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filmfann's avatar

Would you rather love more than you are loved?

Asked by filmfann (52611points) October 15th, 2009

In every relationship, one will love the other more. It is never equal.
Would you rather be the one who is loved more, or would you rather love your partner more? Why?

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28 Answers

Zen's avatar

Equal would be nice.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Be loved more. I have no idea what that would be like, and it would be nice to know, if only for a little while.

ru2bz46's avatar

I tend to love more than I am loved, and I am happy. I wouldn’t want to mess with the current balance; it may leave me feeling like I’m not doing my part.

SuperMouse's avatar

An old friend of mine used to tell me that a woman should always be with a man who loves her more than she loves him – that will give her some power in the relationship. Now I find myself in the position of being deeply, passionately, amazingly in love with a man. I believe he loves me an awful lot, but I honestly don’t care who loves more, I just thank God that we found each other.

chyna's avatar

Gee, I would just like to find someone that was interested in me!

jackm's avatar

Be loved more. Then you know everything you are thinking and doing can only be magnified in their head.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I may no longer be religious, but The Prayer of St. Francis still moves me, and the high point of this prayer (we sang it at my former church), is the verse “Oh, Master, grant that I may never seek so much to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love with all my soul.” That doesn’t only go for romantic partners. Imagine if we gave rather than took more.

I am nowhere near this model as a person, I admit, but I think I’m more conscious today of when I’m doing more taking and not enough giving.

tinyfaery's avatar

I think that’s a false dichotomy. People show love in many ways. Those outside of a relationship can never really know the love that exists between two people. I would think that at any time either partner might fit into those categories.

Zen's avatar

@SuperMouse I’d heard that said many a time, by my ex-girlfriend. Ex girlfriend, maybe because she kept saying that.

filmfann's avatar

In my marriage, there are times I know I love my wife loves me more, and I feel inadequite.
Other times, I know my feelings for her are greater, and I feel hurt that she doesn’t have as intense of feelings as I do.
Honestly, it’s no win.

broncosgirl's avatar

i have done both. When I have been loved more, I felt more secure. Now that I love more, it makes me feel insecure. I would love if the person I loved intensely loved me just as equally. I wonder what that is like!

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

In the few long term relationships I’ve had, the balance always fluctuated and in retrospect I’ve been wrong a few times. I’m going to be selfish and say I’d rather be loved more because I feel I need more assurances than other people. It’s strange that I think I give more until I slow way down and realize how many ways I am spoiled

filmfann's avatar

@broncosgirl welcome to fluther. lurve

rangerr's avatar

I’m currently in a relationship where I’m pretty sure I love him more.
I’m very comfortable with it, yet at the same time I wish it was more equal.

casheroo's avatar

I’ve experienced both. I think they both kind of suck. I think it’s best when it’s equal. Otherwise there’s pain or guilt or something.
I think it’s normal for one to love the other more, but it shouldn’t be exponentially more.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’m a giver. I tend to love more than am loved.

kheredia's avatar

I always think I’m the one who loves him more.. but then out of nowhere he does something that proves me wrong. I think we have a very loving relationship and I would never change it for anything in the world. (I know.. sounds cheesy)

Facade's avatar

I’d rather it be as equal as possible.

kibaxcheza's avatar

love doesnt exist
next topic

NewZen's avatar

You asked: Would you rather be the one who is loved more, or would you rather love your partner more? Why?

Balance is keyin a relationship. Without mutual caring, there can be no union. Love, and you shall be loved in return. Do not measure or quantify; love unconditionally – just as you do, @filmfann your spouse. She, in return, loves you and appreciates you.

skfinkel's avatar

Love seems to come in waves. And to each sometimes at the same time, sometimes, different times. The important part of this is that you both respect each other and this will work to get you through all the various times you will go through. You never know when you will fall in love all over again, and that is the marvelous and mysterious part of a long term relationship.

Resonantscythe's avatar

I’d rather be in a relationship where we love each other enough that it doesn’t matter. But if I had to choose I’d say loved more to see what it’s like.

markyy's avatar

@kibaxcheza I think we established that yesterday when you told us you kick you’re own brothers ass. Next user.

HGl3ee's avatar

Unconditional love can never be measured. Love with all your heart. Period. – LB

CMaz's avatar

Love will find a way.

Justnice's avatar

When I love, I love with all that I can. Currently I think that I love my boyfriend more than he loves me but it could just be that he doesn’t show it as well as I do. I’ve been in a relationship where the guy loved me more and honestly it was annoying so I’d rather be the one to love more

LuhvKiller's avatar

I wish I was loved as much As I love. But if it was changed then it wouldn’t be genuine. It makes the people who they are. I love my boyfriend more than he loves me, at least i feel that way because he doesn’t tell me as much as I tell him. Not just saying I love you, but showing me as well. he says he feels kinda weird sayin all that mushy stuff. Which he told me that before. So its weird. But when he does show it alot at one time It makes me feel so good. So it never gets old. And if i dont show it alot like i always do he thinks something is wrong with me.

LuhvKiller's avatar

@Justnice gosh me and you are totally in the same boat lol Its good to know that there is someone else with the same deal

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