Charging more for car insurance on males under 25?
I don’t understand why insurance companies automatically charge more money on guys car insurance just because the national average for accidents is higher for them yes, but i dont understand why they cant make the rates case by case… do you feel?
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22 Answers
It’s the law of large numbers. The way insurance works is that mathematicians, called actuaries, work out the chances of things happening or not and their likely cost, and then the insurance company sets the premium at a level where they will make a profit.
You happen to belong to the age group which is actuarily the least safe, so you are going to be charged the “correct” premium for your group. It ain’t personal.
Case by case, you don’t think in the long run that’s going to cost a lot more money, which will have to come from you?
I’m pretty sure it’s not only males under 25, my insurance lowers once I turn 25 as well.
Why casheroo, you’re just a baby!
I remember being upset about that in high school as well. The females got a better rate than the males did. What really put me over the edge was when the 16 year old got pregnant and had a kid and got a discount on her insurance because, “mothers are more responsible.” Uugh.
Ha, well..I am under 25..not exactly a baby lol
No, not a baby – it’s just that you’re always so mature in your responses I thought you were older.
well i am actually female…i just bought insurance today for myself and my fiance from progressive…the only reasonable price i found and it was still $50 a month for liability…so i’m a little miffed…if they had a case by case profile they would see that we didnt need to pay as much…ive been driving for 5 years now, both in the “big city” (L.A., Memphis, Nashville, etc.) and here (little town…maybe 10,000 live here total) and ive never had a wreck…never even had a parking ticket or traffic violation….and neither has my fiance who has driven in the same areas as me and has the same record as me…CLEAN….so i don’t get why we have to pay more to cover the “stupid” people that can’t drive correctly and follow the laws. (no offense meant to anyone)
statistically speaking males under 25 get in more accidents. just like people who drive red sport cars tend to speed more often, it’s justified.
@sparkytheoutlaw man there are 10k people in your little town? that’s more than 5 times the size of the town I grew up in lol…
Because the law won’t allow insurance companies to raise the rates after they have an accident, so they have to charge more up front to make up for it.
The companies have found a way around the law by offering “discounts” for safe drivers, and various other “discounts” then if you have an accident, they simply remove the discount, and your rates go up.
Because it’s accepted sexual profiling.
I wonder if statistics showed that a certain race were involved in more accidents if we could charge more for that race…probably not!
@sparkytheoutlaw Well I’ve been driving for 45 years and have only had one claim for less than $1000 and I pay $50/mo premium, too. Those of us in big cities pay higher premiums too. I actually pay the lowest possible premium because I drive less than 4,000 miles/year.
@sparkytheoutlaw I think you can take a defensive driving course to lower your premium. It’s verifiable proof that you are less likely to cause an accident.
look at it this way, as you get older assuming you behave and stay a responsible driver always, your rates will get lower and lower. it all comes out in the wash. Its funny, sometimes how irked the 20 somethings are with old fogies until they realize they are old fogies and feel justified in the perks they have.
@woodcutter people are more or less irked by the fact that a -25 male will end up paying more, on average, over his life than a -25 female.
@ABoyNamedBoobs03 And all of us who pay insurance premiums which help cover the bad risks are more or less irked by the fact tha a -25 male will be responsible for more accidents, therefore raising our premiums over his life than a -25 female.
Insurance categories go by the actual number of incidents that they have to pay out, and that is a fact, not discrimination.
@YARNLADY didn’t say it wasn’t, I don’t have a problem with it.
@ABoyNamedBoobs03 But males tend to earn more than females who are in the same job over their lifetimes so, Like I said it all comes out in the wash. Capitalism= not often fair, at all. I wonder since the advent of mobile phones in the car that females will trend up to the males in accidents since we all know they seem to be the gabbier gender. Then insurance companies can sock it to both equally.
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