What would make you be ashamed of your own sex/gender?
I am not sure about the differences in the use of sex and gender, hence the slash in the title.
Anyhoo, there are times when I feel ashamed of being a man and that’s when I see men behaving really badly.
When was the last time, if you have, felt ashamed about being “what you are”, if you don’t mind? What happend?
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37 Answers
metal balls attached to a pickup truck’s hitch.
There is no shame in testicular pride.
I think truckticles are funny:
Think of them like some view abortions: If you’re against them, don’t have one.
I don’t think I really ever feel ashamed of my gender/sex. It’s not my problem what other men do and frankly, I don’t like it when people take an example of bad behavior in some men and use it as a means of judging all men. Same goes for women, of course. I know that I get upset when I hear about yet another rape or how judgmental men can be of gay guys or so-called “not real men”, but I don’t really ever feel ashamed of my gender. It has nothing to do with me and I don’t have to partake in any of that bad behavior and I’m still a man and I wouldn’t want to be lumped together with the others just because we have the same type of genitalia.
@proXXi—You don’t have to look at other people’s abortions. You do have to look at the fake balls hanging off the back of their penile compensation enormous trucks.
Penile compensation or what someone used to tow the corn that your Cheetos are made of.
@MacBean . . .You get your Georgia O’ Keefe paintings and Vagina Monologues, we get big trucks and testicular representations.
And if we are compensating for our penis with ours what in God’s name are you all compensating for with yours?
I wouldn’t say that I have ever been ashamed of my gender. However I have been ashamed of people who share my gender and how they make it look/reinforce stereotypes (i.e. Brittany Spears flashing her girl parts to the world).
Nothing. Never. Sometimes the behavior of some women makes me feel embarrassed for them, but they never make me ashamed of being a woman. I’m more likely to see behavior that makes me ashamed of my species, not my sex.
If I were a woman I’d be ashamed of the premise of every Lifetime Channel movie.
I am sometimes ashamed of having a penis.
Oh, wait, no I’m not.
As a woman who is also a feminist, I find that Sarah Palin makes me cringe.
@Blondesjon: When someone reproduces a Georgia O’Keefe painting on their car or forces you to watch The Vagina Monologues against your will, come back and try again.
Also, I’m not a part of that “you all,” thanks. I’m not part of any “you all” when it comes to gender.
“I’m not part of any “you all” when it comes to gender”.
How shall we outlaw truckticles?
I don’t think they should be outlawed at all. I think they’re a great way to pinpoint people I want to avoid at all costs.
@MacBean . . .methinks it doth protest too much.
“Ashamed” isn’t really the right word, but there are certainly times (most of the time) when I freakin’ hate the dirtbag guys out there who make us decent guys look bad. The liars, scammers, & players who make it so that many women have to assume every guy is a jackass until proven otherwise. They make my life harder by being such jerks. >-(
I’m with MacBean on the truckticles. As if there already aren’t enough phallic references everywhere you go in this country. Or any country.
But why should I be ashamed of my gender? I much more often feel ashamed of my race, which makes just as little sense. But to feel shame is to assume guilt for myself and I have no control over the things that other people do.
I have never felt shame because of my sex or my gender, my shame comes from being part of the human race. When I saw Schindler’s List I left the movie theater ashamed to be human being, to be associated with a group of people that could do such hideous things.
@syz Nothing could make me ashamed of being a woman, but Sarah Palin makes me cringe, too.
I just saw someone with hot pink truckticles. What is that about?
I have never been ashamed to be a woman. And even though I am thrilled to not have been born with a penis, those that have one should not be ashamed either.
women who seem to be only interested in talking about pregnancy, relationship, boyfriends, and know nothing about politics, science or any issues that require intellectual thinking.
I am not ashmed of being a teen girl in any way. The only thing that really drives me up the wall and makes my skin crawl is when guys say “all teens are horny sluts who cant keep their pants on.” This is not true in any way. Guys need to see that not every girl is a slut, and some only do it with special people.
On the flip side girls need to see that not every guy is going to “hump an dump” and gain some more trust in some good guys out there.
Not ashamed but I hate it when it’s assumed that the girls all want to go shopping and get their hair and nails done while the guys are watching football. I want to hang with the guys!
As this thread lenghtens I read about those that hate themselves for their race and even species.
I just don’t fall for the self loathing thing.
Then again, I never bought parachute pants either.
There are a lot of stereotypes of females that have a portion of truth in them and when women behave in those stereotypical ways, it makes me feel badly for them and for the others who are trying to dispel those generalizations.
I guess the same could be said of men.
I am not ashamed to be a woman. I am, however, ashamed to be lumped into the same category as those women who use their periods as an excuse to act like total bitches. When I have my period, I hurt as much as the rest of you, more than some, less than others, I too have gross crap pouring out of me, and I have to pee all the time. I suck it up, however. Because of women like that, I get all kinds of nastiness from my male friends if they find out I have my period.
I remember one lovely time when a guy I didn’t like was bugging me right after I got my tattoo and was in enormous pain because it was cold and my coat was pressed right up against it. Naturally, I wasn’t all that nice to him and when I told him I was in pain he asked me if I had my period. I exploded. I am a lovely person when I have my period.
certainly ashamed of some people on this thread
I identify with being human more than with being any gender so I’m not ashamed of any gender in particular just people, certain people and their ideas and what they do with those ideas…
If another male acts like a dick, that has no bearing on me at all. I don’t see how I could be ashamed of being a man simply because some other guy does something dumb.
Approximately half the population are men, and half women. Some individuals who do stupid things are men, and some individuals who do stupid things are women. I’m not responsible for them, nor is my self-image altered by their actions.
@airowDee I see where you’re going with your comment but to be fair talking about pregnancy or relationships can be intellectual a lot of the time…depends on what you’re talking about in terms of those concepts…and one can certainly discuss politics or science in a totally dumbass way
Yes I should have been more specific on what i was referring to. Some women just like to talk about pregnancy, abortion or men because they have nothing to rehashing some tired trite topics.
I never feel ashamed of my gender. I do cringe when people from other groups I identify with do stupid, harmful, or criminal acts.
I hate it whenever a woman says “If women ruled the world…”
Or makes some other smug generalization about men.
It’s like they decided the way to be liberated women was to adopt the airs of superiority men used to have towards women.
Females who act like bimbos for attention. Maybe for attention, I can’t say. but the girls who will downgrade themselves for the sake of popularity or the “I don’t care what happens” kind of girl. Not healthy.
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