General Question

desiree333's avatar

What is the True Blood Episode where it shows how Sam Merlotte and Maryann Forrester meet?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) October 12th, 2009

There is some episode, I’m assuming in season one, where it shows how Sam found Maryann at her house. He was trying to find pants or food or something. I’ve never seen it but I’ve seen most of the show, and I would like to see how they “meet” and why she wants him dead. I’m pretty sure its because she needs a supernatural for her vessel to her husband, but I want to see the episode. If anyone can tell me the name of the episode, or the number and what season that would be great. I have access to all the episodes but I dont want to search and watch all of them just for this one part.

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2 Answers

evegrimm's avatar

I believe you want the very first episode of season 2…“Nothing But The Blood”.

Oh, my. I love that series. Makes summers without other shows bearable!

desiree333's avatar

thank you so much. :) I know, its amazing I’m watching the finale of season 2 right now, I love it!

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