Social Question

Jude's avatar

Ever have one of those days where you just don't feel like being social (when most times you are). Why do you think that is?

Asked by Jude (32210points) October 16th, 2009

I’m pretty social for the most part. Today, though, I have a day off, am running around doing errands and am coming across people who want to chit-chat. I really have no interest. I just want to get done what I am doing and get the fook away.

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24 Answers

Samurai's avatar

A kind of depression most likely. I’m normally always antisocial, but not depressed.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Usually I feel that way when I’m tired, or my toddler’s having a bad day, or I’m PMS-ing…Or whenever I just haven’t had enough caffeine!

Jude's avatar

Yeah, it could be that I’m tired/lack of caffeine for me, as well. Also, the cold, shitty weather doesn’t help either.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@jmah It’s been cold, damp, rainy here the past few days. When it’s like this, I just want to curl up in a shell.

Maybe head out to a bookstore, grap a cup o’ joe and get a new book?

Jude's avatar

@SpatzieLover That sounds like a good idea. =) Then come home and read my book by the fireplace. My girl will be off work later, so, we can cuddle. =)

jbfletcherfan's avatar

That happens to me sometimes. I don’t feel depressed, really, but I just want to be left alone! Hormones, I guess, LOL. I think everyone has those days.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@jmah The fireplace and candles have me back at :) a happy state, even when the weather sucks! Go find a good read! Maybe you can even surprise you girl with a little chocolate treat from the book shop, too.

fireinthepriory's avatar

Sometimes that happens to me when it’s rainy. I just want to sit at home and watch a movie with my cat… It makes me uninterested in going out and being social, even though normally I’m extremely social! It can also happen if I’ve just had a bad day in general. I tend to just go with it, and tell people I’m staying in, sometimes even if I had prior plans. If they want they can come watch a movie with me. I’d rather stay in than go out if I know I’ll be thinking the whole time about how I’d rather be home!

ru2bz46's avatar

I’m usually a bit anti-social, but if I’m feeling depressed, I tend to become more social and seek interaction from live people. Maybe you’re the opposite…

poofandmook's avatar

Happens to me a lot. I tend to lean toward anti-social anyway. Some days are worse than others, and it’s usually just because I’m worrying about something else.

eponymoushipster's avatar

i think everyone has those days. and i have them for people who don’t.

bah, humbug!

janbb's avatar

I can be very social and I can be very introverted. I don’t usually judge myself but go with whatever the feeling of the moment/day is. Because at work I interact with a lot of people through the day, on a day off or during the evening, I often just want to be alone and do my own thing.

loser's avatar

Yeah, I get like that too. In fact, I think I’m having one of those days right now.

noelasun's avatar

I’m usually really social, but that changes when 1. I’m really tired, 2. I’m swamped with work, or 3. worried about something.

I can’t have fun when there are other things on my mind making me feel harried. =/

saraaaaaa's avatar

I think it’s about breathing space. As much as being inside your own head too much can be bad I think it’s neccessary at times just to figure out what is happening and process information.

aprilsimnel's avatar

When I’m in that space and it’s an acquaintance or not-BFF, I put my hand on the person’s arm, get close enough to give them a good look in the eye, smile and say, “Listen, [friend], I would love to catch up with you, I’m just running ragged today, though, you know what I mean? I’ll FB message/email/text/call you tomorrow and we’ll arrange for some time to hang out, OK? <<<hug>>> You take care, now. Bye!”

With the BFF’s, I’m straight up, “BFF, I’m so not feeling social right now. Can we talk later? <<<hug>>> See ya.”

And then I can go with both them and me feeling good.

rooeytoo's avatar

I have always been like that. It is why I much prefer e mail to phone calls! Does it have something to do with zodiac sign, I am a cranky old capricorn.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I feel like that the most when something is frightening or worrying me regardless of how small (and it often is) that issue would be to another person who is slightly more rational than myself.

Kraigmo's avatar

A person eventually gets tired of sensory input, and needs a break. The more solitude they get, the more they cure the sensory overload.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I get in those moods from time to time. I try to steer clear of people so that I don’t treat anybody rudely when I don’t intend to. But it seems like everytime I’m in one of those moods, people flock around me! It’s like they sense it…

Blondesjon's avatar

Nobody can be on 24/7.

It is actually worse for those of us that are “on” a lot because when we have a moment when we’re not “on”, we get bombarded with, “What’s wrong?Is something the matter? Are you OK?”

Everybody Poops folks and that goes for the shitty end of your emotional spectrum as well.

SmellyBoy's avatar

I have definitely had days where I just don’t want to talk to anyone. I always find it strange because I won’t even have a will to talk/hang out with to people I normally enjoy being around. It’s a little scary when it happens to be honest, I always wonder if it’s a feeling that might come out one day and stay with me for a while rather than just a night or a day. The feeling usually goes away after I get a good night’s rest, thought I don’t believe it has to do with being over tired.

The best way to fight it I think is to just force yourself to talk to people, and if it’s too hard, go to sleep.

Resonantscythe's avatar

Sometimes you just need some you time. not because anything’s wrong, just because you do. Everyone needs to focus on themselves sometimes to stay mentally healthy.

LuhvKiller's avatar

Well i have Bi polar disorder and I sometimes want people around then sometimes i dont wanna be around anyone. Just varies.

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