Meta Question

Allie's avatar

If you were to quit Fluther with your current Fluther name and join with another, what would your new Fluther name be?

Asked by Allie (17551points) October 16th, 2009

As we’ve seen, some people have been giving up their old accounts and making new ones with new Fluther names. If you were to do this, what would your new Fluther name be?

Per a suggestion from J0E (or as I call him “jay-zero-eee”) mine would be BizarroAllie.

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100 Answers

J0E's avatar


I gotta admit, I like it.

gggritso's avatar

Mine would be ggg-goTime.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

I don’t know, but I think theacceptingbigot would be an interesting name.
I like irony.

nikipedia's avatar

I have been hoping loser would change his name for a long time. It isn’t very fitting.

I’d go with madefromstardust if it didn’t sound so emo.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

The Tourist

Capt_Bloth's avatar


J0E's avatar

I actually almost changed mine to ‘HeyJoe’ a few days back (notice the Jimi Hendrix avatar).

Dog's avatar

I would create the feminine version of my current ID. However I still feel people might not understand…

Allie's avatar

@Blondesjon Hahaha! I like it.

patg7590's avatar

Removed By Fluther Moderators

deni's avatar


CMaz's avatar


Facade's avatar

Probably just my name. I’m not very creative

rooeytoo's avatar

probably rooeyagain, or newroo, I like that one, NEWROO!

arnbev959's avatar

Oh, I dunno. I quite like petethepothead. Sometimes I shorten it to petetph, and I even went so far as to make a petethcpothead (get it, THC?) account, which I have never used. And I remember I once ran my name through an anagram generator and it came up with something pretty cool, but I can’t remember what it was.

But I don’t think I would want to change it. I can’t think of anything I’d like better.

DominicX's avatar

Well, I’ve already quit Fluther once and rejoined with this name. I suppose I could go with DominicY or DominicZ. After that, I’m lost. :P

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar


DarkScribe's avatar

The newest Zen

wildpotato's avatar

Wow, you must have picked up on my brainwaves. Or maybe I picked up on yours. I was thinking about asking this roughly 15 minutes ago :)

I’d probably go for forestGeek’s suggestion, bakedpotato.

pothead's avatar

This is actually kind of interesting. Doesn’t quite fit me though.

Adagio's avatar


Tink's avatar

@petethepothead I like petethepothead, it makes me smile when I see you crafting a response.

I am not creative at all, maybe something with Penguin in it.

chyna's avatar

@Tink1113 How about Happyfeet?

janbb's avatar

Pengy for me.

Blondesjon's avatar

@petethepothead . . .How about “philtheskilletarm”?

Tink's avatar

@chyna Ahhh my weakness! I love that movie!
@janbb One of my sisters has a Club Penguin and that’s her Penguins name.

deni's avatar

or rainbowgrapefruit

PretentiousArtist's avatar

I got it, I got it, I got it!

forestGeek's avatar

@Blondesjon – How did you know that was my name?

Sarcasm's avatar

I’d probably use one of the fake names I use elsewhere. That is to say, real names, but not my names like Walter.

holden's avatar


mine would be H_Caulfield.

jonsblond's avatar


KatawaGrey's avatar

I don’t know what I would do. I’m KatawaGrey everywhere else too. Probably something from Buffy or The Old Kingdom books (which are my favorites). Ooo, Sabriel’sOtherDaughter!

casheroo's avatar

I don’t handle change well. I never even thought of a different screenname I’d use. Possibly Sassafras. But I think it’s taken.

DominicX's avatar

Yeah, I’m wondering another thing that @KatawaGrey mentioned: are you guys members of other sites and do you use the same name? For some reason, I don’t really like to repeat names. I was Lelacdescyges on AIROW, DKdominic on, Dansedescygnes on Fluther at first, and dow DominicX. It’s kind of a pattern I’m noticing… :P

However, I’ve decided that I really like the letter “D” and that’s what I want my user names to start with mostly. Though I’ve also been known to use the name “Ichinenjuu”, which is my favorite Japanese word and means “all year long”.

patg7590's avatar

what i wanna know is, who the hell took patg?

deni's avatar

shit. how could i forget. snuffleupagus.

Judi's avatar

What makes you think I haven’t already?

fireinthepriory's avatar

I always use the same one, like @KatawaGrey. I’d pick fireinthepriory again.

Or, you know, “Bendrewim” has a nice ring to it… :D

forestGeek's avatar


MissAusten's avatar

Mine would be “I_don’t_know_what_emo_means.” That makes me seem old and out of touch, and I am certainly not old.

I bet if I came up with something right this second it would be bad. I’m a little bit drunk. Maybe “LittleBitDrunk” would be a good name.

tinyfaery's avatar

flowerface It’s my first ever online name. tinyfaery is second.

nikipedia's avatar

@MissAusten: From wikipedia: “In recent years emo has been associated with a stereotype that includes being emotional, sensitive, shy, introverted, or angst-ridden.”

And cheers! Have glass of wine in hand. Happy Friday.

patg7590's avatar

@cprevite since you took that, I reserve Rckt_Pwr

gailcalled's avatar

I am happy with gailcalled, but someone sitting on my lap would like to open his own account for milocalled.

wundayatta's avatar

If I were to quit and rejoin, it would because I was feeling like shit again. So I’d probably name myself something like Peesoph Sheetzu.

XOIIO's avatar


gailcalled's avatar

@Oldtimers: There’s always Jack_Adams.

XOIIO's avatar


SuperMouse's avatar

Either HouseMouse (my usual internet id), or princessbananahammock.

NewZen's avatar

I’ve been zen on two others in the past. I don’t even visit other sites while part of the collective – it would be a waste of time (and maybe like “cheating”) – however, topic topic topic: If I were to go to another site I’d stay zen if it were available. Not that I am zenlike – but because I wish I were more zenlike – and I’m always pleasantly surprised that it stays available!!!

DarkScribe's avatar

@NewZen _Not that I am zenlike _

Nor am I (but I am pretty handy with motorcycles.)

NewZen's avatar

@DarkScribe I suck at all things mechanical. I’m worse than a girl, and I am so gonna get it for that remark now – shit!

pikipupiba's avatar

cherry_poppin_pimp_daddy… seems to fit me well

NewZen's avatar

@pikipupiba How refreshingly unique.

Blondesjon's avatar


Tink's avatar

@NewZen Prepare for an ass-beatin’

NewZen's avatar

@Tink1113 {Not the mod} says: Take it into PM – or at least a thread not 150 answres long for a good fight. Thank you for your cooperation.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’ve had Spatzie~Lover as a user name on every site since I began using computers..It’d be too hard for me to remember a new name and to long for me to type in “EnglishSparrowBirdLover”

@NewZen I can rebuild small engines, can you?

NewZen's avatar

@SpatzieLover I can’t even rebuild my image. I am useless at mechanics and engineering, and have trouble with Papier Mache.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@NewZen I see. Well, that makes me think I can take you down in one punch or less on Wii boxing ;D

NewZen's avatar

@SpatzieLover You are turning me on. Meet ya in PM?

Tink's avatar

@SpatzieLover BURN! (lurve for Wii reference)

NewZen's avatar

@eponymoushipster I’d hate you. Just saying. May as well call yourself hitler.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@NewZen hitler? he didn’t even exist!~

NewZen's avatar


augustlan's avatar

@Allie I totally thought you would say Rufus.

To actually answer the question… I don’t have a clue. I’ve been augustlan for so long (everywhere), I don’t think I’d answer to any other name! Hmm. I am boring. :(

XOIIO's avatar

@zen damn… @newzen how do you feel about having to regain all your lurve? I had only hoped to achieve as much as you did, but now you have less… I feel so… Lost 

Allie's avatar

@augustlan HOLY FUCK!!! What was I thinking?!!?! I change my answer to Rufus. Sorry, jay-zero-eee, your suggestion is a damn close second.

AstroChuck's avatar

I’ve always wanted to be called that. Diane the pretty girl.

Dr_C's avatar


Sarcasm's avatar

That seem’s much more exciting than Jeff Goldbloom’s.

XOIIO's avatar

No, I change my answer. I’d use ”” just to piss off anyone who tries to reply LL!

ekans's avatar

Well, everyone knows that ekans naturally evolves into arbok at level 22. Once I get to level 22 whatever that means, I guess I’ll have to change.

YARNLADY's avatar

One of my contacts on another site suggested “Queen of YARNIA” for mine, and I like it.

shego's avatar


NewZen's avatar

@XOIIO Lurve shmurve.

cookieman's avatar

@gailcalled: Hah! And I thought 90s_Kid would raise a few eyebrows. Good old Jack.

janbb's avatar

Remember it’s Jack_Adams

September 9, 2007 10 a.m.

boffin's avatar


wildpotato's avatar

@SpatzieLover Oh, is that what a Spatzie is? An English sparrow?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@wildpotato __Yes, Spatzie is a German term of endearment. It’s short for the word Spatzen which stands for sparrow (in Europe they don’t call them English Sparrows)_

wildpotato's avatar

@SpatzieLover Ah, gotcha. I thought Spatzie was the name of the wingèd baby in your avatar picture. Thanks, I really like that word.

MacBean's avatar


NewZen's avatar

NewNewZen will be the next one, in about 2500 lurve from now. Then NewNewnewZen at 20k. Then I start again with InfantZen.

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