne's avatar

@Zen – I think it’s very likely that a computer program will pass the Turing test in the next 15 – 20 years. No one would have expected a program capable of beating a chess champion and it happened. More difficult than language are certain bodily functions in combination with interpreting moving images, i.e. an android capable of playing basketball, say on an NBA level. We can prevent evil androids by programming inhibitors.

Zen's avatar

@mattbrowne Hey buddy. I’m less concerned with bodily functions, or playing basketball. More concerned with their taking up arms and killing us. I’ve already seen robots in the military – both on the ground and in the air. Add AI to them, and voila…

fundevogel's avatar

@Zen I’m not exactly sure which direction your question is pointing. So if this is not at all what you were looking for point me in the right direction.

Chimps use and modify tools as do some birds otters and so on. Pack predators are cooperative and employ strategy. These are signs of intellect and reasoning, because these behaviors increase the well being of the individual and its community. Of course none of them have the level of reasoning present in humans. But as they are they can still make choices, develop strategies and even behavioral codes based on experience. The fact that they can reason however does not mean there is a causative relationship between violence and intellect. It simply shows that one does not negate the existence of the other.

As for unjustified violence in the animal kingdom no other species seems to have developed religion so they’re off the hook on that one. However various animals have been observed killing for pleasure or sport. Foxes have a habit of take the heads of their kills and leaving everything else. Cats obviously have no issues killing things without intention to eat them and neither do dogs. The expression “hen-pecked” comes from chickens’ inclinations to pick each other to death and them cannibalize their victim. Members of any number of social species from wolves to chimps will kill those that don’t belong to their group or belong to rival groups and Jane Goodall observed infanticide among her chimps on more than one occasion.

As for why animals would kill for reasons other than food, I suspect they’re no different than the reasons humans kill : fear, hate, desperation, insanity, pleasure and profit. With the possible exception of profit we shouldn’t have to worry about robots being motivated by any of those.

mattbrowne's avatar

Well, before we get super-sophisticated androids I expect the human brain to merge with technology. This also poses a danger. Suppose hackers are able to penetrate your personal firewall inside your head planting dangerous Trojan horses.

Zen's avatar

@fundevogel The main difference being that we program the AI – so they are not in fact like other species.

fundevogel's avatar

@Zen well they wouldn’t be like other species unless we specifically incorporated those tendencies into them. They don’t have thousands of years of evolution telling them to hiss and spit at each other. Which is why I don’t think they would be predisposed to violence.

Simply teaching them logic and cause and effect ought to be enough. You could stick them with Asimov’s three laws if you want to be thorough. Actually I bet that if AI does come around they will use the three laws.

I wonder if sex robots might be saddled with any additional laws?

Zen's avatar

@fundevogel I’m sure your argument is valid – I’m just guessing here, of course. I just think that humankind, after merely 100,000 years of physical evolution, and only, say , a few thousand years of philosophical, intellectual and “moral” evolution (i could be off here) has come to this.

Based on the speed of progress in AI, e.g. the Chess Robot, I think that whatever we input, whatever it is, they will evolve into somthing that will decide to get rid of us. Both because we are doing the programming (from our intelligence) and not a natural evolution like a dog or dolphin, and also because they will simply find us annoying and polluting little shits and make more room for more of them.

fundevogel's avatar

@Zen So you think we won’t be able to help but insert our flaws into them? I don’t think that AI requires any more than the ability to reason independently, which wouldn’t require us to teach them any thing but how to think. But if the goal is to create robots for companionship with essentially human minds you’re right. There would be a far greater chance of replicating our flaws in them. I don’t think we would be able to bond with an intellect completely void of moral or intellectual flaws.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Zen wolves are known to kill an entire flock of sheep or other domesticated livestock, and they seem to do it for the fun of it. How the Hell is a pack of six wolves going to eat fifty sheep?

but keep the discussion going, I’m liking it so far.

Zen's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra Maybe, show me. Even if so.. can you compare a little over-eating – or wasteful killing of prey to, oh, say GENOCIDE OR THE HOLOCAUST?

Lurve ya – the letter’s on the way already, registered. With all the work snail mailers have today – it should be there in 24 hours, eh?!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Zen well of course wolves (or ants for that matter, which do practice war) are not going to be a efficient at killing as humans. Wolves don’t have Zyklon B, and ants don’t have ICBMs.

The universe is a violent place. The birth of planets and stars come about from the the violent deaths of other stars. The larger suns explode as supernovas, and just imagine the violence that occurs when something goes into a black hole. I think violence is inherent in the system.

That doesn’t justify genocide or the Holocaust, but I’m not sure why we humans seem so Hell-bent on self-destruction. None of the three main Middle Eastern based religious groups can get along, and they all worship the same god. Stalin was an atheist, and he killed thousands in the name of politics. The only answer to the violence question is:

People Suck!

and the answer to your original question, well I already answered that. C’mon, winning lottery ticket, I got sexy robots to buy.

jsammons's avatar

Makes me think of Cherry 2000

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