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Iclamae's avatar

What's steampunk?

Asked by Iclamae (2414points) October 16th, 2009

I’m going to run a Steampunk role playing game next month. My players don’t know what steampunk is and I don’t know how to describe it to them. How would you describe or “show” steampunk to someone? Can you think of examples from the genre?

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10 Answers

evegrimm's avatar

Both of the Hellboy movies have steampunk aspects, although the second is more obvious about it.

You could also read some Lovecraft, as he often ties in with Steampunk (and Victorian) stories; so does Holmes.

Here are some of the novels listed by Wikipedia as Steampunk. Here is a book of short stories that combines Holmes and Steampunk.

Girl Genius is supposed to be steampunk (I haven’t read it).

A lot of Elizabeth Bear, Neil Gaiman, Philip Pullman and Chris Wooding have steampunk elements.

Here are some art objects that might give you some inspiration.

Some short films that are listed as steampunk.

Links galore.

Beautiful steampunk-style watches.

A quick search on DeviantArt will yield hundreds of results.

And, of course, there is the Steampunk Dalek and the Steampunk TARDIS.

I think it’s enough to get you started!

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Think “Jules Verne”.
The setting of steam punk is 19th-early 20th century where very futuristic devices and superhuman technology is all steam powered vs electricity.

For example, here’s what many Star Wars steampunk characters might look like.

andrew's avatar

Isn’t Diamond Age seminal steampunk?

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@andrew I think that’s more along the lines of Cyberpunk which is like William Gibson and Philip K. Dick’s works.

andrew's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic Set in victorian england?

Edit: Ah yes. ‘post-cyberpunk’. You’re right.

sdeutsch's avatar

Tell them to watch a few episodes of Warehouse 13 – all the little technological gadgets they use are steampunk!

Ria777's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic: proto-cyberpunk in the case of PKD. actually, if you want proto-cyberpunk Samuel R. Delany and Alfred Bester.

Shuttle128's avatar

It’s a melding of Victorian era style with industrial revolution tech.

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