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rangerr's avatar

Does anyone know the names of old text-based games?

Asked by rangerr (15765points) October 13th, 2009

I remember playing a game with my family when I was younger, but I can’t remember if it was a point-and-click or text based. All I really remember is that you ended up in this mall in space or something and asked advice from a giant brain. It turned into a giant eyeball for some reason [or vice versa] and I’m pretty sure there was a roller rink somewhere in this building..
Sorry for being vague, but it’s been years.

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35 Answers

DrBill's avatar

I’ don’t know if it was a game, but it sounds like Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy.

floppyballmcduff's avatar

Nope, sorry, I thought I did.

Les's avatar

Mmm..maybe ZZT or Megazeux? Probably not, but man, those were fun.

dpworkin's avatar

You are standing in a dimly lit hall.

rangerr's avatar

@DrBill I don’t think hitchhikers had graphics. I believe that one is like Zork.. this one did have graphics. Horrible ones, but they were there.

aphilotus's avatar

Was it Space Quest? The old Sierra game?

kevbo's avatar

Dig around here. You might also try searching “interactive fiction.”

markyy's avatar

@pdworkin Find light switch.

dpworkin's avatar

There is no light switch.

markyy's avatar

@pdworkin Check pockets.
I have all night ;)

rangerr's avatar

@aphilotus I thought it was space quest at first, but I read the walkthrough and it didn’t fit. I have played that before though.

markyy's avatar

Ontopic: It should be on this list, see if you remember one of these.

Fred931's avatar

Probably ThermoNuclear War

Fred931's avatar

@pdworkin make boring “how many _ does it take to change a lightbulb” joke?

markyy's avatar

@Sarcasm Hey I was playing, wait your turn! I’m going to call my mom on you.
@pdworkin S ave game

dpworkin's avatar

oy, @Sarcasm, I have an exam tomorrow. This could keep me up all night.

Fred931's avatar

@pdworkin admit defeat and shoot self in foot?

aphilotus's avatar

@rangerr There were six Space Quests. Perhaps it is one of 2–5?

dpworkin's avatar

Self has been shot in foot. Start N ew, S ave, E xit Without Saving

markyy's avatar

@pdworkin Luckily I saved in time :D

R eload game

rangerr's avatar

@aphilotus I checked the walkthroughs and nothing came up.. I know I’m not crazy. haha.

filmfann's avatar

You are standing in a long hallway, hold an elfish sword of great antiquity.
There is a stool here.

ratboy's avatar

@filmfann: Is the stool Dragon spoor?

filmfann's avatar

No. A previous adventurer was scared at this point, and soiled himself.

gtponder's avatar

Was it “Lexicross” ?

rangerr's avatar

@gtponder I don’t think so. At least from what I found on google, it’s not.

I think it’s similar to Zak McKracken, in the style of the game.

BhacSsylan's avatar

Just want to say, I don’t have much to add to the question, but anyone who likes text-based games should try Violet. If you also happen to be a grad student of any kind, it’s even better.

rangerr's avatar

@BhacSsylan I’m gonna be up all night now.

filmfann's avatar

I think @aphilotus was right. It’s Space Quest

BhacSsylan's avatar

@rangerr Awesome. I love that game. It has more personality and entertainment value then almost any other game I’ve played. Also, pay attention to what happens outside the window.

jw67's avatar

Wow. You guys are young.
I’m thinking “Zork” and “Oregon Trail”. Played them both on my Apple II. I didn’t even know “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” was made into a computer game.

andrew's avatar

@pdworkin Walk down hall

andrew's avatar

@BhacSsylan Oh. Man. You just ruined my night. Thank you. Lurve.

filmfann's avatar

Hitchhikers Guide was made into a text adventure by the good people at Infocom. They were the ones who were responsable for me losing several months of my 30’s. They did Zork, Sorceror, Stranded, Infidel, and dozens of others. I loved that shit.

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