Social Question

Do you believe white privilege exists?
If you do, do you believe that all white people, on some level, benefit from white privilege or do you believe that there are many or few white people who are left out on the cold from this so called privilege?
This is such a controversial issue, I personally think that not all white people benefit from privilege for being white, obviously. There are people of color who have it better than some white people, there are people of color who abuse white people who have less privileges, But I can’t help but agree that one of the root causes of inequality is institutional racism anbd it does exist in favor of the dominant group, which happens to be white.
Tom Wise stated that white privilege is actually a tool created to divide and conquer the working class, making poor white people feel superior about their superficial whiteness so they will fear or oppose people of color instead of working with them to overthrow the ruling elites. That in fact white privilege is something that hurt poor people, both white and non white.
What do you think?