What's the best fortune you ever pulled out of a cookie?
Mine is: “The austerity you see around you covers the richness of life like a veil.”
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41 Answers
I think it was “Don’t trust advice you receive in fortune cookies.”
“You are next in line for promotion” – received two days before getting the job offer for my current position with a $700/mo raise.
@ru2bz46 What are the odds. You must eat tons of fortune cookies.
@Samurai Tell me about it! I had a good feeling about the job already, so I kept the paper as a souvenir.
Edit: Just to clarify, I did not ever think that the “fortune” was related to getting the job.
@Capt_Bloth Thanks (for saving the 5 minutes we’d never get back from that movie).
It was “You will bring sunshine into someone’s life.” Recieved a few days after meeting my fiancee. I keep it in my wallet. :)
@Zen No problem. I wouldn’t wish that on anybody here.
“You are what you think about all day long.” I was floored. I think about myself all day long. Most accurate cookie ever.
@Capt_Bloth Oh, but cool use of a link re. cookie. Way to stay on topic and be creative.
For Real:
A good friend of mine & I both had fortune cookies in our lunch bags in HS. We both had the SAME fortune. We had a good giggle about it. Like many HS moments, I then forgot all about the shared moment.
For Christmas, she hand made me a beautiful envelope & inside was the fortune she’d pulled out of her cookie that day, months earlier.
My dear friend was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor later that year. She wasn’t in school much. When she was, we were no longer able to share lunch together as she often was only able to stay for a couple of hours at a time.
It’s now about 20yrs later….I still have the fortune in it’s envelope in a keepsake box. (no I can’t remember the saying, I’m sorry to say…just the sentiment of her saving it to give to me) Every so often I take it out just to think of her kindness in keeping it to share that great moment with me again.
You will find love on Flag Day
Animals provide more love than men
I like to keep the ones that mean the most to me in my wallet…here they are:
“You are on the verge of something big.” -got this while having lunch with a friend before a big interview that landed me a job that pays really well. (still work there)
“You will be unusually successful in business.” -I just liked this one because I work in sales, and I plan to start a business with my younger brother.
“Today you should spend some time to search in yourself.” – no deep meaning, just liked it.
“Keep on keeping on.”
“The only limits to the possibilities in your life tomorrow are the buts you use today.”
“You will learn quickly, never fear.”
“Remember three months from this date. Good things are in store for you.” – I wrote the date down, nothing significant happened, but I did find a 5 dollar bill on the ground.
@rangerr But you have to b careful and use lubrication. Also, see the thread on no sex with wild animals.
@Zen The same thread about Jacksonville and the magic changing question? Ha.
Best fortune cookie I had: Don’t look behind you. Glock 17 at 9 o’clock.
“You will have a party”- That fortune could not have ended up with someone to whom it applied less.
“You’re welcome”- thanks?
Well, the worst for me was “Eat three square meals a day”. What? That’s not a fortune, that’s advice. Stupid.
@andrew That would be one of those fortunes where I would be all excited, then open it and read it and just get a disgusted look on my face and be totally disappointed.
The day after my husband and I started dating, we went out to lunch with two friends. At the end of the meal, we only got three fortune cookies, so he and I shared one. We each took one end and broke it in half, and the fortune inside was “The rest of your life is sitting right in front of you.” And it was right!
We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. I’ve had this stuck to my refrigerator for a couple of years now. It’s a nice reminder of what is important.
The funniest: Help! I’m being held prisoner in a chinese bakery!
A free visit to Quark’s holo-suite. Okay, I made that one up.
@NewZen – It was indeed. Did you see Enterprise too. T’Pol and all the others?
“your ugly and your mother dresses you funny”
@sdeutsch you better check and make sure he didn’t slip the waiter a $20 to pull a cookie from the “dating couple” box~
@mattbrowne Enterprise is the best of the bunch. I’ve been watching on DVD. One season left…
@Capt_Bloth TNG was entertaining, but Enterprise brings in much more drama, especially with the continuing storyline like with the Xindi. It held my attention through the whole season.
Sorry for getting off-topic here…I’ll be good.
I also got a good fortune a while back about finding love close to home. I later married my best friend.
I once got a blank piece of paper, I thought the implications were staggering.
I might say that the best fortune I’ve opened was “You will have good luck with whatever you do”! Yep..I know..it was awesome.:)
i just found one by my bed “your life will become more and more of an adventure!” i just got this one a few weeks ago and it made me so happy. it was just what i wanted to hear out of a cookie, lol :)
“You will want to use the restroom before you leave.”
I bought a whole bag of fortune cookies and ate them all myself (not at one time). Three of them had the same message: that I would marry a red headed boy. I didn’t know any red headed boys at the time. 10 years later, when I got married, I remembered that fortune because my husband had more blondish hair, but a definitely red beard. So you see, you must believe in fortune cookies.
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