General Question

metadog's avatar

Firefox stops taking cookies?

Asked by metadog (381points) October 14th, 2009

Hi! I am using FF 3.5.3 (Windows XP) and it will periodically stop accepting cookies. I haven’t been able to predict it. It could happen several times in an hour, or several times in a day. I have to go into “Tools” – “Options” and check “Accept cookies from sites” over and over again. This is REALLY annoying. Any idea how to fix?

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6 Answers

markyy's avatar

Are you sure it’s not just resetting your cookies once a week?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

You’re clicking “ok” aren’t you? If this continues to be a problem, Google the question. I find that any computer question I’ve had, I can find the answer there.

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

Try giving it some milk too to make it happy.

Babbage's avatar

Do you have any addons that may be ‘adjusting’ your firefox settings?

metadog's avatar

I have been trying to figure that out. I have shut down a lot of them. I am guessing I am going to have to spend hours shutting down the rest, one at a time… Grease Monkey used to cause problems with Google Docs, but I guess they straightened that out. That one took me a while to pin point.

Babbage's avatar

That sounds like what you’ll probably have to do.

A few weeks ago I was trying to log in to my banks’ webpage to view the status of my accounts, and I couldn’t get in. I had to deactivate all my extensions, one by one, to figure out which extension (if any) was causing the problem. It turned out to be the Html Validator extension. Go figure.

Keep us informed if you figure out which one was causing the problem (if any).

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