General Question

Zen's avatar

What does penguin taste like?

Asked by Zen (7753points) October 14th, 2009

Curious. It was asked and never answered.

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48 Answers

mrentropy's avatar

Cold chicken?

JONESGH's avatar

Like chicken, probably…

CMaz's avatar

Probably like fish.

timothykinney's avatar

I knew people would say chicken before I even opened this.

You’re all sheep.

Val123's avatar

Whatever, I bet it’s fowl. Be gross!!

Capt_Bloth's avatar

Good question! There are so many animals out there that we never bother to eat.

O's avatar

You know, considering the way they live and eat, I would say they probably taste just like sea gull.

Harp's avatar

One polar explorer described the flavor as “a melange of beef, an odiferous cod fish, and a canvas-backed duck, roasted in a pot, with blood and cod liver oil.”

From the book “The Lost Men” about the Shackleton expedition.

Les's avatar

I don’t know. But I can probably find out…Do you really want to know?

Blondesjon's avatar

@Harp . . .mmm. . .just like mom used to make.

O's avatar

@timothykinney Yeah, I agree, that sounds a bit Steak Tartare to me as well…

janbb's avatar

I resent the question!

Val123's avatar

@janbb Yes, it WAS pretty tasteless, wasn’t it!

ratboy's avatar

@janbb: You’re in a unique position to answer.

Zen's avatar

@Blondesjon Anything for you.

ratboy's avatar

Somewhere between salamander and bald eagle.

Sarcasm's avatar

Greasy and bitter.
I’ll be taking some MREs with me next time I go to the south pole.

Les's avatar

So some of the penguin scientists on station said that, while no one they know have tasted penguin, they imagine they’d taste much like fish. You are what you eat, I guess. Considering most of their food intake is fish, krill and the like, they’d probably be pretty fishy tasting. Most likely, not like chicken.

However, remember that not all penguins live in Antarctica. There are penguin species on the southern ends of Africa, South America and New Zealand, so while all penguins are protected by the Antarctic Treaty down here, other countries may not have the same restrictions, and other species of penguin may have been eaten at some point. I wouldn’t recommend it, though. Blech.

Les's avatar

Actually, there is a link on the original post of this question that is a Q and A session with some scientists back in 1994. They basically said the same thing I said. I guess it is something they think about. ;-) Here

Zen's avatar

Cows eat chicken crap. They still don’t taste like chicken, thank heavens!

timothykinney's avatar

@Zen No, but comparing green pastured cows to chicken-crap cows you could say that the latter taste like crap.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I can’t imagine it’d taste very good. I bet it’d be sort of bird rancid-y. Like, past gamy. Waaaay past gamy, beyond gamy, what with all the fish they eat. Bleah.

casheroo's avatar

@Les I’m sure asking the penguin scientists this was quite a shock to them! They’ll probably keep you away from all the penguins from now on lol

Les's avatar

@casheroo – I just got back from lunch and the entire conversation was about eating penguins. So thanks, @Zen, for giving us Antarcticans something to talk about over a delicious meal of falafel and gyros. The consensus was: fishy. And probably really greasy.

boffin's avatar

Tastes like snake…

woodcutter's avatar

somewhere between Califonia Condor and spotted owl blend

Tink's avatar

Oh my god!

O's avatar

↑Orcas like penguins too!

janbb's avatar

@tink1113 – Where have you been? I’ve been out here on my own trying to fight off hungry scientists and now…orcas!!

Help me!

Val123's avatar

@janbb You poor besieged thing!!! Um…I wonder if penguins can get H1N1?

janbb's avatar

@Val123 Thanks for the support! No, we can’t get H1N1; remember it’s swine flu.

Val123's avatar

@janbb Well, people can get it and we’re not swine! I bet penguins can get it too. Do you have chills, fever, feel like crap…...LOOK OUT FOR THE ORCA!!! NO! DON’T RUN THAT WAY!! THE SCIENTIST IS TRYING TO STAB YOU TO GET A PENGUIN SAMPLE!! RUN!!!! Anyway, the best thing you can do for H1N1 is relax, plenty of bed rest and…LOOK OUT!!!

Tink's avatar

@janbb The orcas got to me, I almost lost a flipper. I had found another fluther Penguin along the way, but I think they got eaten.

O's avatar


janbb's avatar

OMG – THIS IS A PERILOUS THREAD (though the orca did apologize.) Hang on, little buddy, I’m swimming over to you, there’s safety in numbers…....

janbb's avatar

And we lost zenguin (whoever he was.) sob!

Val123's avatar


janbb's avatar

@Val123 Good advice! hops up on iceberg. Now, if I can just avoid swine flu….

Val123's avatar

@janbb There’s a scientist on that iceberg! If you get the swine flu, or the avian flu, no worries. Just rest a lot.

Tink's avatar

@janbb Were safe now, but the swine flu is comming towards us!

Zen's avatar

[Not the mod} says: Stay on topic guys.

Tink's avatar

@Zen Sorry. :]

Zen's avatar

[Word of the day says]: Nipples.

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