How do I stop being a sissy?
I have for the last ten years or so developed into a fully grown sissy.
I used to love watching horror flicks, but nowadays I am more or less afraid of them. Not like afraid afraid, I just feel that…well, that scare moment you know…when the monster or whatever jumps out of the closet…okay, I am scared of being scared. That wasn’t the case when I was younger.
As soon as it gets cold outside and we get ice on the ground, I kinda feel like a retired old man. I walk slowly, with my feet apart, in order not to slip. If I would feel a little bit crazy I would ride my bike, but I would keep my hand on the break and ever so slowly move forward in order not to fall…
I am a bit afraid of speed and heights…
When a woman I think is attractive I become very shy and end the conversation quickly…
I rather surrender in conflicts and arguments than actually stand up for myself…
So, I don’t like being a sissy. I wish I were more of…well, a man? Is there anything to do about this or do I just have to live with it? Is it a sign of me getting old (I’m only 34…)?
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50 Answers
Just do all those things you are afraid of. You’re not more of a sissy, you are just giving into your fear, while when you were younger you chose enjoyment or excitement over fear.
I seem to have the same affliction. I think it’s a progression. I remember jumping into the pool with as much gusto as anyone, back-flipping and jumping on the head etc. Now I step into the pool in a careful and dignified manner, and it’s not because I’m feeling more grown up, it’s because I’m a…. sissy and scared of hurting myself in an unspecified manner. The same with riding a bicycle and loads of other activities.
Maybe sissyness is just something than comes naturally as we age. I try to counteract it but find myself wondering if it’s worth it. I just a quite and nice life without angst.
Sounds like me. I just call it early-middle-age syndrome.
will power I guess. it’s all about putting yourself out of your comfort zone as often and as long as you can.
It sounds to me like you’ve developed a sense of discernment. It comes with being responsible for others, which, as a teacher, you are. When you’re aware of horror and conflict that you can’t control, why go looking for it as entertainment or in an argument? How inconvenient would it be to fall or injure yourself? Why not err on the side of caution and avoid the potential inconvenience an injury would create?
You can get past it by putting yourself outside your comfort zone as @ABoyNamedBoobs03 suggested, if you really want to.
Let’s start a sissy club: “real men are also sissies” or “sissyboys unite”: PM me for details and snacks at 4 p.m., dear.
Do something reckless and stupid. If you survive: congratulations you’re not a sissy anymore, if you don’t survive: what a way to go. If that’s too big of a step for you, try calling someone on Fluther a dickhead (a bit more subtle perhaps) and defend your statement (play devil’s advocate if you must).
In other words: Step out of that protective shell you build all this time. It’s not sissy to protect yourself, it’s smart, we all do it. But you do need to peek outside every once in a while.
@jazzjeppe I suffer from the same “sissiness.” I’m a woman and somewhat older so it’s probably more acceptable in some ways by societal standards. I’ve always been scared of horror movies so that’s nothing new. But I do think since 9/11 and other real horrors have become possibilities in my life, I have no need of seeing violence, disasters or cruelty depicted in movies. I also have grown more tentative about walking and driving on ice.
I don’t think you have to try to get over all these inhibitions. but maybe work on the ones that are negatively impacting your life. For me, they have been driving (since I was in a bad accident and sued) and travelling alone. I have gradually regained some confidence in driving by pushing myself – although I don’t drive in very busy areas. I have also started travelling at times with a group of women (rather than only my husband) and by myself at times, and that is helping me regain my sense of independence and competence.
So I guess what I am suggesting is that instead of labeling everything together under the perjorative term of sissiness, you look at each issue separately and see which you want to work on and which you can just accept as a change in yourself as you become more mature.
@Cartman Are you calling me a dickhead?~
Which behaviors would you most like to change? Pick one or two and try to gradually take greater risks. I would think that being able to stand up for yourself might be high on your list. As @markyy suggested, Fluther may be a good place to start. You don’t have to go around insulting people, but you can try to express your opinion on various things and, if you encounter opposition, try defending yourself.
As for walking on ice, why not deliberately allow yourself to fall. You might want to wear a little extra padding. Try walking a little bit faster than you usually do and allow for the possibility that you might fall. If you are prepared for a fall and you are walking on level ground, if you do actually fall, you will see that it does not hurt all that much.
To speak to attractive women, you might prepare in advance something you want to say and see how far you can get.
I think I would make a good member of the sissy club, but I’m too shy to ask.
PM invites being sent out to all you sissies. Join the sissy club today, snacks @ 4 PM (Eastern Standard time – not Dutch time.)
Thanks Captain. Who’s bringing the crabcakes and cocktails?
From the details you included in your question, I would not say you are a sissy, I’d say you have become more cautious and mature. You realize that falling on the ice can cause a possible long term injury, so you walk slower and more carefully. The same applies for your fear of speed and heights. As far as baking off in a disagreement, you have probably decided that it’s not worth getting stressed over, so you end it quicker.
I think people naturally lose interest in horror films as they age. They don’t seem to have the fascination in the gore as they did when they were a teenager. Also younger people seem to have more bravado, and be bolder in what they do than people who have grown and matured. As you mature, you become more discerning, which I think it a natural thing. So I don’t think you are less “manly” because of the things you mentioned, just more mature.
But if you want to change some of the less dangerous things, ie talking to an attractive woman, find one in a social setting, and walk up to her and start a converstaion. You don’t have to ask her out if you don’t want to, just practice talking to her/them, and you should find it easier to do the more you do it! Good luck!
make a stealth account and just start pissing people off.
that seems to be all the rage these days…
@scamp GA! It has never occurred to me that I could practice talking to girls by going up and talking to them, without trying hook up with them.
@Capt_Bloth ha ha!! yeah, and they might even answer you!! I know that was pretty dumb. I haven’t had my coffee yet. The rest of my post was ok tho, right? Or was it? maybe I’d better re-read it!
@scamp honestly, I thought it was brilliant, no sarcasm intended. The rest of your post is also sound advice, but I like calling myself a sissy.
@Capt_Bloth Oh, I thought you were teasing me! Thanks again for the compliment.
@scamp I looked at my post again, and I can see how it would be taken the wrong way. It looks pretty stupid the way I wrote it.
@Capt_Bloth, nah.. don’t worry. I was just playing with you. It was all in good fun. I hope I didn’t upset you. if I did, I apologize
@scamp Not at all
@NewZen Yes, we established that. There is even a support group : )
@Capt_Bloth Support group? It’s a social club. And where were you? (Hands on hips)
@NewZen I’m a sissy. I need support.
Where was I? PM me for details and snacks at 4 p.m., dear. I still have 2 hours 20 minutes. I haven’t even iced the cupcakes yet.
OIC – the time dif. will be a problem. It’s tomorrow already here. I need a DeLaurean.
[Not mod says] Derailing a serious thread. Can you take it outside? :-)
Get drunk and do some stupid shit. At least you won’t feel like a sissy.
Err… May not be the best characterization of “Manliness”...
Is nominating himself (a very non-sissy thing to do) as Queen of the Sissies.
I guess I’m an alpha sissy.
@scamp said it all for me, well done. Lurve.
@Blondesjon You can join our Sissy Club. We say woohoo when we meet each other. Snacks and *cock*tails tomorrow at 1700.
Would you please take minutes of the second meeting? Thanks, luv.
I am amazed no one brought up the ultimate quotation to cover this sort of situation, “Discretion is the better part of valor.” I find myself using it more and more as I age. And most of the time it is true and valid.
However this is my major area of sissiness or lack of guts as I like to call it, since sissiness has a sexist connotation to, I want to learn how to surf but I am scared. I am not a great swimmer and I am half afraid of water. Soon I hope to be moving to an area where it is safe to get in the water and there are some decent waves, I really want to overcome my fear but I just don’t know. Maybe I will have to content myself with boogey boarding the small ones closer to shore. I am such a wimp.
By the way, I don’t think it has anything to do with “manliness” or lack thereof, it is called acting like an adult or at least, not like a kid. I don’t know what to say about the woman thing, I have never had much luck with adult members of the opposite sex, but I get along great with dogs!
@proXXi Thanks for the lurve and the compliment. I lurved you back!
I love this thread. When’s the next sissy club meeting?
And what should we spineless creatures call ourselves? The name Fluther has already been taken
(Tea and crumpets in this thread tomorrow 4 p.m.)
@NewZen I keep missing these meetings, what time zone are you in?
You are allowing your fears to rule you and make your decisions. If you’re okay with that, then don’t do anything. I have a strong aversion to letting my problems beat me. There’s nothing worse than having your issues win! For me, that is the impetus that keeps me highly motivated to work on my problems until they are handled. Your motivation might be different. If you’re not okay with your problem kicking your ass around the block like a punk, then it’s time to take a more proactive stance and put an end to it.
Are the sissy club meetings still going on? I’ll join but only if we have truth or dare time too.
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