General Question

XOIIO's avatar

If I add 3 90 decible alarms will it be 270 decibles?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) October 11th, 2009 from iPhone

I was pretty sure that if I wire 3 90 decible alarms together it would be 270 decibles, but a couple people said it wouldn’t. Will it?

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11 Answers

Samurai's avatar

Not completely, its blurs together but not as much as addition. It would probably be around 150 decibles or something.

DarkScribe's avatar

No, sound levels ar not cumulative. Is one un-amplified guitar one third the sound level of three?

Lightlyseared's avatar

Nope. The decibel scale is a logarithmic scale so doubling the power only results in an increase of about 3dB.

sandystrachan's avatar

No it would stay the same .
If you and three mates screamed at the same level , it wouldn’t be any louder than just yourself .

bpeoples's avatar

@Lightlyseared is correct.

Two buzzers at 90dB summed together is 93dB, the third would add less than 3dB.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@bpeoples woohoo. It had to happen sooner or later.

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

@DarkScribe IIRC soundwaves in air are a linear system so tripling the sources triples the radiated power. Meanwhile @Lightlyseared is correct.

Samurai's avatar

@Lightlyseared Are you sure about that, on a test I hard to take there was a question about two two guns going off a the same time, the decibels didn’t add together but it was far above an increase of 3 decibels.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Samurai Yes. The dB scale is a log scale therefore doubling the power of a sound does little to increase the dB. In fact in order to get to the 150dB you sugested in your answer you would have to increase the power by a million times. (10 log 1000000 = 60)

Samurai's avatar

@Lightlyseared Ah i see your right now, its 94.77 decibels. – useful decibel adder.

bpeoples's avatar

Notably, you also have to watch your phases—if one of the buzzers is 180 to the others (in terms of waveform) it’ll DECREASE the SPL.

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