General Question

CMaz's avatar

Do you prefer automated operators?

Asked by CMaz (26323points) October 14th, 2009

You know, press 1 for for this, press 2 for that and so on.
There has been an entire generation that never truly experienced what it was like to get a person on the other side. Right from the beginning.

Do you think it has made a difference and is necessary?

Drives me batty!

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19 Answers

inkvisitor's avatar

I usually end up pressing zero until I get someone!

In automation’s defense, though, I would think it helps if it is actually routing your call to the appropriate person.

poofandmook's avatar

I am okay with automated operators IF there is a final option to “press zero for a representative.” I hate… HATE… voice response operators. They never understand anything you say, and I do not have an accent, pronounce words clearly, and enunciate very well. Ask @scamp.

fireinthepriory's avatar

I’m part of the entire generation that never experienced getting a person on the other side, right from the beginning! The extent of things these menus ask you is usually unnecessary and goes into too much detail when really they’re just going to give you to a generic “help” person in the end anyway. I’d be in favor of one basic menu at the beginning – say, customer service vs. troubleshooting vs. other.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I also press zero repeatedly until I get an operator.

I do not think the automation makes anything easier. They drive me batty as well. I would rather be on hold to wait and talk to a live person vs. use the automation. I do however like it when there is a short message with hours open and address as sometimes that is the only reason I need to call.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

I prefer a human I can understand.
After that I would prefer someone I can hardly understand, calling himself Bill before one of those machines.
The automated ones that you can talk to are the worst! If I cough or the cat meows or dog whines you get this “Im sorry, I didn’t get that.” It drives me crazy.

gussnarp's avatar

I like the automated, touch tone menus when they let me do what I want to quickly and easily, but as others have said, there must be an option for a real human being. I know when I need one and when I don’t. And whoever came up with the idea of speaking to the machine is an idiot. We all have touch tones, and the machine can easily understand those. Talking to the machine is supposed to make us feel better about it being automated, I suppose, but I wonder if they did any focus groups on it or if any studies have been done since. Surely everyone is enraged by the stupid computer asking you to talk to it. The good news is if you just mumble at it it will eventually get you a real person.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I have very little patience with automated systems. I wil wear the O button out getting to talk to someone.

fireinthepriory's avatar

Honestly, the reason I don’t like the voice response menus isn’t because they can’t understand me… That’s annoying, but my real indignation is because I feel like an idiot talking to them. :)

ccrow's avatar

@poofandmook, once I was on one of those & my son was messing w/the dog. I was getting pissed but when the dog barked, & then the system said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that”, I had to laugh!

Darwin's avatar

I hate automated systems. I go straight to the 0 and press it until I get a real person on the line. Even someone who speaks Hindi as their first language is better than following those numbers in little circles.

Our local high school, however, doesn’t have that option. If you don’t know the specific extension you need, you are doomed to wander through the phone system forever, or until you hang up in anger and go get in the car to drive to the school and ask your question of someone in the office.

aprilsimnel's avatar

No. If I make a call to customer service, it’s because I have a specific problem that falls outside the scope of the bloody automated phone FAQ and I need to speak to a person who might comprehend.

filmfann's avatar

I really hate when you reach a machine, and after several attempts, it says “I am not sure what you want. Please call back.” and it hangs up on you.
How hard would it be to have a backup operator?

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

It’s not a big deal and it’s not as though automatic phone systems are going away any time soon.
Think of it as an opportunity to practice patience.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic patience, what the heck is that?

RedPowerLady's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic What, I can’t, tell me now… ROFL

Darwin's avatar

Patients is what doctors have.

LostInParadise's avatar

It is okay if the number of option layers is small. Otherwise it can be really annoying. My pharmacy uses an automated system for renewing prescriptions, which I am perfectly happy with.

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