Meta Question

Dr_C's avatar

How can I change my screen name on AIM?

Asked by Dr_C (14344points) October 16th, 2009 from IM

I’m using iChat for my AIM account and would like to see if there’s a way to change my pre-set screen name. I’ve tried through the AIM website and honestly have no clue how to do this. any help would be greatly appreciated.

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10 Answers

crunchaweezy's avatar

You can’t. I’ve tried it a few years back :p Create a new one.

Dog's avatar

Like @crunchaweezy I ended up signing up for a whole new account. I guess it is a bit like Fluther in that sense except there are no Gods to beg favors of.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Get a new one.

Mrs_Mr_Hill91's avatar

you cant its there forever

Mamradpivo's avatar

Isn’t the more important question: “why are you still using AIM?”

Dr_C's avatar

@Mamradpivo the quick answer to that question is because i communicate with some jellies through AIM and just started using it this year. Usually i’m on MSN. I will also tweet among other things.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Mamradpivo whats wrong with AIM?

granted i dont use AIM client, i use Pidgin. Though AIM isnt as popular as it once was, it still seems to be the most popular chat client.

buckyboy28's avatar

You can’t “change it” per se, but you can make a separate account and then link the two together. That way when you sign in with one, you automatically sign in with the other, and you can set the status message as something along the lines of “I changed my screen name to ______”. You can also save your buddy list to your computer and load it into your new account, so you will have identical buddy lists.

Dr_C's avatar

@buckyboy28 that is the best answer of the bunch! thank you so much!

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